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The death penalty is not progress in modern society : Comments

By Michael Hayworth, published 24/5/2013

For years scientists have theorised that it's not intelligence that makes mankind unique, but our conscious ability to learn, and to improve.

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csteele I wonder why I don't believe you? OK "mumma" csteele let's have some fun with your little threats 6foot 5inches, and 100kgs. You're overweight aren't you? I don't know if I should call you "lurch" or "mumma" You say I bully people, yet you try to bully me? Telling me your 6ft 5inches, anyway I simple don't believe you, so there mumma csteele! Being so big with such a small heart,I'd expect nothing less from you, 'little man'.

Little men both in height and mentally always try to be big, particularly when the doubting side can't prove it, one way or other, so your safe for the moment mumma.

You say quote my source? I did, a bloke who was a UN envoy in Qatar! Or are you too self absorbed do read what I said?

What's all this nonsence mumma that you go on with about, 3 live rounds and others with no rounds to save their feelings? You got that info out of a comic eh? Obviously because of your rather bizarre size 6ft 5inches and being overweight, you couldn't get into a uniform. So I can only conclude you've never been in the Army so you wouldn't really know anyway "mumma" csteele!
Posted by misanthrope, Saturday, 25 May 2013 3:30:44 PM
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I'm told in one 'community near Adelaide, nobody ever goes to town shopping 30 km away without leaving someone in the house, otherwise it will be stripped by the time they get home.


I agree with you that

"We have stood up and said the notion of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth belongs back where it came from, in the Old Testament."

Uncanny. That butcher in London used those words to justify killing. But still, I agree that even he shouldn't be executed, no matter how peacefully, perhaps on a morphine pump, operated by the relatives of his victim.

"We have decided we do not want executions done in our name and that we consider them barbaric.

"We have decided that what separates us from the 'curs' or beasts is the belief in the sanctity of each human life and that for us as a society to condone executions would make us lesser, closer to those who murder, than what we wish for ourselves.

"I call it civilised behaviour and I'm proud to be part of a country which, certainly on this issue, continues to engage in it."

Spot-on. We are more civilised than these half-wits and religious fundamentalists to whom the lives of others - non-believers - mean nothing. Even those killers are entitled to live - perhaps in life-long solitary confinement, safe from other murderers, but living nevertheless where they can, in time, reflect on the misery they have caused.

Perhaps the means of bringing their torment to a close should be freely available to them - belts, pills, razor-blades, but it should be up to them, nobody else. The right to take a person's life is nobody's business but that person's.

Of course, that shouldn't stop us from p!ssing on their graves......

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 25 May 2013 4:40:05 PM
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Joe, loudmouth, you say there's nothing stoping you from pissing on their graves, but we still shouldn't execute them? The two blokes who murdered that young soldier in London also shouldn't be executed either?

That soldiers death was barbaric, and the offender's were walking around them shouting with obvious glee! Yet they still shouldn't be hung? I just don't get where you're coming from Joe?

If you were to take a poll of all London people, I'd be very surprised if 75% of them wouldn't favour the death penalty for these two people? In my old country they would've been shot dead there on the spot and if they lived they would have been tried and executed within a maximum 3 months.

Mate I just don't understand your leaniency or your pity for these two very bad blokes?
Posted by misanthrope, Saturday, 25 May 2013 5:55:19 PM
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Thanks Misanthrope,

No, on very difficult reflection, I don't support the death penalty, even for ideologically-driven murderers such as these two.

And no, I'm not saying it's easy :)

Life imprisonment, with ample means to self-abbreviate the sentence - that's fine with me. Contemplation and remedy, as long as they lie within the power of the perpetrators of that vile crime, within the context of lifelong imprisonment - no seaside visits, no 72 virgins.

And yes, I agree with you, that if I had been one of those coppers, I don't think I could have hesitated, at that moment. But surely we have to try to be above that ? Scum like those Islamists may glibly talk about 'an eye for an eye', and - effectively - collective punishment, but surely we don't have to be as uncivilised as that ?

What appals me is that - wait for it, it will happen - sections of the pseudo-Left will gradually come out in some sort of mealy-mouthed support for this terrorism, and ally themselves with the most backward ideologies. All in the name of anti-Americanism, somehow, of course.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 25 May 2013 6:14:16 PM
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What hypocrites! You will send young men to war on your behalf, to kill or be killed - or would you rather we had rolled-over in WWII and were now speaking Japanese or German? Wimps!

Not willing to do your own dirty work, you profess 'civilization' and how 'we are all better than that' to hide your cowardice at what has to be done in the name of the innocents whose lives have been taken without just cause and without the benefit of 'reason'.
"Piss" on the graves of the damned barbarians, but not lift a hand to wreak Justice upon them who have so despoiled our 'civilization' by their cruel and evil elevation of their own worth and their own 'rights' above those of others?
The reality is that 'they' piss on you and you roll over and take it.

Leave them in prison to 'contemplate' the evil they have done? They must just love you - especially for providing them with the opportunity to play 'games' with other inmates, and particularly the 'sexual' kind, or to continue to be 'bestial', in full knowledge that you are too kind and thoughtful of their interests in preference to the interests of their victims.

Too wimpish to do what needs to be done? OK, but don't impress your weakness on others. Justice needs be done, not vengeance, just plain old Justice for lives taken without just cause, and for whom no more dawns will break, no child will call them parent, or run to them in joy or in pain.
No, their life is gone, and from you no pity, no anger, no 'closure', because real 'Justice' offends your 'sensibilities'.
I hope you can sleep well, dreaming of how you protect the lives of the guilty in preference to affording justice to their victims.
Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 25 May 2013 7:31:28 PM
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Hi Saltpetre,

Wow, you really are worked up, aren't you ? No of course I'm not saying that we should not defend ourselves, or that our young men should not be encouraged to go to war in defence of their country. Ideally, it should be voluntary, precisely because they would be putting their lives on the line. That is why, to me, the blokes who have been killed in Afghanistan are the real heroes - and if we ever leave that country before defeating the Taliban, I suspect we will bitterly regret it in the future.

And no again, I don't think those butchers deserve to be mixing with other prisoners - once they have been found guilty, they should be kept in solitary confinement for life, perhaps with an hour or so out each day, maybe around 4 a.m., but certainly not able to flash their dicks at other prisoners, like big-shots.

They are human beings, and entitled to minimal respect as such, but they have committed a vile act, and should contemplate that for the next fifty years or however long they choose.

I do regret that i will probably not live long enough to piss on their graves, but.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 25 May 2013 8:04:44 PM
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