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Toddler training the House : Comments
By Sophie Love, published 2/7/2013What the Julia Gillard prime ministership has revealed in all its unpleasantness is the ingrained sexism in Australian society - witness the ongoing revelations from the Australian Defence Force.
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Posted by Rhys Jones, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 3:03:53 PM
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I wonder if we are starting to see the Diana-isation of Julia Gillard?
Shortly before her death, it was commonly held that Princess Diana was a narcissistic, neurotic, attention-seeking airhead. Almost immediately after her death, she was transformed into the caring, heart-warming “people’s princess”, utterly above criticism, and possibly the victim of dark establishment conspiracies. The 180 degree about-turns of media commentators at the time was admirably documented by the satirical magazine Private Eye. Those who want to similarly re-write Julia’s history need to be reminded of her many failings. She WAS in fact a back-stabbing bitch. She lied to the electorate, relied on the likes of Slipper and Thompson to maintain a tenuous grip on power, agree to bad policies to win the votes of independents then back-flipped when she found the votes weren’t needed (pokies laws), presided over some spectacular policy disasters, and tried to portray her unpopularity as a result of her gender not her actions. Sophie, some questions: Where is your evidence that Abbot “hates women”? Where is your evidence that he wants to change abortion laws? How is Abbot’s opposition to gay marriage different to Gillard’s opposition to gay marriage? Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 3:36:23 PM
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Almost as many women despised Juliar as men did. This is not because she was a female PM, it was because she was a really bad PM.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 4:24:07 PM
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Time to turn the other cheek fellers. For too long we've been helping the ladies out of cars, holding doors open for them, & giving a helping hand up a steep path, or through the business world. For just as long all many men have received for their trouble is a knee in the groin as she has passed.
Yep time to tell her that to be treated as a lady, she'll damn well have to act like one, or be treated just like Gillard. Yes that's right, treated just as she has earned the right to be treated. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 5:24:32 PM
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I could have liked parts of the article if the author had kept her sexism out of it (and skipped the Abbott hates women junk).
The behaviour of our pollies is a disgrace, behaviour that in other occupations that I can think of only seems to be a routine part of boxing. Both sides play it when it suits, generally more so in opposition because in opposition pollies don't have the advantage of largess with taxpayer money to use to attract attention to themselves. I don't much like any of the Gillard, Rudd, Abbott trio but given the nature of the attacks on Abbott by his detractors I'm beginning to doubt many of my concerns about him. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 5:57:44 PM
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I had no intention for voting for a government under Gillard.
Yet....Tony and his supporters shouldn't be too precious about these things. They seemed to be enjoying themselves here.... Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 6:22:53 PM
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...What this article proves to me is, there is a place where women should "not" be...!!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 7:24:15 PM
It appears that for Julias apologists the only possible reason a person would not want her as prime minister is because they hate women. What garbage. I dislike Julia Gillard because she has absolutely no moral compass or values. She will say whatever she thinks will win her the most votes on any given day.
I also get very tired of hearing about how Tony abbot is a misogynist. I have never heard him say anything derogatory about women. Negative politics certainly but where is the misogyny?
And I also get very upset at people who think abortion is not an issue for men as well as women. Half of all foetuses will grow up to be men if given the opportunity. They are created from the genetic information of both a man and a women. Both men and women are required by law to support them throughout their childhood. That being so, how is it reasonable to say that men should not have an opinion on whether or not we should be allowed to kill them prior to birth.