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Why 'fifth gen' helps me sleep at night : Comments
By Baz Bardoe, published 24/12/2013In order to be able to invade Australia a potential aggressor needs to be able to land significant occupying forces here. And they can't do that if they don't own the skies. The F35 is intended to be the ultimate deterrent.
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Posted by individual, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 8:23:10 PM
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"Why 'fifth gen' helps me sleep at night"
Seriously, purchase some Whale Song, learn to count sheep but lets not pretend a few Jet Fighters have any chance of doing anything except appeasing the factories producing this crap, nor allowing a few defence force groupies a little fapping material. For me, it means less sleep at night ! What a giant waste of public money. I think of all the good that could be done, the Science, the Innovation, paying down public debt. So many things, free solar panels for any home-owner earning < $40K per annum for example (free to landlords renting to people on the same who they sign up to 5 year leases). Fund the NBN, Gonski reforms, NDIS, repeal all HECS debt the list goes on of things where the money would be better spent. They could even just give it back to the people they took it off in the first place, just about anything would be better. Posted by Valley Guy, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 8:57:02 PM
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They don't need fifth gen.
They have fifth column. Baz Bardoe, "In order to be able to invade Australia a potential aggressor needs to be able to land significant occupying forces here." They already do. 100,000 a year. 100,000 people with no allegience to our civilisation, our race. 80% of all immigrants arriving now are non-Western/White. Kilmouski "OK, then where will the landing take place?" Sydney Airport, every day of the year. "The last time that people tries to take a continent the size of Australia they really came to grief. Adolf Hitler and Napoleon come to mind." Because they faced many armies (and civilian resisters) devoted to their people/nation and many large population centres. Australia has two or three major cities and a politically apathetic, live-for-the-weekend population. cornonacob "We just need one better then the most likely attackers" What is one better than a box cutter? Posted by Shockadelic, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 10:59:00 PM
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Baz Bardoe has lost the plot. Australia is already being invaded by millions of foreigners who have more loyalty to their individual religions or to their former homelands than they have to our culture, and overly expensive "F-35's" are useless in combating that.
There are more ways to invade a country and take it over than just barging in the front door with guns. Smarter enemies barge in the front door demanding "asylum" in the knowledge that the people who's culture they sneer at will actually give them accommodation and a living for free. Other smart enemies and competitors know that while Aussies might fight like devils to repel people with guns who want this take over this country, the leaders of Australia are not averse to selling the country bit by bit to any enemy with a fat chequebook. F-35's, AWACS, M1A1 tanks and a couple of VTOL capable aircraft carriers are wonderful weapon systems if you define your country within a geographical area who's inhabitants culture and who's resources you are prepared to defend. But they are useless when dealing with foreign takeover from within caused by internal birth rate differentials or foreign economic takeover of vital industries. If the Australian government is now buying ammunition for it's spacey looking Austeyr F-88 rifles from China then we might as well chuck the useless things away and equip our Aussie soldiers with frying pans manufactured in Australia. If there are any frying pan manufactures left in Australia, that is. The acquisition of the most desirable, lethal and horrendously expensive foreign built weapons systems will do nothing for our defence if we invite people who have no allegiance to our people, or to our culture, to cross our moat and set up parallel cultures within our keep. Syria had a huge army with all the latest Russian gear and it is now fighting itself because it's inhabitants defined their identity by their separate religious, cultural and ethnic identities. Australia is now making the same mistake but Baz Bardoe sleeps peacefully in his bed dreaming that F-35's will keep him safe. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 25 December 2013 4:31:54 AM
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Yes Shochadelic what you say in response to me may be described by three words : True, Tragic and Funny ( not funny ha ha!).
There is a saving grace though; Our ADF though small is really very very good. They are a tough and dedicated bunch not withstanding the odd scandal. If this most unlikely invasion were to take place we would have to set up the most wonderful of refugee camps in the out back to accommodate the latte sipping set, greens and progressives as they and the Snowden " want to be's" flee the cities. These camps will we provided with all mod cons and, of course, full internet connectivity and a direct line to the UN. Posted by Kilmouski, Wednesday, 25 December 2013 7:18:56 AM
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here is something to wake you up back ground is fort know gold is long gone [the remaining..'gold'is tungsten plate] at 911[building seven..more gold ..was 'lost' [plus all the proof of enron/building 7 wasnt hit by as plane cyclone sandy..yet..again..huge gold lost..when the vault 'flooded' sonow wee got the promise of the next generation that cant even our nearest neighbor[round trip] see we needed[sorry exploiters needed a nice exchange go to their tax a lower dollar=lots of we spend billions on yanki planes..they spend..our dollars..and the value of them remains low..artifically low so what if your paying double its worth lots of overseas duel passport holders need your your de-valued labor i hope you watch..the vidio..or get up to speed stop sleeping..and wake up Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 December 2013 2:14:01 PM
Yes, the education system here has made sure over the past four decades that people aren't smart enough to notice. It worked.