The Forum > Article Comments > Why Fraser should not go Green > Comments
Why Fraser should not go Green : Comments
By Syd Hickman, published 10/7/2013Long ago, around the time Malcolm Fraser was in power, the Greens made a useful contribution to political debate.
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And to his credit, Mr Fraser stands almost alone as the one true leader, who demanded and got a regional solution that processed and resettled tens of thousands of "genuine refugees"; and, with none of the hysteria and political circus, that compounds today's very different problems!
In Malcolm Fraser's day, the pirates attacked the boats, now they just seem to want to smuggle undocumented economic migrants to the soft touch countries, with bleeding heart leaders?
For heavens sake, tens of thousands of forgotten Aussie kids, live in far worse conditions, [tin sheds, tents and car bodies], than those found on Mannus Island or Nauru.
And there are around a hundred thousand homeless, and thousands sleeping rough!
The people we do let in, ought to be put to work immediately, doing the hardly ever filled, dirty dawn to dark gut-busting jobs no Aussies wants; and for minimum pay and conditions! [Been there, done that!]
With every move they make, the anti nuke, anti dam, anti development, anti jobs, "irrational" tree hugging greens, seem to be slipping back in the polls; and, many greenish conservatives no longer preference them!
Perhaps those conservatives tired of they way the highly manipulative greens split their preferences?
Perhaps the greens thought with a moral moderate like Farmer Fraser backing them, they might have a better chance of getting some of the other bleeding heart Liberals back on side?
And lets face it, they do need preferences, to continue to occupy seats!