The Forum > Article Comments > Gonski should be about disadvantage, not distributing money > Comments
Gonski should be about disadvantage, not distributing money : Comments
By Ian Keese, published 2/12/2013The single best thing we could do to raise our international standing in international assessments such as PISA would be to address why such a prosperous society as ours has such a high percentage of students in the lower categories.
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I agree that it is time we focused on addressing underachievement, "and the situations in which it occurs." The Gonski Review found the engagement of parents to be one of six elements critical to achieving highly effective schooling reform.
There is a strong imperative for Australia to start taking significant forward steps in parent engagement if equity in education is to be addressed and all of our students given the best opportunity to reach their potential.
Research has shown that while a growing number of parents lack knowledge about their role as primary educators of their children, they do not lack good will. Most parents want to see their children do well at school and in life. When parents understand they have a role to play, that what they do will make a difference and are provided with encouragement and support most will engage happily and effectively.
Governments, policy makers and educators can no longer continue to pay lip service to parental engagement as a critical lever for schooling reform. The blinkered approach that sees the vast bulk of policy, resources and effort poured into schools ignores the engagement of parents with their children’s education which takes place every day at home, in the car, at sporting venues and elsewhere.
School leaders and teachers must make way for approaches that acknowledge and bring parents back to their role as the primary educators of their children. Parents will then be able to equip their children for the lifetime journey of learning in ways that enable educators to achieve optimum results for their efforts. and governments to get maximum return for their spending.