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Salvo three: Dr Judith Curry : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 27/9/2013The only denial that makes any conceptual sense is 'consensus denial'.
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Posted by David G, Sunday, 29 September 2013 8:46:04 PM
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Hi David,
When you write: "You love control don't you Jardine? You also love certainty even when there can be none as evidenced by this stage of the contentious global warming issue! " I think they call that 'projection', David :) Jardine is suggesting precisely that there ISN'T all that much certainty, and that the whole issue is far more nuanced than just black and white, either-or, single-cause, up-down, etc. For example, there is something to be remarked about no signifiacnt global warming in 15-16 years, even though the CO2 levels have risen by what ? - 30 % ? So perhaps there are other factors, it's not all either-or, black or white. And as well, the rise in temperature don't seem to be irremediable. Just watching one program on our ABC tonight, the bloke points out that we grow three times as much food across the world as fifty years ago. Population hasn't tripled. So just as innovations have achieved amazing things in food production, isn't it quite likely that innovations, by capitalist companies, each always out to make a buck by ceaselessly innovating wherever possible, can do something similar in terms of ameliorating global warming ? Perhaps, with no temperature rise in 15-16 years, they already have. Bite my tongue ! Capitalists never do anything good for the world, even unintentionally, I should wash my mouth out ! But they might. Like GE's wind-towers and Big Solar's solar panels and arrays, etc. Could it be that, in order to make squillions, capitalism might counter global warming ? Just a thought. From out of left field, you might say. As for control, I suspect that it's the authoritarians among the Left who crave certainty. It might explain their softness vis-a-vis Islamist 'certainty'. Just another thought. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 29 September 2013 9:11:12 PM
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Your link didn't work for me. The title of the paper I wrote and referred to was 'A Cool Look at Global Warming'. Posted by Don Aitkin, Monday, 30 September 2013 7:47:17 AM
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As applies to Jardine K Jardine and like minded souls here: No wonder real scientists don't bother with opinion sites like this anymore. As for The Forum on IPCC related topics - we've heard it is not a balanced site. The author of this article knows this, exemplified in his 3 metaphorical attacks before the release of AR5. Posted by ozdoc, Monday, 30 September 2013 1:05:01 PM
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David G,
If the IPCC can’t provide the answers, why are you trying to? It’s quite simple, the questions you need to answer are; Why have global temperatures not gone up in response to increases in atmospheric CO2? Why did the IPCC’s models fail to predict this? Where has the heat gone if CO2 is the cause of warming? And why have all the IPCC’s “forecasts” failed to eventuate? If you can’t answer these questions, go to the AR5 report, if they are not in the AR5 report, do you know better than the IPCC? If you don’t, why don’t you take a long walk on a shot pier? You and your ilk have been granted the stage to make your case and have variously all taken your wickets home, not one of you has bothered to make your case. If you can’t answer the questions, why are you giving us such a hard time? Answer the questions or abandon your belief. Posted by spindoc, Monday, 30 September 2013 4:06:03 PM
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Spindog, I wasn't aware that I was trying to provide answers to global warming!
I suspect that global warming is problematic and I am watching the debate and the science and the weather closely. That's all! Unlike you and Jardine, I don't claim to have all the answers. Then I'm not a scientist and I suspect you're not either and neither is he. As I asked of Jardine, why is it so important that you and he are right? Can't you handle uncertainty? Is it causing your world to fall apart? What if there is no God? What if Abbott ends up being a dumbcluck? What if there is a nuclear war soon? How will you adapt? You won't! Posted by David G, Monday, 30 September 2013 4:27:53 PM
I think it's time you made an appointment to see a shrink, see if you can get help for your inability to see shades of grey.
Trying to insult me (a real waste of your time) is not helping your cause. You just sound like a ratbag rather than a rational human being!
OLO attracts a lot of black and white thinkers who are entirely incapable of thinking broadly or entertaining the possibility that most things in this world do not fit into black and white categories, humans least of all!
You love control don't you Jardine? You also love certainty even when there can be none as evidenced by this stage of the contentious global warming issue!
You look to stats to give you certainty when even a child in high school knows that stats can be made to prove virtually any proposition or its exact opposite.
Our world is filled with uncertainty, Jardine!
Get over it, old chap!