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The bitter fruits of induced ignorance : Comments
By Ken Macnab, published 11/3/2014By analysing contested arenas such as global climate change, military secrecy, and racial ignorance, they showed that ignorance in these areas was the outcome of cultural and political struggles.
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Hence we still have a flat earth society, and a small cadre of folks, who actually believe Australia, one of the largest single land masses in the world, is over populated. And some who just want to return to the good old days.
I can remember a time when most folks made do with hand-me-downs, went without shoes, walked or cycled to work or school, got by with a single meal a day, lived in tin shanties, with dirt floors, with no running water, or toilet facilities, went to bed with a belly growling with hunger. Or did the 7 day, sweat drenched, bent back dawn to dark gut bust, to earn just enough to survive!
Yes, they were the good old days, when far fewer of us were on the planet!
On the other hand, with more of us, we now have more services and options, and our formerly nonexistent safety network replaced with a real one!
The only people going hungry nowadays, are those who inject their welfare up their arms, or piss it against some wall, or pour it into some pokie somewhere, etc excetera and so on!
And the most ignorant of all, are those folk, who think our foreign aid, is just wasted money, even as they pour another beer down their necks, to swell already swollen bellies, or give yet another tug on the arm of a money gobbling, one armed bandit, etc excetera and so on!