The Forum > Article Comments > We need more bang for our health dollars > Comments
We need more bang for our health dollars : Comments
By Jeremy Sammut, published 15/10/2013Since 2001–02, the average annual national expenditure growth rate has far exceeded the general rate of inflation, and the cost of public hospital care has grown almost three times as fast as national income over the period.
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Posted by individual, Friday, 25 October 2013 10:32:42 PM
healthcare & hospitals do not necessarily have much in common, well at least in north qld from my experience. just like eductation, health too has become a career facility for useless to society bureaucrats. I want to stress that the medical personnel do an excellent job under almost impossible conditions. whenever a good doctor or nurse attempts to introduce some sanity into this lost system they invariably get kicked out because they're seen as a threat to the careers of bureaucrats. the misuse of public money is nothing short of phenomenal and at least in my experienc appears to be condoned by the very authorities who are charged with upholding the integrity & code of conduct etc. of government departments. The CMC for example asks Qld Health to investigates itself and, naturally enough no misconduct is found. I personally find that not even a change of government can stamp out the incompetence & waste of public money in Qld Health. Qld Health needs to be abolished & start from afresh. If anyone knows of a good investigative journalist then send him to work around far north Qld.
Posted by individual, Monday, 6 August 2007 9:44:00 AM