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Dopes in sport : Comments
By Ian Nance, published 4/9/2013'Dopes in sport' is an adequate term for sneering at participants who enhance performances, artificially, with chemicals.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 10:44:51 AM
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A very apt term, given very little is known about the long term consequences of most of this stuff?
Big Arnie, wound up with a hole in his heart, and but for his money and ability to access the most able practitioners and best medicine, might well have died prematurely?
For mine, we ought to be employing Genetic modification, for any number of reasons, the first being there is no test to determine if you have had gene therapy!
The second, there may be any number of flow on general health benefits for the wider population!?
The third, much extensive proof of concept testing, has already been safely done!
Ask yourself, why is it some of us are NATURALLY able to work well into our nineties, with neither arthritis nor loss of muscle tone, all while remaining mentally alert!
While others are crippled by all manner of malaise, sometimes even as juveniles!
Perhaps, if we officially adopted and financed the above as voluntary human trials?
We could enhance a lot more than our strength and speed sporting abilities and outcomes,as permanent features.
The first result of adopting GM as medicine, would be the virtual emptying out of our seriously understaffed nursing homes, with the tens of billions now committed, being able to be rerouted into some more productive outcome, say mature age tertiary education?
Let's not also forget, we confront a thing called the destiny of demography; and need to, now today, be working out the very best way to manage that.
For mine it is to enhance the productivity and self sufficiency of our older and wiser citizens, with every non chemical, (natural) means at our disposal!
HRT and Gene therapy, would be a useful place to start!
Incidentally, gene therapy may also allow us to make some serious inroads into mental health issues, many of which are as simple as a genitally deficient body or brain, not making enough of mood altering, naturally occurring chemicals!