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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel's indigenous invaders > Comments

Israel's indigenous invaders : Comments

By Neve Gordon and Nicola Perugini, published 15/7/2013

How Israel justifies the imminent relocation of thousands of Palestinian Bedouin by characterizing them as invaders.

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I am grateful to these authors for articulating
and providing evidence for the appalling discrimination
underpinning the manufacture of Israel
Posted by asho, Monday, 15 July 2013 12:24:29 PM
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Sickening racism and ethnic cleansing that is more and more everyday becoming to define Israel.
Posted by mikk, Monday, 15 July 2013 12:49:08 PM
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Israelis work on four main assumptions:

1. If I think I am a favored child of God and superior to all others, I am.

2. If I want something, I know that God is happy for me to take it using force.

3. Should anyone or any group oppose me let them know that I possess the means to wipe them off the face of the world and will not hesitate to use them.

4. If all else fails, the U.S. will come to Israel's rescue and destroy our enemies, no ifs or buts. We pull their strings and they dance!

Given this mindset, the fate of the unfortunate Bedouins and Palestinians and other inhabitants of some Middle East Countries is sealed.
Posted by David G, Monday, 15 July 2013 3:43:25 PM
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I have a question for the authors of this article

"Can you name any country in the world which allows people to build illegally on government owned land?"

I doubt you can.

The point is that neither the Bedouin, nor anyone else for that matter, has the right to build on government land.

You make it sound as if the Israeli government is about to render thousands of people homeless, which is far from the truth. The Bill, which is still before the Knesset, allows for a generous proportion of land in the desert, for which they will be required to pay the cost of utilities.

Where the Bedouin are squatting now there is no sewerage because it is not a residential area, therefore it is not supplied. The same applies to the building of roads and the installation of utilities.

They have polluted the underground aquifers with their discharge of effluent, which has nowhere to go. They take water from those same aquifers and use solar panels for energy. The Government for years has put all this in the too hard basket for far too long.

The government has built entire towns which they have no interest in living in, because if they do they will have to pay rates, taxes and energy costs.
I have seen one of these beautiful towns which is literally ghost a town.

Why would they want to do that when they have it all free?

Having looked at the Regavim web site, what shame you chose to pick parts that suit your own agenda.

The Bedouin run amok in the Negev. It is wild and lawless, with violent gangs roaming at night. They steal everything that is not tied down. Construction workers working on the road building complain they have to pay 'protection' money to stop the theft of their equipment and building materials.

By the way the Bedouin are not indigenous to the region. They originate in Saudi Arabia. They are Arabic-speaking nomadic peoples who now are scattered in many parts of the Middle East.
Posted by SF, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:17:38 PM
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A lot of this argument is upside down.
The Jews were there pre Christian era for a long long time.
The area became mixed Christian and Jewish until invaded by Romans and
later Arabs from what is now Saudi Arabia who imposed Islam under
threat of death or slavery.
That started the Crusades and the rest is as they say history
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:59:04 PM
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None of this Beduoin bashing addresses
the real complaint of the authors - the distinction
between jews and others beng pursued so purposefully
by political leaders of Israel.
Why then do Australian governments support
Israel ?
Posted by asho, Monday, 15 July 2013 5:50:05 PM
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