The Forum > Article Comments > Rail and water agenda for an infrastructure prime minister > Comments
Rail and water agenda for an infrastructure prime minister : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 27/11/2013The time to start our underground railway systems is now and I am cheering Campbell Newman for his plan for an underground rail and bus tunnel from Hill End to Bowen Hills.
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Where is the cost-benefit analysis to justify the building of the above? Was not the building of desalination plants due to politicians succumbing to propaganda peddled by alarmist AGW believers, such as Tim Flannery and yourself? When are you going to wake up to the fact that there is no empirical scientific evidence to support the AGW hypothesis?
"We are light years behind the rest of the world with underground railways because we say that we cannot afford them. The fact is that we can afford them and we can spread debt repayments over a century so that future generations pay their share."
Fanciful thinking -- typical of Labor! Think pink batts, Julia Gillard memorial halls, NBN! Proceed without cost-benefit analysis, borrow billions, and repay forever more!
Given our limited financial resources, it is imperative that allocation of capital to infrastructure projects be subjected to cost-benefit analysi