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Reflections on the lack of a revolution in Australia : Comments

By John Töns, published 9/9/2013

No doubt there is someone who can state with great precision the exact moment the Australian electorate became disillusioned with both major parties and cast around for a new illusion.

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*We have created a society that assumes that we will be able to transport food to where it is needed. Yet we have a transportation system that relies on oil which in turn has to be imported. *

It is amusing to see signs on a lot of trucks saying "without trucks Australia stops".
They should have another sign that says" without diesel the trucks stop"'
Posted by Robert LePage, Monday, 9 September 2013 9:24:25 AM
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Australia could easily be "self-sufficient" if people wanted to live at the level of animals, as the Greens policies would have.

In the final analysis, all the Greens have is socialism, which doesn't work. Take that away, as Labor did, and all you are left with is pretending to know what's better for people than people, unprincipled scramble for mutual plunder, corrupt pork-barrelling.

We only haven't seen worse from the Greens because they haven't been in power. The little they managed to do is the epitome of anti-human stupidity itself:

It should be obvious that a state of 100% taxation would be a state of slavery; and that if the State controlled all the means of production, the result would not be a more orderly, harmonious, sustainable society, but a society of grand waste, corruption, and totalitarianism. The Greens and Labor, so far as they don't desert their own logic and principles, only represent constantly approaching closer and closer to that state of anti-social chaos.

But they seem so actively committed to invincible ignorance, that they just don't get it! They keep banging on about how "we" need a "new" way, as if they can just re-design the world at will. But all their ways are just the old failed socialist way: government will control everything! Politicians and bureaucrats will try to force other people's values on you! Any problem will be met by more force, more tax, more regulations, more bureaucracy, less freedom.

The day John and Robert LePage stop using carbon themselves is the day the rest of us can think about taking their foolish "Zero Carbon Network" seriously. We can only ponder their and the Greens' ideological fellow-travelers of the last century, and wonder how many millions of people these anti-human zealots would kill if they got into power.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 9 September 2013 9:54:48 AM
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Wow what a rogues gallery of denialists your link leads to.
I think that is a sufficient reason to ignore you from now on. Goodbye.
Posted by Robert LePage, Monday, 9 September 2013 10:48:00 AM
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It really is amazing that anyone dumb enough to fall for the global warming, peak oil & other such greenie scares should manage to gain entrance to any university course.

That some of them are PhD students really shows what a low ebb our education system has fallen to.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 9 September 2013 11:55:48 AM
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Notice how the socialist provides no reason or evidence for his beliefs, argues by meaningless slogans, and runs away at the first sign of any challenge to show truth based on reason?

The fact of the matter is Robert, that what you believe and advocate would result in the death of thousands of millions of people if it were ever implemented. Your beliefs are anti-truth, anti-reason, anti-freedom, totalitarian and anti-human, and your being conceited about your beliefs doesn't make them true.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 9 September 2013 11:58:20 AM
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Certainly not the worse article I've read.

Australians are very conservative and ever since Hawke and Keating moved the ALP to the right in the 1980s, there is not a huge amount of difference between the two major parties.

The take away from the recent election is how shockingly poorly the Stable Population Party did. They polled less than .2 percent of the vote in the Senate. They made some classic mistakes such as forging ties with Numbers USA and allowing Dick Smith to set the media agenda. They also kept changing their website to fit the news agenda. But overall, it was a rejection of their right wing social engineering agenda in the name of the 'environment'. It's not people, it's consumption.

Even so, John is right in so far as one day energy prices will drive production costs higher. At the moment though, we are producing over $60 billion of foodstuffs for export per year and importing $9 billion, mainly through reciprocal trade agreements. The nation must do more to find and develop new energy sources.
Posted by Cheryl, Monday, 9 September 2013 12:19:26 PM
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