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Sharia finance uncovered : Comments

By Vickie Janson, published 20/9/2013

'Islamic Banks…are the life-line of Wahhabi insurgency, they are the feeder of Islamist armed groups, without them terror-donations could not reach the end users scattered around the world'

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Your first article... and its about bashing Muslims.

So predictable by a 'Christian' group.

How about writing about the, at times, disgraceful hedonism of us westerners?!!
Posted by Savvas Tzionis, Friday, 20 September 2013 9:10:22 AM
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Thanks for the comment Savvas. It's not about Muslim bashing. There are lots of Muslims who do not support the promotion of Sharia Finance:
In his book ‘Islamic Banking – A $300 Billion Deception’ Muhammad Saleem not only dismisses the founding premise of Sharia and Islamic banking, but says, “Islamic banks do not practice what they preach: they all charge interest, but disguised in Islamic garb. Thus they engage in deceptive and dishonest banking practices.”Islamic economics, finance and management chairman of Rice University Mahmoud el-Gamal agrees.
I agree with many Muslims about the problems with Islamic finance - how is that 'Muslim bashing?'
I also agree with you about many of the social ills here in Australia - the question is - do we need any more issues to divide us?
Posted by Vickie, Friday, 20 September 2013 9:52:35 AM
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>>they all charge interest, but disguised in Islamic garb. Thus they engage in deceptive and dishonest banking practices.<<

If their deceptive and dishonest practices breach Australian consumer law then they should be dealt with accordingly. But lots of companies engage in ethically dubious conduct while still operating within the bounds of the law - if Islamic banks can manage this then I can't see any reason to disallow them. Singling them out for special treatment just because they're Islamic is not very Christian.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:05:55 AM
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It's not just because this finance is 'Islamic' - but because it claims to be inclusive yet actually promotes exclusivity and segregation. At a sharia finance practitioners conference in Melbourne this year non-Muslim banking was referred to as a 'contaminated river' that should never meet the pure streams of Islamic finance. It is fostering these attitudes toward others and suggesting that non-Muslims are 'unclean' - food, clothing and even their money - and that money must be 'laundered' by giving to Muslim only charity - I think these attitudes are not conducive to real integration and social harmony. I believe the philosophy and theology supporting this promotes further segregation and negative attitudes towards non-Muslims - also limiting options for Muslims who may feel pressured to only support Islamic banks. The more sharia compliant individuals and nations become, the less freedom there is. I have literally heard in lectures in Melbourne over the years leaders of the Muslim community telling them not to use 'infidel finance'. Why is it problematic to oppose this so that Muslims are freer to integrate?
Posted by Vickie, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:26:24 AM
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Gee, Vickie. We are so lucky to have a banking system that is free of the charges that you lay at the door of Sharia.

"The claim to being a means of ethical investment begs the question 'whose ethics?'".

"Our" ethics of course include the lending of money to people who are not only unable to keep up the repayments, but are known not to be able to do so. And, by the way, in so doing, this ethical practice led directly to a collapse of confidence in the system that we have yet to recover from.

"The values undergirding sharia ethics itself are not consistent with the UN Declaration of Human Rights".

Ok, let's have a look at that a little more closely. Please point to a Western banking system that pays the slightest regard to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Oh, that's right. They don't, do they.

"The prohibitions against investment in the pork and hospitality industries merely boycott legitimate Australian industries".

I suppose you are unaware, Vickie, that we have in our own banking system myriad selective investment strategies that involve discrimination of one kind or another. I am certain that among the various "Green Banks" and "Ethical Banks" you will find strategies that "boycott legitimate Australian industries".

Might I suggest that you take a closer look at your motives for this article, and are just the teensiest bit more honest with us about them?

Just a thought.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:45:24 AM
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I believe many Christians would also refuse to wear a loan shark's jumper? Good on the bloke for having the courage of his philosophical convictions!
Sharia finance does not include interest payments, but makes its pre agreed and known returns, as a co investor?
If this is not always the case is not the fault of the philosophy, but those, who all too often, hide their evil intentions behind it!
If we would argue ethics in finance, then surely in a Christian based society, there ought to be a legislated upper ceiling on interest charges, to in effect, limit those charges!
[Did not the Christian Master take to the money changers with a whip, on the only reported occasion he completely lost his temper?]
Perhaps limited, via bipartisan support, to not more than 11% PA in actual total; which by the way, is top commercial rates and punitive for any business house!?
How could any inherently decent and ethical person, regardless of religious convictions or none, argue against that?
As for some SO_CALLED Islamic charities operating as a funding conduit for terrorist organizations, this news is as old as 9/11!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:57:27 AM
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