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The Forum > Article Comments > Libya is a failed state > Comments

Libya is a failed state : Comments

By James Stafford, published 11/10/2013

While the markets have been responding lately with unfounded optimism over Libya the reality is quite different.

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If anybody wants to know why Imperialism was right all along, you just have to look at Libya.

Prior to its rightful annexation as an Italian colony, the Libyan's were a nation of pirates preying upon European commercial shipping entering the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. God knows how many western seamen were murdered or how many western women were sold as sex slaves in the slave markets. But there came a time when the western world rightfully did something about it and put these barbarians under a civilised administration.

Since gaining independence, the Libyans have once again become a problem to the west. Ghaddaffi sponsored terrorism in Europe, giving arms to the IRA, and getting involved in terrorist plots to put bomb in western aeroplanes. As far as I am concerned, the western world should have invaded Libya again and made these barbarians into a colony again to stop this nonsense.

We could use the oil for our own use and give the Libyans people a better deal from the revenues than their own stupid buffoon leaders who do nothing but spend money on weaponry that they are too stupid to know how to use. Did you hear about the time Dassault sold Libya a bunch of Mirage 3's. A Dassault engineer saw a Libyan ground crewman checking a Mirage fuel tank with fuel with a lighted match. Yeah. That's how dumb they are.

The Romans became an Imperial power because they became sick and tired of always being on the defensive from barbarian tribes who never ceased to attack the Roman provinces. The Romans also realised that it was not enough to simply defeat an enemy, they only recovered their strength and came at you again. So if you started a war with the Romans, then you had better win because the Romans would only accept total capitulation of their enemies or the total extermination of their enemies.

That is how they ended piracy and kept the peace in the Mediterranean for 700 years.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 15 October 2013 4:11:38 AM
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Thankfully LEGO the world has become a bit more civilised and humane since the time of the Romans.

We no longer see it as acceptable to invade and colonise other countries. It was once common and led to the near extinction of the South American, Australian Aboriginal, American Indian peoples and many others. We rightly apologise for such things now days . We certainly dont seek to repeat such mistakes today.

At least I hope we dont.
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 15 October 2013 8:09:46 AM
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