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Double standards in religious free speech : Comments
By Alex Perrottet, published 9/5/2013At UNSW Christians are fair game, but Jews and Muslims have game keepers.
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and the godless can keep having their luv fests where they dream up ways to justify their depiscable behaviour. They could well be called the godless 'race'. They are experts excusing their corrupt natures and behaviour and even demand legislation to condone their actions.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 9 May 2013 5:11:09 PM
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I recently participated in a discussion on the same theme on "The Conversation" site. I asked three of the academic Islamic apologists who were involved in the discussion to define "Islamophobia" and to defend the definition of Moslems as a "race" and also to justify their easy assumption of the moral high ground and the use of rather patronising socio-jargon. The result--no replies. I have no idea whether it was due to ignorance or arrogance. Posted by mac, Thursday, 9 May 2013 6:16:36 PM
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The day people wake up & rid themselves of superstition will be the most joyous of days because it is then that they can think of themselves as intelligent.
It'll probably never happen because intelligence is not in the genes Posted by individual, Thursday, 9 May 2013 7:03:46 PM
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If you do a google on Alex you will find that he is an Opus Dei operative which is interesting for a number of reasons, four of which are: it is deeply misogynist;it is at root deeply anti-semitic (while pretending otherwise; it maintains a list of banned books which its acolytes are forbidden to read (so much for free speech and free enquiry; mortification of the "flesh" is a daily practice for many of its senior members.
Mortification is a form of psychosis. It is a method of asserting one's presumed cultural and religious superiority. It is a denial of love and only achieves the "ecstasy" of self-pity. Its goal seems to be truth, God, love, etc, but it is a manifestation, itself a signature of a certain quality of an emotionally crippled life. And it only perpetuates itself. It is an intrinsically false and disturbed life. It is a demonstration which is itself a refusal to live in a world where there is God, a world of love, openness, intrinsic uncaused pleasure, and happiness. it embraces guilt and the incapability for love, self-pity and hard-hearted superiority of self. It seeks to "win" through effort. This instead of Grace and the labors of Love. All mortification is an indication of the search for superiority through the emblem of suffering. But its only fruit is self-pity and darkness and lack of love. It is the strategic refusal to live in a world in which Love is the essential medium of Reality and Freedom, the essential Force of Being. It seems to seek a condition of light, life, love and freedom, but in fact it manifests and enforces a condition of depression, ignorance, bondage, and fearful separation. It is interesting to note that John Paul II practiced mortification by sometimes sleeping on a concrete floor, and by whipping himself too. Supposedly to get closer to God. Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 9 May 2013 7:10:48 PM
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"We are sure the University’s student body is also horrified and offended by such statements...The University supports and encourages the free expression of diverse views and open debate on campus but it must be lawful, respectful and responsible. "
The author should be commended for bringing the apparent UNSW top administration's double standards in religious free speech into the open. The above statement on the university website illustrates the administration's hypocrisy -- after virtually ignoring Tharunka's grossly disrespectful , irresponsible and obscene depiction. "As one student posted on the Tharunka Facebook page last month: Would you dare represent even a symbol of Islam (such as the crescent) or Judaism (the Star of David) in such a blatantly offensive manner? Of course not." Sadly, this student's posting is an accurate reflection of the double standards currently applying. Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 9 May 2013 7:26:31 PM
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It is a characteristic of leftards that they are brave upholders of free speech until it comes to Islam and, to a lesser extent, Judaism. Here is how Mark Thompson, former director-general of the BBC put it. >>“Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”>> See: Mark Thompson: BBC director general admits Christianity gets tougher treatment Remember the brave defenders of free speech when the National Gallery of Victoria displayed Piss Christ? In some cases the very same people who defended the NGV were adamant that the comparatively benign Muhammad cartoons should not be published in Australia. It was in 1989 in the wake of the Rushdie affair that the left and I parted company. They disgust me. And, just for the record, I think anyone who truly believes that the creator of the universe, if such exists, chose to entrust Khadija's toyboy – aka Muhammed – with some special message that includes all sort of weird passages and scientific inaccuracies, must have a kink in his or her brain. And, no, I do not respect someone who thinks that way. I respect their right to think that way. I even respect their right to propagate that preposterous message to whoever cares to listen. But I don't respect them. Muslim Book 026, Number 5564: >>Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a gecko with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one.>> You really think the creator of the universe is going to reward people on this planet for killing geckos? Gimme a break! Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 9 May 2013 8:47:42 PM