The Forum > Article Comments > Toyota, closures and protectionism > Comments
Toyota, closures and protectionism : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 13/2/2014Australia is hardly immune to the protectionist bug – after all, the mining industry is sheltered and protected by an assortment of schemes that would, in the main, be regarded as distorting to the market. It is, after all, Australia's golden calf.
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Based on government stats year ending 2011
Australia's employed numbers are 11.5 million and .7 million unemployed and I would conservatively estimate a similar amount who because of government or circumstance have got themselves unto disability pensions or just given up trying to get a job.
Thus a total available workforce of let's say 13 million of our population of 22 million, or in percentage terms 56%
Now the figures provided by the ABS are % based on 11. 5million figure - so adjustments need to made.
20% agriculture, forestry, fishing, manufacturing, mining and construction
11%utilities, transport warehousing wholesale, technical support
2% media entertainment, telco
5%hospitality tourism
5% health excluding social welfare
5% retail -reduced from 10%
10%finance, rent and professional services
20% government admin, policing, defence, social, arts, etc
Please note I have halved the retail figure and added the 5% reduction to the idle as the retail sector is so casualised, full of part timers and the official figures have them employed even if they only work an hour a week.
Now is my 20% of productive and 80% unproductive so outrageous? Our industry is effectively 20% the services to enable that industry 11%. But even with in these figures it does not take into account how much government red tape and regulation encumberes our core industry and core services. At any rate what we have is less then 4 million who provide every product and core service for 22 million.
Given these facts, the libertarian, Austrian or even classical and Keynesian argumentation misses the point. We need a whole new paradigm. And when your ready we can discuss the whole crazy debt system - by then you should be at least semi conscious.