The Forum > Article Comments > Yes, a jobs crisis is building > Comments
Yes, a jobs crisis is building : Comments
By Syd Hickman, published 17/2/2014Abbott believes it is all about individual firms, dud managers and greedy workers. Let them go broke and the economy magically creates new jobs.
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What is wrong with these western people calling themselves developed.They robbed people all over the world for centuries and are still continuing to do that.Always cry,jobs are going out, goods are dumped from overseas etc etc.So, what they want?Looting spree.Can't see countries whose wealth they looted,killed them,destroyed cultures and civilisation ,language and what not but not satisfied.
Posted by bulla, Monday, 17 February 2014 2:46:04 PM
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when keating wanted to borrow..[correct me if im wrong/after all 'you were there] but keaTING..wanted to borrow..[10 BILION]..FROM COMMONWEALTH BANK] noworries said commonwealth bank..we will lend it to you for 3.25 percent interest..fine said keating but..BUT..THE IMF..[OR SOME OTHER TALING organization..said no..[intrest will be 12.5 percent..and youwill sell off the common wealth for 9 billion] you and he did correct the record..if im wrong but undeniable is you sold it..for 9 billion yet today..[ok yesterday]..common wealth bank paid dividend..of 4 point 5 billion] in just onE elites get paid..100 percent intrest[for what wAS STOLEN..FROM US ALL..[TELL US PLEASE AUTHOR..rE THE SELLING OFF OF THE state banks. im sorry i didnt notice who you were earlier its time yoU EXPOSED THE TRUTH..bought bac in the fix[ie isue our own money../in coin..[the only lawful tender read..federal constitution..115+] gOVT MUST FOLlow its own rules IF IT BINDS THE STATE..I GT BINDS THE fed..full-stoP. GOVT HAS The lawful duty/ issue ITS OWN WEALTH..FOR THE COMMONERS..[PS Debasing COIN=TREASON].. INFORM HER MAJESTY IMMEDIATELY. OR ALLOW ME TO DO IT 6 MAY..OK? add to other demands next court date=6 may johannine* catch 22..EXPOSE THE ROOT OF OUR Problem..[your a spin meister apPARENTLY ..well stop spinning..and lets get back at the ones sinning Posted by one under god, Monday, 17 February 2014 3:31:41 PM
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you know of we watched the clinton show
while congress was deleting all the rules..that got is into this miss stop spinning/begin truthing hockey already tried paying 9 BORROWED CASh payola to the fed simply..issue one 10 billion dollar coin..and buy iT back failing TO DO//that your clearly able to do compounds the treason..i wil be informing hrh of 6 may...[ID PREFER I DONT NEED TO SAy nothin..but im obligated to see this through. no-one can blame you/keating[after all these mob killed jfK..AND MANY OTHER PRESIDENTS..JFK SIMPLY FOR DARING TO WRITE PRESIDENTIAL ORDER NO 11,110..[BUT NOw the debt will break us all usa tax paYERS OWE 2 QUADRILLION DOLLARS[OVER 1 MILLION EACH].. why/how?..please feel free to explain.[que warrentO/..BY WHAT RIGHT?] IT Too could simply REVALUE ITS COIN/CLEAR THE DEBT [LEST WE FORGET UNDER WRITTEN DEBT/SO YOU SEE WHY INSURANCe is advertising for cash flow WHAT NEXT BAILIN? BUT BANKERS DONT HOLD THE ASSETS..[SHARE'S IN EMPTY VAULTS that will need a better plan..that using our super TO BUY empty bankS. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME WE KNOW What happend..but wHAT REALLY IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT..IS GENOCIDE..[YOU WANT THAT GUILT ON Top..of all you allowed to happen? tIMES HAVE CHanged,..we need heroes who know where the real thieves hid their loot.[see my transaction tax comments]OUBLE FOR TRUSTS AND ALL OTHER NON LIVING ENTITIES. BRINGBACK THE COIN AGE AS IF STILLRELLY GOLD/SILVER..coin by deeming..AND PROCLamation..immediatly her royal highness has trialed..the UDEA..BY MINTING her own high VALUE COIN. ITS LAWFUL AND ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO..FOR THE PEOPLE IT BEGINS BY GOVT ISSUING [in coin]..say one billion then hrh 'LEVERAGES'..IT BACK TO TRUE HISTORIC value...THATS ALL FAIR IS FAIR..YOUR INCOMPITANCE/COMPLICITYSET THIS UP. Posted by one under god, Monday, 17 February 2014 3:36:48 PM
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...I have just finished reading a great book by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb entitled “Antifragil”; (things that gain from disorder).
...After reading that book, I now seriously suspect all LNP policy is scripted on its’ contents! ...And welcome home "oneundergod" Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 February 2014 4:54:44 PM
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There are plenty of jobs in Australia. There just aren't enough people with sufficient brains to perform the work. Lazyness is another major factor besides no value for money bureaucrats.
Posted by individual, Monday, 17 February 2014 6:10:59 PM
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History shows that when economies collapse they take us to war. The Ukraine is the next country the USA is de-stabilising to put their missile shield there,like Russia did in Cuba. An ex Russian General already considers Russia to be at war with the West. Our oligarchs don't care about a nuke war since they have their underground cities ready and think the world is too over populated. We are dealing with psychopathic nutters. Russia has been purging the shadow banking system of Western parasites and taking back resources/energy. This is why they must be invaded. We lost our monetary sovereignty under Hawke and Keating and Howard continued the sell out of this country. It is called Agenda 21 or total serfdom. So wake up people, the major political parties are just puppets of the banking ,military industrial complex. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 18 February 2014 6:32:22 AM