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Abbott already a dud : Comments
By Syd Hickman, published 17/1/2014Let's begin the year with a big prediction. Tony Abbot will not lead the Coalition to the next election.
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What a load of rubbish this piece is!It starts out with a big call, that Abbott will be replaced , and then fails utterly to make the case for the prediction. Frankly its just a piece of wishful thinking from the anti Abbott brigade that is just confirmation bias made manifest.
Posted by Iain, Friday, 17 January 2014 7:34:27 AM
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Well…. of COURSE Abbott is a dud already!
For as long as he tows the absurd economic rationalist line of very rapid continuous growth with no end in sight, he’ll be a total dud. What we desperately need in this country is to steadily reduce immigration down to net zero and to head towards a stable population, so that the demand for everything (all manner of goods, services, resources, healthy environment, etc) can actually stop forever increasing…. and thus we can have some hope of getting the supply side up to scratch. THIS is the most fundamental point in the management of a healthy nation, with a high quality of life and a healthy economy that can be maintained in an ongoing manner. Instead of this, we get the utterly absurd situation where all growth is seen as good…. even when it is blatantly obvious that there are huge downsides. Rapidly increasing the demand for everything comes out on the positive side of the economic ledger in the minds of our nutcase politicians and economists (read: pseudoeconomists or downright merchants of false economics!) We’ve got to get it through our heads that a stabilisation or at least a much lower rate of growth of the demand side of the equation is ESSENTIAL, so that all the massive effort that is going into increasing supply can actually lead to real improvements, instead of struggling (and failing) to keep up with demand. Think: roads, health, education, and all manner of other basic services and infrastructure. Abbott will absolutely dud out, because he will not go anywhere near recognising this essential bottom line. So it just remains to be seen whether Labor will embrace a regime of sustainability in the lead-up to the next election. (Hmmm…. Fat chance!) Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:06:43 AM
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So Syd the only good Prime Minister was the philandering Hawke? I agree that Gillard and Rudd actually vie for being the worst PM's even beating Whitlam but TA, really Syd? TA saw off Gillard, Rudd and Turnbull and now you are nominating Joe Hockey.
It must really irk you that TA has virtually stopped the boats and has got the ridiculous politics off the front page. Syd he won, you lost this is not Russia or China get over it. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:19:54 AM
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Syd, this pile of nonsense certainly shows your frustration with the success of the coalition, but conveys nothing at all about Tony Abbott.
Lies and nonsense by Labor and the Left played a part in Howard’s political demise, but Abbott has shown that he will not be such an easy target for the likes of you. Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:52:41 AM
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Syd, are you awake, or just mumbling in a dream?
The consistent thread in your contribution, if there is one at all, is that Labor, in all forms (Whitlam, Hawke, Rudd and Gillard - did you forget Keating?) is bad. Since it is evident that you are incapable of seeing any good in these administrations, it is completely to be expected that you cannot see the bad in any conservative administration. The author made a statement and supported it, in a short article. Perhaps, if the article was ten times as long, there would have been ten times the detail - who knows? The fact is, that at least his position was explained. I have had substantial reservations with every PM since I started voting and have been completely dismayed by, for example, Rudd's inability to actually manage and Keating's totally unnecessary tendency towards abuse and name-calling. Regarding Tony Abbott, I cannot ignore some of the things which have been put before us by the author. I didn't know about the PM's holiday in France, but it sure fits. He is welcome to go to France - that isn't the issue as far as I am concerned. My main issue is that this man is untrustworthy to the core and, as a result, doesn't even trust himself to communicate. He knows, and it shows, that every time he speaks, it is either to hide the truth or to tell an untruth. Even his fellow travellers cannot put up with this behaviour for long. Change will come. The Libs will eventually choose as their leader a person who can communicate and who has a positive message - even if only about his holiday plans. Posted by JohnBennetts, Friday, 17 January 2014 9:02:05 AM
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Apologies to Syd: My comment was in response to Leo.
Syd, while ZPG is a sensible goal, there are many more pressing issues right now - for example, the challenges of climate change and resource depletion will not be met without serious efforts well beyond population stabilisation, yet they are considered to be heresies and thus not worthy of consideration, let alone action. Posted by JohnBennetts, Friday, 17 January 2014 9:09:44 AM
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As a predictor of politics, Syd will prove to be as accurate as Bob Ellis.
Posted by DavidL, Friday, 17 January 2014 9:56:37 AM
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The writer clearly shows a typical symptom of post-election trauma, both physically and mentally.
The quality of his writing is appalling, full of assertions, claims, partisan languages, free of fact and truth. Let me give you one example: the dealing with China on its maritime disputes with neighbouring countries. The writer believes what Australia did would offend China, therefore is somehow wrong. Why? Why offending China is wrong? We as a free people are entitled to express our opinion on international issues, aren't we? Or, we should sell our dignity only for the dollars we make from trade with China? The truth is Tony said what we Australians want to say to China. If China is unhappy, so be it. Posted by Peng, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:01:52 AM
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If Tony Abbott is a dud, what the hell would you call Rudd & the redhead.
If he is a dud, my fervent prayer is we be sent many more duds. Perfect he aint! A bit too soft & kindly, but one hell of an improvement on what we've had recently. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:12:14 AM
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the fact that someone has made their living largely from the public purse explains the obsession with Abbott Abbott and Abbott.
Posted by runner, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:18:48 AM
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I can only assume that the "usual suspects" who are fiercely defending Tony Abort are in fact either very rich and part of the one percent or are on the payroll of the above and set to draw red herrings across to confuse the proles.
It is not going to matter a lot because before the next election/auction there will be such a downturn in the economy and a huge drop in employment that the Corporation controlled libs will be out. It will not make a lot of difference then because as Whitlam said " nothing will save ( instead of the Governor general) us". We are on the downhill path . By the way well said Ludwig. Posted by Robert LePage, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:21:16 AM
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Well said Robert LePage they are here as well, desperately trying to cover up for Abbott's poor performance. You are very correct in your analysis Syd and I believe it will be sooner rather than later that Abbott gets it in the back. If the polls were more forthcoming we would see a lot of behind closed doors stuff happening.
Posted by David Leigh, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:45:21 AM
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Predicting the future is risky at the best of times.
We don't know what's around the corner. The only way that the Coalition may replace Mr Abbott would be if his rating in the polls kept falling and it looked like the Coalition would lose the next election. At the moment - it's too early to be able to make a rational judgement in that regard. Anything can happen in politics, as we all know. And the Coalition still have a few years to go before the next election. We have to wait and see what develops. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:57:24 AM
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Just say that the prediction that Tony Abbott will not lead the Coalition to the next election is correct; the Coalition will be leaderless because there is nobody else in that organisation who is capable of leading. Like all political organisations in Australia, the Coalition is loaded with third rate people who are not fit to have their snouts in the trough as back benchers, let alone lead the country.
The terminally confused Shorten is the best that Labor could come up with, and the pseudo conservative Abbott is the best the Coalition could find. And, before people start talking about Turnbull, that wealthy socialist is in the wrong party; he tried to join Labor once, and that is where he really belongs. As for Hickman’s naming of Hockey…jeez! So, like it or not, the Coalition and the rest of us are stuck with the dud Abbott. Of course, Syd Hickman had nothing to say about the two most incompetent idiots ever to attempt ‘leadership’ in Australia – Rudd and Gillard – but that doesn’t make him wrong about Abbott; and Abbott has proved that nothing good will come out of our now worn out, incestuous political class. Rudd and Gillard were hopeless; Shorten is in a permanent daze because he never expected to get the job he is incapable of doing, and Abbott – more importantly, because he is now supposed to be leading the country – has proven to be an absolute dud who is continuing the usual betrayal of Australians by the political class. Now, Syd Hickman is clearly anti-Coalition: his naming of Hockey and Turnbull proves his leftism. But he is right about Abbott Posted by NeverTrustPoliticians, Friday, 17 January 2014 11:05:54 AM
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The confusing posts here miss one rather important event.
The whole thing is quite likely to be taken out of the hands of politicians. The rumblings that you have been hearing about rising unemployment from all parties, will possibly be upon us by the time of the election. Figures that are being calculated indicate a significant rise in energy costs. The Gladstone plant owners have refused gas contracts to domestic suppliers. The governments have refused to reserve supply for domestic use. If interest rates rise in the US then there will be an almost immediate closing of US tight oil production. The effect here will be a large rise in energy prices. Which of course means higher unemployment. The governments have been warned of this but prefer to ignore it. To make matters worse both parties want a large increase in population. This will require emergency management of a very difficult problem. Who would you rather manage that ? Abbott or Shorten ? At present they do not understand that the game has already started. Welcome to the post peak oil world. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 17 January 2014 1:15:17 PM
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Based on the accuracy of Syd,s predictions in previous articles Abbott is completely safe.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 17 January 2014 1:33:14 PM
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Not a well argued case for the replacement of Abbott. If he goes, it will be at the hands of his parliamentary colleagues. Given that he has apparently silenced some of the best operators in the Government (perhaps because he sees them as a threat) I would assume there is a lot of ill will building. Added to that is his poor performance and alienation of the media. Given the Labor train wreck last year the Government should be doing much better and as Abbott is tightly in control of everything he has to shoulder the blame.
Posted by Candide, Friday, 17 January 2014 1:45:06 PM
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Actually Syd, you were too kind. The case against Abbot is actually much stronger than you suggest. Whether that is enough to have him deposed by his colleagues is a moot point. Many of the commenters above seem to suggest that because the Rudd Gillard duo were horrendous that somehow justifies Abbot retaining the top spot. A curious piece of logic.
Abbot was a brilliant Opposition leader in that he destroyed any public perception that Labor were worth retaining. But being good in opposition does not necessarily make a good leader. For the reasons you mentioned (and plenty of others) he has totally failed to make the transition to governing in the interests of the whole country. Just to take one illustration. He and his appalling FM Bishop have managed to alienate the Chinese and the Indonesians; make us a laughing stock in the UN because of our pro_israel stance; and disregard not only our international obligations under the Convention on Refugees, but also treat us like children with Morrison's non-communicative nonsense at his non briefings. It also appears that we have a navy that is incapable of knowing where it is at any given moment. I don't blame Abbot for that, but I do resent being taken for a fool in having Morrison trot out a manifest lie about being "accidentally" in Indonesian waters. Abbot's hubris is what will result in his downfall. Unlike you Syd, I wouldn't hazard a time frame, but it couldn't come soon enough. Posted by James O'Neill, Friday, 17 January 2014 3:23:29 PM
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Goodness me some people think the Chinese and the Indonesians will fall
over in a heat of rage at a whiff of Julie Bishops perfume. Really, don't you think that they can play the diplomatic game also ? They would write us off as pussies if we did not stand up for our stated positions. There is no reason for us to be frightened of them. Is that is what is wrong with the Labour Party ? Posted by Bazz, Friday, 17 January 2014 3:40:56 PM
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And all you anti Tony people also ran with the labor party lies thst Tony was unelectable, would not be able to stop the boats and won't be abke to get rid of the carbon tax.
Jez why do you bother. While Shorten keeps up his dismal whineing about everything Tony does then Tony is a shoe in. It would be more appropriate for commentators to be asking 'who is going to replace Whinging Bill. Now there is a problem the ALP talent pool seems empty. They are destined to oppose forever. Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 17 January 2014 3:48:40 PM
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I only read the first few lines.
What a load of crap! How on earth can anyone blame Abbott for the loss of ford, Holden Toyota and perhaps Qantas, when it was the labor government that made their businesses so anti competitive. Qantas's carbon tax bill alone was THREE HUNDRED MILLION. What a joke from a sore looser. Your lot got rightfully smashed in the polls and you just can't come to grips with the fact that they almost sent this great nation to the wall. Remember theses numbers. They came to power with ZERO DEBT AND $20billion in the bank. Where did they leave us just six years later. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 17 January 2014 4:58:24 PM
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Love OLO, and reading the Abbott "Groupies" and News Corp mercenaries, running around like headless chooks to protect their leader.
Posted by Kipp, Friday, 17 January 2014 5:06:43 PM
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lol kipp
those groupies are MAJORITY groupies as opposed to timid bills slater and gordon lawyer groupies. Christ you blokes are looking sillier and sillier. don't you realise most people don't listen to your hubris and cr.p any longer. They all wait till the election and decide you all sprout rubbish and vote against your view. laughable really. why don't you wake up to yourselves Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 17 January 2014 5:28:46 PM
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A really poor article. Full of supposition and imaginary scenarios developed by an author with a pathological dislike of Tony Abbott. Sat in an economy class seat, OMG really? Reads more like a gossip column. Abbott is not the man the Left hoped he would be, they are sorely disappointed and now resort to making things ups.
If you want bizarre, just look at Kevin Rudd. Posted by Atman, Friday, 17 January 2014 5:31:26 PM
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Abbott just recently was sucking up to the Zionists but so did Gillard and Rudd. Abbott was right on the CO2 tax but I think he just pragmatically used this to get power.
Background. Abbott studied at a Cecil Rhodes University and to be a Jesuit. Rhodes began a movement for a few elites to control the planet with no democracy. The Jesuits are an extremely powerful arm of the Vatican and they too want absolute power under their god. The Liberal party have a long history of be subjugated by the British Monarchy and the international private central banking system of the Rothschilds etc, but so does Labor to a slightly lesser degree. Whether we rid ourselves of Abbott or the nefarious Labor Party ,they all fall in line with this agenda of a World Govt defined by George Bush as " The New World Order." Posted by Arjay, Friday, 17 January 2014 5:32:30 PM
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Don't worry Arjay, all those power centres you are so concerned about
will lose all their influence when the crash comes. The only thing of value will be a bunch of tomatoes. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 17 January 2014 7:32:56 PM
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The new world order will be corporations ruling the world and concentrating the wealth of the world in fewer and fewer hands. In Russia 35 percent of household wealth is in the hands of just 110 billionaires. Corporations like Google and Starbucks arrange their affairs to pay virtually no tax anywhere. International trade rules allow cigarette companies to challenge governments which decide to act in the interests of public health.
Back to the topic, I'd like to see both Abbott and Shorten gone but I expect they'll hang on. Posted by Candide, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:31:29 PM
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Bazz not necessarily so. The few elites can have their ultimate orgasm of absolute power but their nuke wars may reduce their quality of life.
Note that a mother whose child died of a drug OD wants Abbott to ban BITCOIN. This has to be a set up because cash in our country and drug dealings, would be millions of times bigger than BITCOIN. Only the international banking Cartel would want a ban on BITCOIN. What worries our banksters is that a crypto currency like BITCOIN can negate the depreciation of our currencies and spending power. Abbott may well be thinking about actually helping us and thus will be attacked through the media. Make no bones about it, Abbott is under the microscope by the all powerful money creators. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 17 January 2014 8:31:43 PM
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If you think Abbott needs protecting Kippy, I suggest you go pick a fight with him.
We saw him demolish motor mouth Rudd in the debates, & I doubt he is too frightened of any other type of fight. If things get tough, I suggest you go hide behind Abbott, he will be more solid than the writer of this bit of fluff. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 17 January 2014 9:48:48 PM
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Abbott may be good in a fight (though why we'd want that in a Prime Minister escapes me) but his behaviour in government has been most peculiar. He seemed to handle being a Minister well under Howard and was a very successful Opposition Leader, so what on earth is going on now ? He's barely visible.
Posted by Candide, Friday, 17 January 2014 10:00:46 PM
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I agree Candide.
Where IS Abbott these days? He was all over the place before the election, and now he seems to have nothing to say. I liked this article, if for no other reason than to see all the Abbott groupies shuffle out of their burrows to protest that anyone dares say anything against the holy Abbott! Just think guys, if no one said anything against Abbott, you would have nothing to whinge about, and then where would you be? Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 18 January 2014 1:46:36 AM
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At last, a PM who quietly gets on with the business of government.
It is quite a welcome change from the human headlines: - Kevin 707 who stuffed up the Pacific Solution; and - that awful, bottle redhead Julia Whatshername (you know, the one who boned Rudd and was forever jetting off somewhere abroad and giving away millions of our tax dollars). Kevin707 Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 18 January 2014 2:04:43 AM
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Where IS Abbott these days?
Suseonline, Obviously out there doing hings for Australia unlike the previous elite who were so committed to the good of the country but now see it fit to just bludge of it. Posted by individual, Saturday, 18 January 2014 7:13:12 AM
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The choice was between Show Pony or Workhorse.
Which did you select ? Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 18 January 2014 7:30:38 AM
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*It also appears that we have a navy that is incapable of knowing where it is at any given moment. *
I wonder if this is because in all his wisdom Abort appointed a soldier to run the navy? *They came to power with ZERO DEBT AND $20billion in the bank. Where did they leave us just six years later.* And with a world great financial crisis in the meantime. Posted by Robert LePage, Saturday, 18 January 2014 8:58:01 AM
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And with a world great financial crisis in the meantime.
Robert LePage. How many other countries during that finacial crisis had a huge future fund tucked away ? I think you need to turn over another Page. Posted by individual, Saturday, 18 January 2014 9:27:11 AM
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It is such a relief to have a PM who isn't forever grandstanding overseas and throwing millions of Aussie Taxpayers' money away at the same time to get headlines in foreign newspapers for personal benefit.
Remember the ego trips of Kevin 707 and Julia Whatshername, the world's most prolific tourists who were so often absent abroad when disaster struck Australians? Hopefully the era of the human headline leader, gigantic egos like Greens' Bob Brown and Labor's Kevin 707 and Julia Whatshername are gone. But they are often still in our faces, more is the pity. Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 18 January 2014 10:02:53 AM
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Don't worry Robert, Let me assure you, any Indonesian ships sent out to intercept any Oz ones, straying a little over the territorial waters boundary, will make damn sure they don't find them.
Just how dumb do you think the Indonesian military is? Tangle with the Ozzies, not bloody likely. Hell, unlike unarmed villagers & tribespeople, the Ozzies have guns & might shoot back. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 18 January 2014 10:09:52 AM
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What puzzles me is that the Navy does not have computer program running
that checks the GPS position against an internal chart of Indonesian waters. If the ship approaches areas it is not supposed to enter it should blow an alarm. If so I find it incredible that they do not have such a system. Was there a solar burst around the time as that can stuff it up ? If it was a technical failure it could be in any direction and could easily be that it was a false indication that they were in Indonesian waters. 50 50 either way. Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 18 January 2014 2:46:34 PM
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Stop the boats. Stop the boats. Stop the boats.
Abbott has called the Indonesians bluff. He did not need their help to stop the boats. He has made them look powerless and then just pushed into their territory to show who has real power. I guess the Indos now know we are not as p weak as Rudd and Gillard were. I think the Indos will now take Tony and Julie much more seriously and they won't try to use us in their internal political games in future. Tony and Julie have performed wonderfully well in fixing another of labor's stuff ups. Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 18 January 2014 5:00:42 PM
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Yep imajulianutter, only another umpdeen dozen to go.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 18 January 2014 5:29:04 PM
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Yep and one of the pleasing aspects is their foreign minister Megamouth or what ever will no longer talk down to Julie and bore the f out of us with his sanctiomonious lectures that 'abc' played endlessly.
Well done Tony and Julie. To you stupid lefties, that is how foreign affairs is conducted by adults. Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 18 January 2014 5:40:01 PM
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And I am sure both Tony and Julie are laughing mightly hard at the way they manipulated the ABC and it's very odd intreperation of Australias best interest.
All the ABC experts were played by Tony snd Julie and they all now look quite stupid. This whole episode should show the lefties what they and their inadequate shorten are going to have to deal with. The Australian public are going to revel in and laugh at the lefties in all the upcoming spectacles. Posted by imajulianutter, Saturday, 18 January 2014 5:48:17 PM
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There are no surprises that Abbot's leadership was destined to fail, but not necessarily because of his personal traits, any other Liberal leader would have dealt out similar. It would just be a different face and voice.
The voters had the choice of a Labor party that did not deserve to win due to infighting (and some bungled polices gratis Rudd) or a party that is totally beholden to big business interests. Unfortunately many still too wedded to a choice between the big two rather than show their displeasure via a minority party or independent. One need look no further than the big-money strength behind the campaign against the mining super profits tax, a potential source of revenue for all Australians as a share in their own resources. Even prior to the election, it was a no-brainer as to who is really running the show. Posted by pelican, Sunday, 19 January 2014 9:03:16 AM
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pelican I'm afraid you have it wrong there. It might work if there was no international transport, & our miners were supplying Oz only.
The Japanese thought this way years ago, & are still suffering for it. I could quote a hundred cases, but just take Honda for example. The Japs decided they deserved more of the profit generated by Honda. Some profit was extracted in higher wages, & some in taxes & charges. All these costs made Honda considerably less competitive, & their sales & exports suffered. To stay in business Honda had to manufacture cars in Europe, USA & other Asian nations. Our Hondas now come mostly from Thailand, & do very little for the average people of Japan. This appears to be a lesson that must be repeated for every generation in most countries. We are already loosing growth in our mining industry, & will see a reduction in that industry, & our return from it, progressively into the future. We got too greedy, & allocated ourselves too much of the profit from the miners investment. If you don't believe me, look at the UK mining industries, or their car industry. Closer to home, look at our dying car industry. We have allowed the unions, & their fool wage claims, to destroy our industries, & will suffer for decades for that. As we don't appear to be enough to do it ourselves, we need the large miners to do it for us. We need them, but they don't need us. There are plenty of other places to dig holes, & make profits. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 19 January 2014 11:14:28 AM
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The lefties are once again into one of their countless struggling campaigns to score some credibility by their incessant Abbott bashing. it's not working because Abbott is not living up their expectations of him being worse than whomever the ALP can produce.
What these morons don't realise is that they're exposing their stupidity more & more with every attack. Posted by individual, Sunday, 19 January 2014 2:23:36 PM
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To keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result isn't moronic. Morons learn. hahaha Pelican you look more like an ostrich. Keep it up. Stop the boats, Stop the Boats, Stop the boats. Abbotts unelectable, Abbotts unelectable, Abbotts unelectable. This is the best Sunday afternoon laugh I've had in ages. Posted by imajulianutter, Sunday, 19 January 2014 4:02:21 PM
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While I have no reason to disagree with any of your analysis regarding Abbott being a dud, I personally think it will be a looooong time before we next see any Australian government attempt to improve their popularity by replacing a sitting Prime Minister. Doesn't matter how bad they are. Doesn't matter who you're going to replace them with. I think everyone realizes that it will hurt more than it helps.
Posted by TheClaw, Sunday, 19 January 2014 9:35:27 PM
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The tax was only on Super Profits, and I am sure mining companies would still be attracted to investing in Australia when there are still billions to be made. It is better to charge a tax (so that Australians can share in the benefits of their resources) than increase royalties where there may be less mineral wealth than expected on exploration and mining. It is a fairer proposition for both parties. Manufacturing is a different industry. Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:23:30 AM
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(so that Australians can share in the benefits of their resources)
pelican, that sounds rather noble but to do that you'd need a noble society. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:28:42 AM
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Abbott is looking more and more like somebody completely out of his depth.
He has displayed a tendency to create his own problems and then have no way to deal with them. He can't run and hide from all the media for the next 3 years and will have to answer some pretty tough questions. Don't think that members of The Melbourne Club have not noticed the quick and downward trend in the polls. The problem may be who would they replace him with? Posted by wobbles, Friday, 24 January 2014 12:21:09 AM
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Dream on Wobbles hahahaha! Everytime I see someone come on this now I will just remind you Abbott won and you lost. Mind you Australia won too!
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 24 January 2014 6:58:20 AM
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Clever comeback. Handing out superannuation tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of the needy, imposing a "great big new tax" on the sick, cutting back on welfare while planning a wasteful paid parental leave scheme, boosting the deficit while cutting back on tax receipts, killing off the same car industry their official published policy claimed to "fully support", antagonising our neighbouring countries, giving gunboats to countries who torture, blatant croneyism in making public appointments, politicising the military and making them appear like fools who get lost at sea and much, much more - all after claiming to be a "no surprises" government. All this in the first few months. Who's the dreamer? Posted by wobbles, Friday, 24 January 2014 11:36:10 PM
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Who's the dreamer?
I am afraid, that it is you Wobbles. The government was bound to upset the Indonesians as soon as we took steps to prevent the boat people arriving here. It would not matter how it was handled the result would be the same. Frankly I think they have a hide to complain about their sovereignty when they are breaching our sovereignty by allowing and encouraging their citizens to smuggle aliens into Australia on their boats ! blatant croneyism in making public appointments, Oh, I didn't know that Greg Combe was a crony of Tony Abbott, nor Tanya Dashdespoyer (how do you spell her name). You never struck me as being as one eyed as all that Wobbles. Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 25 January 2014 8:31:19 AM
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'Handing out superannuation tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of the needy'
Really when where and how? 'planning a wasteful paid parental leave scheme' funded by a levy on business and savings from Labor's scheme. 'imposing a "great big new tax" on the sick,' Really when where and how? 'cutting back on welfare' Really when where and how? 'boosting the deficit' Really when where and how? 'cutting back on tax receipts,' Really when where and how? 'killing off the same car industry; Ford was killed off under labor and the CEO of Holden said nothing the Govt could do would have prevented their closure. 'antagonising our neighbouring countries' How? By spying on their President and First Lady? lol 'giving gunboats to countries who torture,' Shouldn't you have used the word allegedly somewhere here? 'blatant croneyism in making public appointments,' Who exactly? The next Governor General? 'politicising the military' How? By making them responsible for the operational aspects of our border protection? 'making them appear like fools who get lost at sea' No, they were never lost. And navigation is not something you undertake minute by minute. It is a function undertaken over quite longish periods. Courses and tracks can quite often be affected by wind tides and currents. 'and much, much more' Really. can you list them? No I thought no, this an exaggeration. And you ask 'Who's the dreamer?' You are. Posted by imajulianutter, Sunday, 26 January 2014 3:45:41 PM