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Economy heads for a grim recession : Comments
By Henry Thornton, published 6/8/2013But no one, not even the RBA, is coming to grips with the main problem facing Australia, which is double-digit cost disequilibrium - a severe lack of international competitiveness.
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Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 8 August 2013 12:18:42 AM
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CHERFUL, one problem, our unions will not allow flexibility in wages.
In other words, their (unions) primary focus is to protect the wages and conditions of workers, many of which have been gained through previous imbalances in the supply and demand labor industry. What unions don't get is that while it's fine to increase wages and condition while times are good, these conditions MUST be allowed to wind back as demand falls, as is the case now. Restaurants and caffees are a prime example, whereby in recent years they were literally full t the brim with young construction workers with money to burn. These spend thrift days are over, yet the IR restrictions remain and are forcing many to the wall, or at the very least thinking hard about renewing their leases. So, while prices may well fall, Jobs will also fall. I said back in 07 that the one thing any government must maintain is confidence, and labor took an axe to that. In 2011 that silly Gillard introduced the carbon tax we would never have, again effecting confidence, then, she delivered the killer blow by calling a September election back at the start of the year, a move that caused many to sit on their hands. Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 8 August 2013 7:30:30 AM
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yesweare heading towards the global recession[we were planned to have]
why? is built on a lie..a huge big fat fib..juist like it has been all through time [or at least since the time of christ/upsetting the money changers..selling dispensation tokens..well over face/and value of its metal content. ceaser debased the that previous time yet managed to build many create jobs just liker the 2002 collapse was headed off by introducing 'work ready'.security screening globally keatingh 'saved us/all' selling off thecommon[lol;]wealthbank howard saved us taking 10$..of our wages to'give' CoMPULSORRY super..[ie giving 10%..of our weekly wage to the money changers] rudd and cohort$.. then bailed out the money changers yet again by bailing out too big to fail..bwankers..selling secularized/and underwritten iou's [read our loan if investment AAA grade..promises..much bought with your compuls-sorry super..con*tibut-ions[sic*] anyhow other great scams/rort were taking over sport and quality programing then selling it the fools lending..THEIR OWN SUPER BACK*..on ursury credit card rates/minimum repayment.,.via the money-changers stealing your wagees [10%]and federal reserves[100%] [gold silver copper /mints note..printing branches plus ..monetary exchange rates/interest rates..etc just as govt steals from via income tax fraud.. our wage isnt income but thanks be to colluded has become the cash cow..supplying the only real value..[your labor..on minimum wage] you are now slaves.. except you house feed..abuse but are just to busy think how come income dont get taken from the rich/trust funds nor corpse-orations..corporations..[inc/ltd] but TAKEN..from your wage oh jesus..why so many needlessly needy govt can make its own cash..INTREST much as is needed JUST*..eliminate the bwankers.. from owning/controlling our monetary exchange supply and lockup for .life ;..*pub.lic servants serving 'other masters' and audit EVERYONE*..put it online..if you havnt claimed it.. it goes back to govt..who on-sell it by open process..a to buy back the mint..fed etc..that NEVER should have gone tothe money exchangers[thieves] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 August 2013 9:11:28 AM
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Yes OUG, super should never have been given to the bankers to manage.
That money, now in the trillions of dollars, could be funding every bit of infrastructure we have/need and we would be finavially bullet proof. Talk about lost opportunity! Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 8 August 2013 10:20:09 AM
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<<..A simple pile of stones/paper /metal
with the power to drive all men mad. What is this strange contagious psychosis called greed?>> squeezing our life blood..from our still warm bone onto faux stone vault..holding only iou'$ Many believe that today's central bankers are an arrogant lot who are repeating the same sins as the bankers of the 1920s and setting the stage for an impending implosion of the financial system much more dire than the dry-run of 2008-2009. Read more: Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 August 2013 11:43:08 AM
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rehctub..<<That money,>>
that cash money when leveraged..50 times simply by lodging it the fed [who issued the BANK_bill..!..promisary NOTE*.. that FORMERLY was a promise to pay..[in pound/shillings of weight] sterling silver/pure silver before before that and in the end even STOLE the copper coin but not before debasing..'PENNY-*WEIGHT"..first..into cents and thus further debased HRH face upon the DEBASED coin-age..[a crime worse than treason!] <<now in the trillions>>..QUADRILLIONS..<<of dollars,>> note..'doller'..too/also a weight based unit.. <<could be funding every bit of infrastructure we have/need and we would be financi-ally bullet proof.>> yes..but hopefully..via our pain our kids..might just finish..that jesus himself begun they got credit cards unsecured credit*..blood cant be squeezed from stone but can be stolen from their long as they stay ignorant <<Talk about lost opportunity!>> we must learn hard lessons..stop believing anyone really cares who receives the free lunch...expects more than mere crumbs.. but govt treason acts..will destroy us all the poor have always been poor its the fat middle piddle class..that gets the real pain the rich will just get richer..[or so they think] day..all we thought we gone..or despoiled when the public service..saw it about to happen..last tinme first thing they did was protect..*THEMSELVES* hang-em high/ time* how to get thefuture mob..educated*.. [but not via uni-vercity/arts`or peers..] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 August 2013 12:17:45 PM
There will be no relief for the next 20 years at least, probably longer. Real jobs don't exist and the fake ones that allow some women to pretend to be independent can't be afforded. The struggle between the entitlement-culture that pervades Western feminism and the pragmatic need to dismantle the structures that it has created will not be pretty, but it will be essential if our grandchildren are to have a future.