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The Goodes and Eddies of unconscious racism : Comments

By Michel Poelman, published 3/6/2013

Goodes' reaction highlights that human deficiencies, left to their own devices, create harms that cut deep.

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Dear DavidF

Homosexual couples do not "reproduce" since that is a biological impossibility, but no amount of finger wagging moralising will affect their behaviour.

Sigmund Freud coined the word "neurosis" to explain the behaviour of many of his patients who were exhibiting bizarre behaviour. Many of his patients were homosexuals who had been inculcated by their culture to themselves believe that their homosexual behaviour was utterly wrong and contemptible. This they actually accepted. But the strain of constantly repressing their innermost instincts caused serious psychological problems.

I agree that human beings can repress their instincts to some degree in order to conform to societal values. But we can only go so far when it comes to our most deeply felt psychological imperatives.

In centuries past, moralists defined the repression of the "Seven Deadly Sins" as the answer to human conflict. With Karl Marx and his followers, it was "class consciousness" that was the root of all evil. Now, "racism" is the Only Deadly Sin.

Communist theology held that all humans in society were absolutely equal in every way. A Cheapside flower girl was indistinguishable from a princess, provided that she had elocution lessons and a nice dress. But their attempts to create a classless society failed miserably. Birds of a feather, just keep flocking together, regardless of what the socialist egalitarians preach.

Now we have a new egalitarian theory which will also fail. This is, that people can divest themselves of their racially based identity and create race blind societies. This concept is failing right now in multicultural societies all over the world. Multiculturalism is exactly like Socialism, because it is based upon the same egalitarian ideal. How many times does it need to fail before educated, and supposedly intelligent people realise that it is a bad idea?

An excellent definition of "insanity" is "making the same mistake, over and over again."

Nature is no egalitarian. People are born with different levels of intelligence, types of intelligences (talents), physical abilities, and natural beauty. And they form groups of like minded individuals with kinship ties because they feel safe among them.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 7 June 2013 5:00:18 AM
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Dear LEGO,

Sure people form groups with those they have affinity with. However, forming groups by race is a fairly modern idea if we look back in history. Race had nothing to do whether one was given Roman citizenship. When the Goths were riding high and raiding Europe one could be a Goth, regardless of race, if one could wield a sword effectively. I visit the state of Virginia where my son lives. When the Supreme Court made segregation by race illegal you would see groups of blacks and whites in a restaurant with blacks gathered at their tables and whites gathered at their tables. Now as I go to Virginia I see much more mixture. Whites and blacks are at the same tables. I am blond and blue eyed. However, I now have relatives who are black. My grandchildren have ancestors who are black, Scotch, Irish, American Indian, French, Russian, Jewish and Portuguese. Race is only one of many divisions between human beings, and many human beings don't find racial differences important. In the US there used to be laws against miscegenation, blacks marrying whites. Those who wrote those laws would not have written them if people of different races didn't want to marry each other. It is instinctive for humans to get together with like-minded people. However, people of different races may be like-minded or have similar cultural backgrounds.
Posted by david f, Friday, 7 June 2013 5:25:16 AM
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david f "The instinct for racism is causing conflict and can prove harmful to our survival. That means that it can be abandoned."

Your unrealistic utopian ideology is responsilbe for most of that conflict, so maybe we should abandon it instead.
You are bringing people together that have never had to live together before: Swedes and Koreans, Irish and Turks, Belgians and Samoans.
You are *creating* the conflict!

You can't rewire your brain to suit this week's fashion or thought police edict.
I read somewhere we use more of our brain for face-analysis/recognition that for *any other* function!

Why? So we can recgonise who might have the same selfish genes as us and who might have competing ones that will eliminate our green eyes or red hair.

The only reason there is potential racial conflict is due to the artificial means by which different peoples have been brought together: conquest, slavery, and today's 'non-discriminatory' immigration.
You condemn the first two, while expecting us to celebrate the third.

Greed motivated all three.
Today's third mistake is no more noble.
They're coming here for money. Greed will not unite us.
Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 7 June 2013 6:25:38 AM
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Good post, DavidF

My reading of history informs me that Rome fell when it became Christian, lost its social identity and social cohesion, and declared that everyone in the Roman Empire "was Roman."

The state of race relations the USA today is hardly a glowing example of racial harmony. My premise is, that white people wanted social separation from black people for valid reasons. That was, because they were convinced that black people were extremely racist themselves, extremely violent, and that most black people had low intelligence.

They still hold these views today, and while the liberal courts may be able to mix schools and restaurants, white people simply "vote with their feet" and move to areas where blacks (and hispanics) are rare In the USA, real estate agents have been known to cause housing prices to drop in "white areas" by "seeding" black families with cheap houses to begin "white flight." This phenomenon of "white flight" is happening in Australia today, where Australians are fleeing "Muslim" areas with their high rates of serious criminal behaviour.

This is creating "black" cities like Washington, which have identical problems with aboriginal settlements. In 1993, the Mayor of Washington (Sharon Kelly) begged the President to release the National Guard, because crime in Washington had became so bad the police admitted that they had lost control of the city.

Socialist egalitarians claim that it is these white racist attitudes which are the reason for black dysfunction. That just happens to be a racist argument in itself. White US people today are 54 times more likely to be the victims of race crimes committed by blacks, as blacks are of race crimes committed by whites. But only white people are considered the "racists."

Your example of inter racial marriage is an interesting one. White men marrying aboriginal women is not uncommon in Australia. But high status aboriginal women are apparently racists. They do not marry aboriginal men. Aboriginal men have traditionally visited appalling violence upon their females and so it is hardly surprising that aboriginal women "vote with their feet" too, if they can.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 7 June 2013 6:59:32 AM
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Dear Lego,

I think it is one of the great tragedies in history when the Roman Empire became Christian. However, I don’t think that there was ever a time when everyone in the empire was regarded as a citizen. It had been declining for a long time before it became Christian. The eastern Roman empire became Byzantium and lasted almost a thousand years after Christianity became the official religion.

I don’t think racial segregation in the US ever was based on valid reasons. The segregation laws in the south were enacted in the late nineteenth century. Black people were freed from slavery after the Civil War, and the segregation laws were to continue white dominance. I lived in the north and went to integrated public schools in the 1930s. There didn't seem to be any problems.

There are areas of high crime and of low crime. My son lives in a racially mixed area in Virginia. His daughter had a friend whose father was a Virginia state policeman. He told me that there had not been a break-in or robbery in the area for the last seven years. I asked him what he does. There are traffic offenses, bar room brawls, accidents, domestic conflicts but no break-ins or robberies. However, both black and white in the area are mostly employed and educated. The city of Washington has horrible problems of crime, drugs, teenage pregnancies, incest etc. Some all-white areas of Chicago have exactly the same problems. The cause is the same. Increasing mechanisation of the agriculture has forced marginal sharecroppers off the land, and they have come north. Both black and white are ignorant peasants who have come to the city and cannot cope.

Socialist egalitarianism? Marx was extremely prejudiced as was Bakhunin. Socialists have promoted egalitarianism, but it has been mainly for propaganda purposes. In the communist countries the party became the exploiting class. Racism can exist anywhere among any people. You wrote that only white people are considered racists. I think that is nonsense. Where did you get your statistics on black-white crime?
Posted by david f, Friday, 7 June 2013 10:00:32 AM
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I acknowledge your point about the longevity of the Eastern Christian Roman Empire. My premise, that Rome tried to stay together by making everyone in the Empire "Roman", came from my DVD series on that topic.

I disagree with your premise that segregation was not based upon valid reasons. Human beings will always avoid individuals, or groups of people that they see as threatening, or just trouble. Where a productive majority hold legislative power, they will use their power to keep their own people safe from the strife prone minority.

Even in all white societies, class conscious layering occurs where different classes exist in separate geographic areas, which roughly equate to intelligence levels (or at least types of intelligences) that exist among the classes. The lowest class is occupied primarily with those of the lowest intelligence, and not surprisingly, this is where most of the serious social problems including high crime rates ,obesity, and endemic welfare dependency occurs.

Black run societies in every corner of the world are universally dysfunctional. There are two opposing racist explanations to explain that. The first, is that black people are always the victims of white oppression. This is a premise I reject. The other, is that black people (generally speaking) have measurably lower intelligences than whites and Asians, and low intelligence is a prime factor in criminal and dysfunctional behaviour.

The degree to which black people are very disproportionately over represented in violent crime is amazing. There are no end of sites on the internet, including official government ones, that can give you an insight into the scale of the problem. I put it to you, DavidF, that it is not unreasonable for whites and Asians to have very low (racist) opinions of black people, when their unacceptable behaviour is self evident.

You are right when you say that the Socialist egalitarians promised a utopian society free of class distinctions and they failed. I put it to you that the descendents of these socialist egalitarians dream that they can build a utopian society free of racial division, but they are going to fail also.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 7 June 2013 2:02:48 PM
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