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The Forum > Article Comments > Forgive and forget key to Burma’s democracy? > Comments

Forgive and forget key to Burma’s democracy? : Comments

By Graham Cooke, published 5/3/2013

Keeping the military happy while delivering on democratic freedoms will be a daunting task for the Burmese Government.

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"generals have been the actual and absolute rulers of the country, reaping the rewards that this power brings. Pedersen says the transition to democracy has to take this into account.
“There are too many corrupt ex-generals around and the officers under them are waiting their turn to get at the spoils."

Of course under democracy, if it's just the ordinary Joe corruptly trying to loot his fellow citizens using the State, that's fine, that's standard major party fare.

"the West must begin to embrace Burma’s military despite the well-catalogued list of human rights abuses against its name."

Well they do for the United States, so why not Burma, I suppose is their line of reasoning.

"“I believe there should be military-to-military contacts with the West..."

LOL yeah. They could learn a few tips from the West about invading and occupying countries, and painting it as a kind of international welfare state situation.

We should all laugh at the moral corruption of articles like this.

"Her ability to form a board-based government, encouraging key members of the diaspora to come home and build the nation, utilising the talents of academia, business and even the military, will be the supreme test for the daughter of Aung San,"

LOL yeah. If she does some of the standard governmental looting that the western welfare states approve of, that'll be good, that'll be moral, that'll be fine.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 9:48:56 AM
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Yes, at least for now, or until democracy is rusted on.
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 11:50:38 AM
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