The Forum > Article Comments > Racially based boycott will not progress a two state solution > Comments
Racially based boycott will not progress a two state solution : Comments
By Philip Mendes, published 28/10/2013The global BDS movement for boycotting Israel is overwhelmingly wedded to a one-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This means racially stereotyping all Israeli Jews as an inherently evil oppressor nation.
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Posted by אמורא אחרון, Friday, 15 November 2013 6:12:41 PM
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welcome..אמורא אחרון May..His..great name....[i_am*,] exalted G*d*s..great-name.[i*am] a Yitgaddal veyitqaddash shmeh rabba world..which..*He His will! 3..May He establish..*His peace-full/loving kingdom..again..[in..the hearts of men.] 4..and may His..[gifted promise..of ever present eternalliving loving being..bring atonement/salvation..let..]..salvation blossom and His anointed..[inspirit] bought near. 5..during your lifetime..and during your days 6..and..during the lifetimes..of all the House of Israel, <<a term..that traditionally..*implies..the reward/ *for piety,..good deeds,.*and charitable work...> NOT..eternal_war? 7..speedily..and very soon! And say,.Amen. The next..two lines..are recited by..the congregation..and then..the leader:..[who] 8..May His..great name..[i*am]..that../i\ being.. with-in..every living-being..]..[be].. simply by being..the being..god willed..its..being..into being] blessed.. 9..for ever,..and in-to..all eternity! 10..Blessed..and praised,..glorified..and exalted, loving other. 11..extolled..and honoured,..adored and lauded the..PRESENT/presence*..of the Holy One,..[bblessed be He,,by..we], 13..above and beyond..all the blessings, 14..hymns, praises and consolations creed/rite/ritual/protestations 15..that are uttered..into..his words..thus..into the world! by..blessings bring by..blessing..of*..other begets/the blessing..upon him..for who..the due by/simply blessing..thy brother ye*bring blessings..upon all of we ME WE in..his/mirror..image..are we..created by..our his form..fully filled And is we.. who say,..Amen. The half..kaddish/divisions/dire-risions..ends here...[hear its pollite..not to tongues..before guests. Here..the.."complete kaddish"..includes: 16..May..the* 17..of..all Israel the reward*..for piety,..good deeds,..and..charitable work...>>KEY*[of all/living]....who is Heaven;s..eternal And say, [ try living..without me..yet again] Here..the.."kaddish/of..the rabbis" (including..the kaddish..after..a siyum)..includes: 19..To Israel, the Rabbis..and..their disciples the..disciples..of their disciples, 21/ all..those who study of..the Torah..and not of..the laws of war* YOU..who....have state-symbol the menorah..(candlebrum). <<..which is the Tenach.. (on..the occasion of..a previous the Holy Land). as,WRITTEN *"not..with..*armed force*..and..not with power,*....*KEY* but..*in My spirit..says..the..Lord of Hosts.">> says..the host*..of lords we/can..hold..two incorrect..*ideas..[see previous-post] 22/in this..[holy]z place any*..other place, 23/may*..there come..abundant peace, 24/grace,..loving kindness .nd compassion, long life 25/ample..sustenance joy..plenty..mercy and salvation 26/from..the Father..who heaven (; 27/and say, continued.. zionist=jewish athiesm? [a god-free..israel/that-alone-explains..all the death*] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 12:53:39 PM
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phylip..quote..<<..There are plenty of actions that genuine supporters of Israeli-Palestinian peace and reconciliation can take to progress their agenda...>>
the biggest is..learly..separating religious/extremists..from the atheist..WAR_MONGERS..wanting a 'secular'.. state...thus..ignore god gave the land..and it fromthe brits..get..israel from men..instead..of ruled by..mens law..and mens war lol..isnt it gods holy land? we need sort the religious nutters into..the same state and let the zion..rule beyond this god delusion[the wolves cant act ;like lambs of god] sort em..out what i..dont why all the religious symbolism's if zionist..jew..mean's atheist....jew..[too] i..cant see..children of god..carrying guns thats the dividing line//guns.. surrounded by peace-nic..religious nutters..*unarmed <<..suggest a practical and detailed pathway for achieving a two-state solution...These activities and proposals are the opposite of the path of enmity..and hate favored by the BDS movement...>> i just want peace/now.. may satan take anyone..with a gun how can..any..god believer could..think..the pleased..with any death YOU..who....have state-symbol the menorah..(candlebrum). <<..which is the Tenach.. (on..the occasion of..a previous the Holy Land). as,WRITTEN *"not..with..*armed force*..and..not with power,*....*KEY* but..*in My spirit..says..the..Lord of Hosts.">> says..the host*..of lords we/can..hold..two incorrect..*ideas..[see previous-post] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 19 November 2013 1:29:24 PM
Most people are not in favour of a two state solution because most of us favour "democratic states".
Israelis will eventually participate in a political environment where each citizen of the unified region will enjoy one single vote of equal and unbiased value.
If the Zionists will not accept then there will have to be a partition.
The minimum conditions of such a partition were set out under agreement at the Oslo accord, rejected by Israel at the continued violence and aggression which will continue, and will even increase, until they are accepted or until a single state evolves.
Here is a summary of those acceptable terms:-
1- The Palestinian state MUST be a contiguous state joining up the West Bank and Gaza
2- The Palestinian state must have an Arab border all around it, not an Israeli one
3- The Palestinian lands must be shorn of all illegal Zionist settlements except where those settlements were legitimately PURCHASED from their original owners.
4- The Palestinian lands must be shorn of ALL Israeli military facilities and camps. International military guarantees that there will be no military excursions by IDF cadres in the Palestinian state.
5- East Jerusalem must be it's capital with the Dome of the Rock - not some suburb that you're going to magically call "Jerusalem" - the Palestinian flag must fly from the roof of the AlAqsa Mosque.
6- All the Palestinian refugees must have their right to return to their homes and their lands from which they were driven by military force and terror - by the terrorist gangs of The Stern Gang and the Irgun and other Zionist terrorists. The Palestinians must have their homes and their lands back.
If the two state solution is not based on the above minimum core terms there will be no peace in Israel/Palestine and the Israeli population, will be forced to accept less favourable terms as was the fate of the recalcitrant white apartheid supporters of apartheid South Africa.
Good luck Philip!