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Is this history more important than ANZAC Day? : Comments
By Sussan Ley, published 12/2/2014It fits the easy 'brave men versus villains' way we are taught to judge the world. It makes us look at life through the prism of what should be, rather than what is.
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Today only a few days after the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Voyager/Melbourne Disaster, (a peacetime incident) we have many of the survivors still awaiting compensation. I know several, as I was living in the Navy flats, downstairs below the family of one of the sailors killed that night. My Godfather was one of the Voyager survivors.
As I write, we have many veterans from Vietnam, 1st Gulf War, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. They & their families are still waiting for "assessments of", let alone adequate compensation for injuries, debriefings from active service, and still the families wait and suffer. The whirlwind that is awaiting harvest from inadequate, ineffective, and plainly wrong practices of debriefing or even caring for still serving and 'ex' service persons by the ADF and the Crown Government today, has yet to be visited upon the populace.
I pray that the families who are yet to be affected, & the good men and women who proudly wore their uniforms and carried out their masters bidding are looked after, not thrown away and discarded as they have been up until now.
The book 'Exit Wounds' written by one of my former comrades in arms - John Cantwell, gives a great insight into what has been the status quo, and the state in which the 'State' leaves those who gave their all. A few beers, a government paid for sausage sizzle/bbq & we are then packed off home from the front after serving our country to be told - " Well done good and faithful servant..."
You have served your country, you have done your best! There should be no gravy trains handed out to parliamentarians who are mostly looking out for their own interests on the main, until the Sailors, Soldiers & Airmen are properly looked after.