The Forum > Article Comments > Farewell to Gillard, enter the old > Comments
Farewell to Gillard, enter the old : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 27/6/2013One leader could campaign but not govern; the other govern but not campaign. The bifurcation of the ALP's leadership has been its source of torment and doom.
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...Julia who...? ? ?
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 27 June 2013 9:52:53 AM
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Labor continually elects nasty, devisive people as their leader; e.g. Keating, Latham, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd.
And their back-ups are just as bad, Swan, Conroy, Shorten and the 'handbag hit squad' of misandrists on Emily's List. And the union leaders wanting to be the next wave of really nasty people, like Paul Howes of the AWU. Then of course there is the ABC, taxpayer funded publicity and propoganda arm of the ALP. It is di8sgracefully biased towards ALP and Greens: Leigh Sales, Chris Uhlman (sporting a red tie last night), Red Kerry, Tony Jones, Barry Cassidy, Annabell Crab, and virtually all the rest of the main players in the ABC, right up to the Chairman of the Board. Throughout most broadcasts there is the inevitable pro Labor-Green innuendo and supportive adjectives in what they say about Labor and Greens and negative adjectives and innuendo about the LNP. ABC1 last night showed speeches by Gillard, Swan, Rudd and Albanese, but did not show the speech by Tony Abbott. Instead, they continued with a boring Tony Jones interview with Bob Carr right through Abbott's speech. IMO it is really bad that taxpayers are paying for such partisan behaviour from the public broadcaster. I happened to have seen the first part of Tony Abbott's speech on Prime, then found the rest on ABC24, but throughout the live broadcast ABC1 showed the Tony Jones interview with Bob Carr. Most people interested in the political upheaval and dumping of another PM, would have been watching ABC1. So it is disgraceful that ABC1 did not show the Tony Abbott speech and questions, including the quip as he left to one of the journalists. His short quip and smile was just one short insight into what he is really like - a pleasant, honest person, not the divisive sort of person who is too frequently elected to lead the ALP. Posted by Peter Lang, Thursday, 27 June 2013 10:13:01 AM
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Remember ?
Rudd using taxpayer money to attend strip joints? Rudd's fake life story of family eviction as a child? His little "boy scout" salute to Geo Bush after panning the US leader prior to being elected? His foul mouth ranting and raving while trying to speak Mandarin ? His abusing young airline staff? His complaints about not getting a hair dryer? Waking his staff at ungodly hours for trivial reasons? Sending junior staffers to important security briefings? It won't be long before he's at it again. Its only a matter of time. Posted by Atman, Thursday, 27 June 2013 10:14:44 AM
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Australia is a better nation this morning. It has got rid of the most divisive, incompetent, devious, self-serving Prime Ministers we've ever seen.
To see Rudd sworn in as P.M. was a moment of exquisite joy in my life. A great wrong had been redressed, an terrible injustice undone. Perhaps LABOR has a chance now at the next election instead of political oblivion. Take heart, fellow Australians. The Gillard curse has gone! Posted by David G, Thursday, 27 June 2013 10:27:17 AM
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Sorry David G, you got it just a little bit wrong.
Australia has just got rid of the SECOND most divisive, incompetent, devious, self-serving Prime Minister we've ever seen. It has just reelected "the most divisive, incompetent, devious, self-serving Prime Minister we've ever seen". Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 27 June 2013 10:43:13 AM
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Fix-up the illegal "refo" problem and there laughing....
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 27 June 2013 11:30:22 AM
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so after the election with who are the ship of fools going to replace
Rudd after they knife him a second time? Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 27 June 2013 12:01:41 PM
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'a fresh set of independent political figures who regard policy above faction, service above patronage' - who the heck are you talking about? Not the Liberals - been watching NSW lately? There seems to be something in the water which brings slime oozing to the surface,regardless of political persuasion. Though of course they are nowhere in the league of the Terrigals.
My biggest problem with Julia Gillard was that whenever she spoke I became functionally deaf. I found out more about what her government had been doing in a short ABC interview with Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott than she managed to impart in three years. My problem with Tony Abbot is that he has yet to say anything worth hearing. Certainly not policy, although with 87% of legislation passed under Gillard having bi-partisan support, perhaps he just shares the majority of Labor policies but won't admit it. Voting for more than 430 pieces of legislation put forward by your sworn enemies is a bit weird if you seriously want the electorate to think you have a whole new policy framework on offer. Posted by Candide, Thursday, 27 June 2013 12:36:25 PM
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I for one welcome our new zombie overlords. And I wish them luck hunting for brains in the Labor Party.
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 27 June 2013 12:56:29 PM
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It's a funny thing I often end up seeming to defend Gillard although I've often felt annoyed with some of the things she's said and frustrated with the way some policies have been handled.
Anyway apropos of nothing I've never had the impression Gillard "knifed" Rudd as much that she was given an ultimatum for the "good" of the party with the support of most. The knifing was going to happen regardless however the level of collateral damage was her responsibility to minimise. Contrast her behavior to that to Rudd, who has been throwing spitballs from the back of the class for three years. Well Gillard seemed to show more dignity at least. With Rudd you get the impression it's all about him. Posted by Joske, Thursday, 27 June 2013 3:19:33 PM
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I miscalculated - the Coalition supported 513 pieces of government legislation, not 430. Oops.
Posted by Candide, Thursday, 27 June 2013 4:51:24 PM
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Sounds like the coalition was positive and all of those complaints about Abbott being 'negative' was political spin.
A lot of legislative change is routine stuff, for instance up-dating details on existing laws, so one would expect reasonable agreement, accepting that the Bills would pass anyway where the government had the numbers. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 27 June 2013 5:27:47 PM
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What people who have never worked for a pollie don't understand is that most bills put through parliament are merely budget supply bills, since the dismissal they are never actually denied by either party any more.
So Gillard's reforms come down to 3 major policies on the never, never. 1.. Gonski laws to allow it have passed but there will be no new money for 3-7 years so what was the point? And why were poor uni students made the donkeys who have to pay for the rich private schools to keep their money? 2. the river murray scheme was Turnbull's, it is on the never, never until 2021 an SA has only signed up today. 3. the NDIS is having a small trial but no money until 2016, again what was the point. 4. This report shows how low this parliament has gone but Gillard had a bucket of concrete in her ears and refused to listen to anyone. 5. Many people have now said clearly that Rudd was not dumped because he couldn't govern, Wikileaks cables clearly showed that he was dumped by the Zionist lobby and spies for the US after he said we should vote for Palestine to be recognised by UNESCO and that all the undermining of the government in his day was not done by Rudd but by Gillard, Arbib, Shorten and Feeney. Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 27 June 2013 5:48:28 PM
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I think Marilyn should get a different writing job. You know, producing those 600 page conspiracy thingies with Codex or Conundrum or Recourse in the title that are bought in desperation before one flies a long way, such as to Moscow.
Posted by McCackie, Thursday, 27 June 2013 6:34:36 PM
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Is it a conspiracy it if it actually demonstrated in Wikileaks cables? Just asking, because I haven't seen the cables, but I would have thought that if we had hard evidence that the moon landing was faked we wouldn't call it a conspiracy any more.
Posted by Candide, Friday, 28 June 2013 12:39:21 AM