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The crisis in western thought : Comments

By Reg Little, published 12/6/2013

Since the mastery of these classics is traditionally undertaken by rigorous rote learning from a very early age, many educated Asians do not find it difficult to master the West's comparatively simplistic abstract rational thought.

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With Reg Little and Kevin Rudd being diplomats, I now realise anyone can become one given an opportunity, as more accurately putting the pieces together about international relations and the international economy does not seem to be important.

Reg, forget the rest, the West is 'still' the best. We just need to redefine our direction. Hopefully we will.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 9:04:19 AM
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The Chinese are beating the west, because they have a different culture to the Western Judeo Christian culture which has instilled the concept of guilt for seeking self interest.

The Chinese think that this is nuts. Greed has always been good for the Chinese. They even worship Tsai Shen, the God of Wealth. Could you imagine the Chinese sticking a statue to their God of Wealth in Hyde Park, beside St Mary's cathedral? Multiculturalism or no, Cardinal Pell would have a fit.

That self interest is the prime motivator in Chinese behaviour might be discerned by comparing the Japanese warrior to the Chinese warrior. In Japan, the warrior class was the finest sort of human being, who would willingly sacrifice his life for his Lord. The Chinese were more practical. Soldiers are just scum who can't find any other way of gaining employment.

Central to Chinese self image is that they are a race apart. The Chinese believe in Evolution, but their version is different to what is accepted in the West. They accept that most humans evolved from homo erectus in Africa, but they maintain that the Chinese evolved in China from homo erectus. That is what is taught in their schools. The very thought that Chinese would have black ancestors is just too much for the Chinese.

The richest people on planet Earth are the "overseas Chinese". These Chinese are renowned for their intense nationalism in every country they live in. The only problem is, that they are intensely loyal to China. The USA has now experienced a string of "defections" from "Chinese Americans" in sensitive defence position to China. This involves technology in ICBM's, nuclear submarine design, genetics, and Stealth technologies.

While liberals in the West display their moral superiority by always being opposed to their nations, and their races, self interest, the Chinese take the opposite view. While western liberals want to destroy capitalism and create a socialist welfare state, the Chinese are just emerging from that debilitating condition and embracing the capitalism which once made the west strong.

That is why they are beating us.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:28:12 AM
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PCR is eminently qualified to comment on the dissolution and implosion of capitalism and the West.

Most Australians cling to their 1945 worship of the U.S. They can't get their tiny minds around the fact that the U.S. is an enemy of the free world and is pushing us towards a nuclear war as it tries to squeeze China out of the mix of potential superpowers.

It will be interesting to see how many comments this excellent, topical article receives from the OLO intelligentsia!
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:49:30 AM
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is that why many of the rich chinese also want to live in the west, and love flaunting rich western goods.

Sure the west may have lost the plot, for now, but lets not kid ourselves that the chinese model is superior. China has just merely exploited the longstanding flaws associated with trade with a mercantile system while we kid ourselves that all will be okay if we follow an ideal.

But the west will change, albeit Australia will just follow events led by more powerful Western states or entities (US and EU). Change will be incremental, but it is happening
Posted by Chris Lewis, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:10:27 PM
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Nice post Lego. You are so correct, you only have to visit the Chung Wah Association in Perth, or their equivalent in other Australian cities to realise this. I suggest reading posts on the 'Asian Wind' forum to anyone who thinks that Asians abide by any code of conduct other than extreme self interest (racism). Chinese do indeed think they are a race apart and abhore and ridicule any suggestion their distant relatives may have been black. That their culture and creed is manifestly superior is not even taken as a 'given' - to them it is simply part of the natural order; a necessary truth. Why, Oh why, are we importing them faster than Julia Gillard can switch positions beggars belief. The West will go down in history as the only civilisation to have sacrificed itself on its own ideals of equality by programmes of mass immigration schemes of peoples who believe just the opposite. These immigration policies are foisted onto the populations without our consent and anyone who dares question their value is denounced and ridiculed - Pauline Hanson to name one. Thomas Jefferson once wrote: 'Those who turn their guns into ploughs will end up ploughing for those who do not.'
Posted by Cody, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:29:13 PM
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Here we go again, the West is in terminal decline.

About the only reliable characteristic of economic predictions is that they're notoriously unreliable. Let's see how long BRICS holds together, most likely, all, or most of its members will falter due to inherent institutional inefficiencies.
I've seen all this before, Japan's Confucian culture was supposed to be the key to the county's phenomenal post war economic development and the 'experts' predicted that it would eventually overtake the US--the reality is 20 years of economic stagnation.

".. many educated Asians do not find it difficult to master the West's comparatively simplistic abstract rational thought."

Europe's "comparatively simplistic abstract rational thought" produced the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, Liberal Democracy and the Industrial Revolution.

The West, with its remarkable capacity for introspection, will probably outlast BRICS or any handy acronym that economic "forecasters" invent. Russia will be the first initial to disappear from BRICS and if the Chinese oligarchy can't manage the country's transformation, the "C' will disappear soon as well.

I'd put my money on Western hegemony.
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:49:22 PM
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The only nice thing that can be said about the Western worldview is that it works: it lifts people out of poverty, sickness and misery into a state of health, wealth, general longevity and happiness. Not only in the West, but in countries that trade with the West. Yes, it takes time, and yes, some people get hurt in the process, and yes, mistakes are made -- but generally by those people who feel obliged to interfere with market forces, rather than those who support them.

If Reg, or the Chinese government, or anyone else can come up with a system that works any better then I for one will welcome our new enlightened overlords. Till then I plan to keep enjoying the benefits of Western neoliberalism.
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 13 June 2013 7:39:32 AM
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Thank you Cody.

It is interesting to speculate upon whether the Chinese culture of unregulated self interest and their "one Child policy" can continue prosperity. They are an interesting race with an interesting culture.

Mean Chinese IQ's are three points higher than whites, but the Asians seem to be unable to produce really towering intellects such as Galileo, Newton, Rutherford, Keppler, or Da Vinci. It is believed that the Asian education system which stresses rote learning may be responsible for this.

The Judeo Christian ethics which can be a problem for those seeking advancement by self interest, does have a real benefit to commerce in North European Christian countries which are the least corrupt in the world. The Chinese have always suffered from official corruption and a total lack of ethics from their leaders. That has always been a problem for anyone who does business with them., This is being discovered by western businessmen today.

Anyone setting up a leading brand name factory in China risks having (unknown to the management) "clone" factories set up by Chinese who routinely counterfeit goods and sell lower quality identical goods. The concept of intellectual property rights is something the Chinese consider a joke. If you want to buy an illegal Austrian Glock or an illegal Czech CZ 75, you can bet that the illegal arms dealer you are dealing with has taken the "made in China" label off them.

This problem of official corruption in China is so acute, that the Chinese today do not put money in banks. They use bank deposit boxes or they keep their money at home. If they flaunted their wealth in China, you can bet that some thieving general or bureaucrat would take it off them.

The killing of female infants is causing a sex imbalance that is becoming acute. China may well become the first homosexual superpower since Sparta, and one with a Nazi racial ideology, a Nazi system of government which encourages capitalism while advocating socialism, and no moral compass other than self interest.

We live in interesting times.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 13 June 2013 8:31:12 AM
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why are there so many Chinese students applying to get into Harvard?

why are there so few patents going to (mainland) Chinese but still plenty to the U.S.?

Why are there so many copycats in China of original fashions and movies, so little regard or respect, nay, even understanding of the concept of 'intellectual property'?

Conformity and committee think does not produce originality but a false sense of harmony and a suspicion and hostility of individual enterprise.

You only need to see what's been happening to Ai Weiwei.
Posted by SHRODE, Thursday, 13 June 2013 11:33:10 PM
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