The Forum > Article Comments > Can we have a real Education Revolution? > Comments
Can we have a real Education Revolution? : Comments
By Barry York, published 11/12/2013Can we move beyond Gonski and the paradigm imposed by the state and the teacher union bosses?
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In fact they sound like the very people who have turned our education from one turning out useful cannon fodder into one turning out totally useless academics & bureaucrats.
This bit of cannon fodder managed to use the old education, to a have a productive life, with sufficient earnings to be able to do everything I ever wanted to do.
This included voluntary cannon fodder, flying jets off aircraft carriers, developing manufacturing techniques, sailing my yacht around the pacific, or breeding horses.
It was remarkable how much they taught us cannon fodder, back in the day. I was recently reminded that at while still in primary school I could draw a map of Oz, with state boundaries, rivers & harbors, most cities, & the distances between them, & I was not a good geography student by any means. I was reminded of this, when a young biology teacher asked if it would take all day to drive from Brisbane to Cairns. She's a BSc for gods sake, & can't read a map.
A few years back I was asked by a youngish arts graduate if I would take him & his motorbike out to the reef from the Whitsundays. He wanted to ride his trail bike up the reef to Townsville. What do they teach them at Uni today, it certainly can't be to read?
A revolution usually includes lining much of the old guard management up against a wall, & getting messy. This might be going a little too far with education, but mind you, only a very little too far. Yep, much better turning out useful cannon fodder, than the sheep of today.