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The Forum > Article Comments > Andrew Bolt simply does not understand Marxism > Comments

Andrew Bolt simply does not understand Marxism : Comments

By Tristan Ewins, published 24/2/2014

In response to Andrew: You're entitled to your opinion as a conservative to oppose Marxism, or leftism in general. But get your facts straight.

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The maggots I was referring to were the abusive lefties in the links I provided showing the debased behaviour of the left in Australia Mr Warren. But if you are happy to accept the description then be my guest.

Mr Warren has referred to Monbiot's coverage of the British response to the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. These descriptions of alleged British torture are not true. I suppose Mr Warren will be dragging out stories of British cruelty to the fun-loving lefties of the IRA next.

Contrary to Mr Warren's atrocious list of atrocities it is the left who are anti-semitic, racist and oppressive:

In Australia one only has to look at how the left treat and describe the aboriginals who do not subscribe to their view of them as the noble savage/victim.

And look at how the left treat the Jews.

What racists they are.

The Nazis were green socialists:

The Nazis like all the left were elitists who regarded anyone not of their type to be inferior. The same tactics are used by the left today in the West. Anyone who disagrees with them is scorned and threatened:

We have seen the left threaten our rights to information with Finkelstein, and our right to democracy with people like Hamilton stating democracy should be overthrown.

It is the left who have sponsored the mass influx of muslim illegals and who support them throughout the Western world. This is understandable since the terrors of the left, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Zedong, Kim Jong-un shared the desire within the religious tyranny of islam to oppress people. Like attracts like.

The author has raised the concept of pluralism and shows he misunderstands it. Pluralism is not the defining characteristic of a Western secular democracy; it is at best a product of it. The contradiction of pluralism is well demonstrated in the PC notion of multi-culturalism [MC].

The only culture characteristic necessary for our democracy is an acceptance of that democratic structure. Muslims do not accept that structure and neither do the left.
Posted by cohenite, Monday, 24 February 2014 12:52:02 PM
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I don't always agree with Tristan, but will argue that Tristan is indeed a passionate and articulate writer who represents the important role played by the left.

The mixed economy, while likely to be under reform here and maybe abroad in coming years, is here to stay. Hence, the efforts of people like Tristan will remain important in helping promote the fair society given that no individual or school of thought has a monopoly on truth or a prescription for the perfect society. If such know alls exist, please point to them.

As far as I recall, most Liberals also support a decent social welfare system.

I don't think any of us are that smart that we should ever insult any writer making an effort (at his or her own cost) to promote a message. And given that Tristan is a passionate advocate for the vulnerable, the language of criticism should indeed be tempered.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 24 February 2014 1:02:21 PM
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Graham Young. Please do not be discouraged by this latest example of a cogently argued point of view swamped by the ideologues with predictable prejudices, instead of forensic analysis. Those who believe that Stalin and Mao ran Marxist regimes are as ignorant as Bolt and those who assert that the Nazi National Socialist Party- supported by Krupp and IG Farben-was "Socialist". Communists, by the way- long before Jews- were the first into concentration camps.
Posted by Leslie, Monday, 24 February 2014 1:02:38 PM
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I reckon it pretty hard to describe most people as being left or right, besides some of the do-gooders in universities who seem to be sympathetic to every sad plight on earth, at least in what they teach or write.

In terms of cultural and foreign policies I am sympathetic to the right, yet other issues I am more to the left in that I support basic health and education services for 'all' Australians.

One can also respect Marx and remain scathing of anything 'totalitarian'. I have always been scathing of supposed superior opinion, whether it be a govt or a chief justice of the High Court
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 24 February 2014 1:17:15 PM
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On lookers you have to feel sorry for people like "cohenite" he/she just doesn't get the hang of reality.
A thinking person is aware of their own failings as they are of others.
A thinking person is aware that left and right are pretty board labels.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 24 February 2014 1:17:58 PM
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Hi Tristan,

First. Since this is your response to Andrew Bolt it seems reasonable that you should take this up with him first. He is one of the most accessible journalists in Australia, he is open, responsive, honest and humble. He also has a massive intellect, understandably this may be a little daunting for someone like you.

You say, << And No I didn't write to Bolt personally, but I did send a letter in to the Herald-Sun which they did not publish.>> Ah diddums, bottled it hey?

When you have found a backbone, the courage and a cogent case to present to Andrew, perhaps then you will get back to us and let us know what it was like in the lions den. Wimp.

The rest of your response has already degenerated into incomprehensible gibberish, platitudes and rhetoric. A word of advice, don’t try that on Bolter.

In response to why teach Marxism?

You reply << Because it is of historical importance >>. To which many might ask, important to whom?

Like all good progressives, a few little questions and the “platitude dispenser” and the “rhetoric engine” splutter to a halt.

Just like Aristotle’s Ethos, “Listen to me, I’m important, would I lie to you?” It is almost as if you take yourself seriously. Public exposure has left the majority of Australian’s “tuned” to, and aware of progressive nonsense. You are proselytizing to a shrinking band of converts. No other Australians are listening.

Don’t forget to let us know how you get on with Andrew Bolt. As if?
Posted by spindoc, Monday, 24 February 2014 1:20:24 PM
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