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The history of global warming : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 30/5/2013

Too early to write it off, but not too early to start understanding it in context.

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Poirot where do you get this stuff, the New Matilda, or some other propaganda sheet?

Do you believe it, or just squirt it out because it suits your ideology?

You see, not charging farmers & shipping the road tax is not a subsidy, but a little justice. Renaming the road tax something else, & using it for other roads is petroleum subsidizing everything else, including the alternate rip off. Yes I know lefty rat bags don't see it that way. Are we to include you in this ever diminishing rabble?

It is difficult to be sure which came first lefty lying, or Gillard's total abhorrence of the truth. I suppose the lefty dislike of truth came first, but Gillard must be their most successful student so far.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 2 June 2013 12:25:25 AM
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Can't your read, Hasbeen?

Did the article I posted have the header "New Matilda"?

I know it's difficult to get something to stand up against your anti-lefty rants, based on nothing but your own bias, but there you go.

Calling people names like ratbag and rabble doesn't change the fact that oil, gas, and coal attract the lion's share of global subsidies, so perhaps you'd like to stop gilding the lily about financial support of renewables, when the hand scooping the money from taxpayers pockets belongs to the purveyors of dirty energy.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 2 June 2013 1:06:33 AM
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Poirot you really are hopeless.

The green/left cry of fossil subsidies is based on the usual tax deductions that all businesses pay.

Green energy is directly subsidised, that is given money; in fact renewable energy starts would not be happening if governments were not giving them billions; Jo sums up the disparity and the lie of parity about subsidies:

See also:

The subsidies for solar panel FITs is just obscene expecially since they do not provide any usable power:

Anyway, the real point is that renewables do not work so ANY money spent on them is wasted.

Fossils, nuclear, gas do work; in fact they work so well that they enable any ratbag to get behind a computer and say stupid things about AGW, renewable energy and whatever other thought bubble comes into their silly noggin.
Posted by cohenite, Sunday, 2 June 2013 9:51:06 AM
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cohenite - The subsidies for solar panel FITs is just obscene expecially since they do not provide any usable power:

Funny about that. One of my systems sends around 60kwh per day to the grid in addition to all the electrons used to keep things running in the house & farm. I certainly 'use' a bit of power myself, at least i think I do because the lights / freezers / computers / pumps etc keep running and I can only guess the 60kwh per day that goes to the grid gets used by someone. After all, that forms a component of the green power that all electricity retailers are legally compelled to purchase.
Posted by praxidice, Sunday, 2 June 2013 10:14:34 AM
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" fact they work so well that they enable any ratbag to get behind a computer and say stupid things about AGW, renewable energy and whatever other thought bubble comes into their silly noggins."

I couldn't agree more......
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 2 June 2013 10:24:14 AM
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praxidice; I have no doubt your panels supply power to the grid; however the time they supply it, and the price they supply it and the intermiitant nature of that supply will mean it is not used; it will be bled up a pole at a substation.

The grid transformers cannot handle power from a source which is running at full capacity and then supplying nothing the next minute, which is what wind and solar do.

They will literally go from 100% to 0% in a minute.

Solar panel FIT installations received up to 200% of the capital cost in subsidies depending on when they were installed; and after that initially 60c per Kilowatt hour [compared with 2-3c per Kilowatt hour cost from fossils at wholesale which is what the FIT competes with] for what they put into the grid [sic].

At that price they have cost $billions in subsidies.

Even at the reduced price of 20cper Kilowatt hour they will cost NSW about $2 billion and QLD about $2.8 billion.

This is a national scandal and when the Gillard gang are gone a proper audit of what the value for money of green investments are needs to be urgently done.

I have no problem with people installing the wretched things on their own dollar but I deeply resent my tax dollar being usurpted in this fashion.

Poirot of course has no tax dollars so doesn't care.
Posted by cohenite, Sunday, 2 June 2013 11:09:49 AM
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