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The wrong way : Comments

By John Coulter, published 2/9/2013

The fundamental flaw in the thinking of both main party leaders is their failure to understand the impact of exponential growth occurring on a finite planet.

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Malcolm King,

<It takes a while to sink in but I just realised that there is not an economist or demographer amongst the SPP, the SPA or Stop Population Growth Now party (SA.) Plenty of geneticists and IT experts = rabbit counters.>

I don't know about their membership of SPP. etc., but if you want demographers with a jaundiced view of unending mass migration, you might look at Bob Birrell and Katherine Betts.

<No nation in the world would turn on its own people or prospective immigrants or visitors and deny them liberty and natural rights. The SPA are the thin black wedge of eco-fascism.>

So you believe in open borders? People have a natural right to move into other people's countries to horn in on their resources and share in infrastructure paid for by others? And it is "eco-fascism" and "social engineering" to object? A pity that you don't apply the same standards to your own house and car. There must be many needy people who would be delighted to share.

If SPP really does have authoritarian policies, perhaps you should share them with us? They have a website with policies, so maybe you could link to the ones you mean.
Posted by Divergence, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 4:05:56 PM
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Is the famous Divergence who in my last article of mine took on one of the demographers behind the 2010 Productivity Commission and was shocked to find the aim of the report was not to sledgehammer immigrants but assess validity of productivity measures? You are an embarrassment.

Of all the posters on OLO you are the most devious and worrying. Betts is a sociologist. Birrell is a demographer who writes for John Tanton's Social Contract Press. Birrell's reports on international students taking jobs were tiresome back in the 90s and even more so now. They pay his salary.

Why do you endorse the covert racism of the SPA and SPP? Why have you turned a blind eye to the direct influence of the American right wing Roy Beck and Numbers USA in establishing the SPP?

You desperately connive and bend citations so that they fit your argument rather than creating and argument and then use objective citations to support it. Is that what they teach you in physics? You must separate your fanaticism for blaming people for everything and start looking at the serious flaws in capitalism. It's your only hope.
Posted by Malcolm 'Paddy' King, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 8:58:16 PM
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According to arch capitalists Deutsche Bank for whom the flat earthers, i.e. anti population growth advocates, would probably claim to have a vested interest in population growth, have come with research of their own.

As opposed to high end UN projections, Deutsche Bank now challenges assertions and assumptions made and predict opposite problem, declining and ageing populations..... which finance sectors must adapt for.

Bad news for John Tanton's network and Tanton himself, tasty quotes:

'“Do we leave it to individuals to decide that they are the intelligent ones who should have more kids? And more troublesome, what about the less intelligent, who logically should have less? Who is going to break the bad news [to less intelligent individuals], and how will it be implemented?” — John Tanton, 1996 letter to California multimillionaire Robert K. Graham, a eugenicist who started a sperm bank to collect the semen of Nobel Prize-winning scientists'

“[Millions of immigrants coming to America will be] defecating and creating garbage and looking for jobs.” — John Tanton, 1997

“In the bacteriology lab, we have culture plates. You put a bug in there and it starts growing and gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And it grows until it finally fills the whole plate. And it crashes and dies.” — John Tanton, 1997, comparing immigrants to bacteria

Also for John Tanton adherents in Oz including Bob Birrell, Katherine Betts, Ernest Healey, Dick Smith, Kelvin Thompson MP, Sustainable Population Australia, Senator Bob Carr, Stable Population Party, (real estate industry & Fairfax) etc.. who will not have an excuse to highlight immigrants and other foreigners as a population or environmental problem......

What will they come up with next? A topic for 2013 John Tanton, Social Contract Press, F.A.I.R. etc. writers' workshop?
Posted by Andras Smith, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:13:55 PM
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Related to Birrell and Betts, Birrell is not a demographer and Betts conducted the prized interview with French author of racist novel "Camp of Saints", Raspail in the 90s:

Birrell's expertise is based upon a PhD thesis about Chinese Communism, then essays for Tanton's The Social Contract Press early 90s, and by mid 90s contributing essays to his own magazine "People and Place".

Common strand is flawed research methodology (or none whatsoever) including lack of critical literature reviews, empirical research and referencing.

Accordingly Birrell's "research" can be best described as personal biases informing essays based on unsubstantiated claims without references, therefore just essays in magazines...... gobbled up by mainstream media, amateur eugenicists, environmentalists, real estate lobby etc..
Posted by Andras Smith, Friday, 20 September 2013 10:36:48 PM
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