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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate Catch 22: big bucks, big bets and big mess > Comments

Climate Catch 22: big bucks, big bets and big mess : Comments

By Michael Kile, published 16/9/2013

IPCC lead author Hans von Storch says 'if things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models...'

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ha ha go on any creationist website you like, same talking points.

Evolution is just a scam.
They know it, but they are on the gravy train.
Poster's who quote Science organisations "need to educate themselves".
It's all about to be revealed as a lie.
More and more scientist are switching over to creation ID.
They neever been able to prove it anyway.

Quote mine all you like guys your just new creationist.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 16 September 2013 4:31:53 PM
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Wow, sea level rise lapping at the doorsteps of Pacific islanders - from glacial melts, but if not, then from what?
(Heretofore 'hidden' immense deep-layer aquifers 'bursting' to get out of their 'confinement'? Perhaps, but if so, from what cause - and where is the evidence?)
(And don't try to tell me it's from an increase in global rainfall - it's a 'closed' system, after all. Or has some massive, super-hyper inverse-electrolysis been happening that no-one's been told about, sucking H2 and O2 out of the atmosphere in huge gulps, and thereby not only producing additional H2O (water), but also concurrently artificially 'boosting' relative atmospheric CO2 concentration levels?)

Increasing ocean acidification - from increased dissolved CO2, but if not, then from what?
(Since we know that the 'partial pressure' principle applies, whereby, as ocean temperature rises, there should be less dissolved CO2 - unless the atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 rises 'inordinately' to relatively 'extreme' levels.)

The author poo-poos the deep ocean as a 'heat sink' - but without any evidence for this 'postulation' - whereas there appears to be factual scientific evidence of such a rise in deep ocean temperatures. And, given the mass/volume of water involved, a small rise in temperature would amount to a 'lot' of heat absorbed.

We are in a closed system. Glacial melt means energy absorbed - per latent heat of freezing/melting, but also some via latent heat of condensation/evaporation, as some 'melt' becomes additional water vapour in the atmosphere.
This energy absorption (within our 'closed system') necessarily means some corresponding atmospheric 'cooling' - perhaps accounting for part of any 'lower than expected' (per IPCC 'modelling') global temperature rise.

However, whereas I see macro-evaluation as 'indicative', it appears that IPCC advocates may be wanting to go the way of the 'fu-fu bird', whirling in ever-diminishing 'micro' circles, until they 'disappear'?
What next? Dissection of a quark?
Posted by Saltpetre, Monday, 16 September 2013 9:02:36 PM
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This is what science is like now. There isn't any other sort of science any more. You start out with absolute certainty about how things work in general then apply for funds to work out the detail. There is not even a concept of hypothesis testing. Why test when we already know it is true? And the beauty of it is that there is no natural limit to the amount of funds required. If you halve the cell size you increase computer speed and memory requirements by a factor of 16. A numerical model's poor performance can always be sheeted home to "lack of resolution" which is code for "give us more money". Models always expand to fit the computer power available.

As models expand and funding requirements mount, institute status increases because an idea that isn't valid would never be funded to that extent would it? In fact computer size and speed is in itself a badge of status.

As time goes by the people on the ground, agronomers and so on, who realize that the high resolution local predictions are worthless, can be safely ignored because they are low status people within the hierarchy. What would they know?

It is the earnest piety of it all that pisses me off the most.
Posted by John Reid, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 3:28:19 PM
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the pseudo science of gw backed by the deceitful pseudo science that accepts the idiotic evolution theory. what a waste of money, time and resources. To many now on the gravy train from this fraudulent faith despite them all contradicting one another. One does not know whether to laugh or cry when you see the likes of Shorten, Wong etc saying we believe the science. Somehow they think equates to some sort of moral value. We care about our grandchildren (as along as they are not aborted before they arrive).
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 4:29:45 PM
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