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Differences of communication between genders: some fallacies exposed : Comments

By Kali Goldstone, published 11/2/2013

Most cross-gender communication problems in public contexts are women's problems, because the international rules in such situations are men's rules.

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Feminist nonsense.
This approach is only applicable in the feminised workplace, the trivial white collar and public sector "make work" culture. When men and women actually have to, you know..get real work done then gender based job assignment is the safest and most efficient way to organise a workplace.
When men take on dangerous assignments hierarchy, linear thinking and chain of command are crucial, otherwise men are injured or killed.
On the other hand teams of female Doctors and Nurses are regularly placed in a life and death situations and I've seen first hand how well the more level, egalitarian society of women functions in an emergency.
Imagine you're planting trees with a Landcare group and your team is half men half women, the two biggest men are going to volunteer to man the mechanical auger, the eldest or physically smallest women are going to put themselves in charge of first aid, making sure everyone has their fluoro vest and sunscreen on and making the lunch. The youngest and smallest men are going to turn to the oldest and strongest and ask "what do you want us to do?", while the rest of the women will grab the plans and break off to start talking about which trees will go where and reading all the labels on the pots.
In the real world where practicality overrides ideology men and women automatically organise along gender lines, so don't try and tell me there are no innate differences between genders and that gender roles are anything but a positive in a healthy society.
Maybe the author needs to go and join a suburban football club or S.E.S to see how the world really works and how magnificently men and women fulfill their roles within such organisations.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 11 February 2013 9:09:23 AM
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…I just loved it!! Never imagined that planting a tree could be so complicated. Here is another view; Women, (as are men), are aligned along a line beginning at one end with the most feminine and concluding at the other with the least feminine. At the least feminine end stands the boss: the ego driven superior; the other end of the line will tend to the children as the true “feminine” should!

…So the question now arises, can the most “unfeminine” end of the female spectrum be engaged to fight (for example), on the front line, or engage in other masculine pursuits (such as tree planting) ?

…No…the kitchen is looking pretty good as a feminine zone in which to be bare-foot and pregnant, even for the ego driven superior who is still, by nature, designed for the task of family!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 11 February 2013 9:50:29 AM
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'Most cross-gender communication problems in public contexts are women's problems, because the international rules in such situations are men's rules.'

I think that's putting the cart before the horse isn't it. What exactly IS a cross-gender communication problem, and how does it differ to a same gender communication problem.

It seems odd to deny gender differences, but define a communication problem to be the result of gender differences.

This article meanders along saying basically... people who see men as superior in certain aspects are wrong... as men and women are the same ... but women are superior in the aspects that now matter.

Only an ideologue thinks this stuff matters, and I would take anyone 'studying' to find differences, or studying in order to not find differences with a grain of salt.

Personally I was dead sure it was mostly nurture rather than nature, but I was relieved of this delusion as soon as I had 2 daughters.

Distinct differences so far.

The obsession with looking after dolls and the absence of any desire to destroy stuff was definitely not something I had encouraged in my kids, and happened so early that I find it hard to believe any societal expectations at play.

When you chase little girls or play hide and seek, they want to be caught/found. Little boys want to win.

As I said before having daughters I thought our culture provided the training for the expected roles but now I think nature easily plays a 50-50 role. I normally find anyone denying either nature or nurture generally has a pretty closed mind on the subject.

'the wiring is soft, not hard. ''It is flexible, malleable and changeable.'

That's quite a revealing statement. It's good news if you are interested in breaking apart a culture of thousands of years and engineering it differently, but the question is why we one would be so keen to make this undertaking and for what real purpose.

I'm much more in favor of accommodating and celebrating diversity rather than aiming to eliminate it.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 11 February 2013 10:42:29 AM
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Diver Dan,
Ah yes! Women in the military, the Achilles heel.
When the Obama administration started talking about allowing women into combat positions someone piped up "What about selective service?, are women going to have to register for the draft?" that sent the feminised warmongers into a flat spin.
As I said, "equality" is for make work scenarios where very little actual work needs to be done, women soldiers are for make work wars where very little fighting needs to be done.
You'll notice that armies which actually have to get into dirty, face to face gunfights against competent opposition, the Israelis for example aren't putting females in line infantry and commando units.
Here's the real kicker, ladies pay attention, do you know why they really want women in boardrooms or to fight these BS "make work" wars against farmers and religious militia?
It's because Women are less likely to question orders and they are less likely to go against the group, this is why the military love female drone pilots and helicopter gunners. They'll plonk a Hellfire missile into an Afghan farmyard or brass up a carload of Iraqis without any hesitation...women don't mutiny, they'll cry as they press the trigger but they won't disobey.
Yes, women are adept at "web thinking" but the most common manifestation of this is an unquestioning groupthink, the "tribal mentality" where to step out of line is to be ostracised and to be ostracised is to die.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 11 February 2013 10:45:43 AM
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The idea that the tribal "memory" is no longer relevant is absurd because it's still in operation, as Diver Dan pointed out, not even the most hardened Feminist has ever achieved escape velocity.
In a tribe the society of women is, as I said before very level and very egalitarian, pushy, assertive women don't exist, that's not to say that there is no hierarchy but they all sit in the same circle on the ground to grind their corn and chew out their hides.
The reason the society of women is so level and the reason women are more compliant to the will of the group is because if a woman in a tribe was widowed and there was no man available or willing to support her she'd be entirely dependant upon the group for her and her children's survival.
Bitchy, contrary women who caused friction within the tribe would have been kicked outside the firelight and starved, it's as simple as that.
Male powerbrokers want compliant workers and soldiers who will kil without question, technology has made male upper body strength mostly redundant so the bosses and generals don't need to take a the risk of hiring men who might one day decide to go on strike or stage a military coup.
"Gender Equality" is Machiavellian, go and read the parts in The Prince about managing one's mercenaries, the Barons of old Italy would have loved Reaper Drones and Apache Helicopters and the war maidens who pilot them.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 11 February 2013 11:03:39 AM
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''neurosexism''? How about female neuroticism which in my experience is more likely.

You contradict yourself.. One minute, you’re espousing that the genders are equal, but later on, females are better multi-skillers who are the web thinkers (how profund?) which we apparently need in this globalised world. Brave New World, indeed. Oh the tyranny.

Anyway, all this multi-skilling is garbage spin speak. Don’t you know, it doesn’t work. Just like the multi-tasked photocopy machines that do it all. They never work as good as the old one task machines. And humans are the same. It’s been proven - the research has been done It only produces crappy quality. We need the experts, those that have analytical aptitude with the attention to detail that goes with it. The one wayers, as you say. Not the flakey mediocre work which multi-skilling brings, which can also be dangerous. Bring on the step thinkers.

Female managers and executives are the worst. Only a handful can be good managers. Believe me, I work in the public service. Feminism has created monsters. They are ruthless b/witches, and they really think they are super women, and they will walk right over anyone. They are more emotional than professional, and not without psychopathic traits. Believe me, I’ve seen the casualties.

Web thinkers -“They tend to think in webs of factors, not straight lines”. Yes, they’re all over the place, they can’t really think straight.

Methinks you don’t even understand what you are saying. Kali, you are another denier of human nature. I think you are a naďve demon. You’ve been brainwashed by your femo elders, young girl.

"monstrous fictions" - yes, that you are creating.


I’m in total agreeance with all the above posters, including Houlie’s.

Jay, you are probably right.
Posted by Constance, Monday, 11 February 2013 7:54:00 PM
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I thought the article made sense, and I liked it.

Our modern society can't hold on to the terribly old-fashioned stereotypes re gender differences.

It would be like holding onto the old notions of a flat earth, or a 5000 year old earth, or an earth 'created' in 6 days.

Constance calls the Lawyer author a "...naive demon".
That's a bit rough isn't it?
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 11 February 2013 8:42:30 PM
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I liked some parts but I think Houellebecq summed the bulk of it up pretty well. One point that stuck out for men is that I have a different view on web thinking (as described) being one of women's strengths.

I do think there is a lot of having your cake and wanting to eat it in the article.

Fundamentally I think that the law needs to treat the genders as though there is no difference while privately we can celebrate the differences as we find them (and also relish the common ground).

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 11 February 2013 8:53:29 PM
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That's a pretty meek defence, what, gender roles aren't "progressive"?
Progress in Western societies stopped decades ago, if you look carefully we're actually going backwards now and people are scrambling to re-attach to the older conceptions of male-female relationships before it's too late.
Suse what happens when the women who are married to the state or the corporation through economic downturn/collapse or just bad luck lose it's protection?
Who's going to look after the widows of state backed Feminism and the corporate Nuns, the "Little Sisters Of Equality"?
Think about what's going to happen to the older, childless single woman in Greece or Portugal in years to come.
See men don't need the state, we can just get together a gang, throw a few burning tyres across the freeway, arm ourselves with a fourbytwo and charge a toll for anyone who wants to pass.
A husband his wife and children don't need the state or the corporation either, we've been out in the wilderness pioneering and homesteading for millennia.
By any measure we're heading into a dark age, it may not be the catastrophic failure which will flatter the egos of the activists and prophets of doom, it may be a constant, slow slide taking many decades but to ensure our survival we need to look at the type of societies which saw us through last real dark ages after the fall of Rome.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 11 February 2013 9:38:39 PM
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Well put RObert.
There will always be differences...and I like most of the differences!
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 11 February 2013 9:39:55 PM
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Hugely disappointed in the article... not only were these supposed 'rules of business' not listed because despite the claim that men know them -- I'm male and I don't but Gail Evans who isn't, obviously does because she's CNN News Executive -- I had hoped for some sharing. If not for me then to help with all those women's problems.

Secondly, despite promising "Differences of communication between genders: some fallacies exposed" there were no photos, or links to photos, of exposed fallaces.
Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 7:29:59 AM
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Trev you just made me spit Red Bull over my keyboard:-) Everyone's looking at me.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 9:27:53 AM
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If I'm not preaching to the choir and can lend a hand, H... Be careful, because if you let it dry it stays tacky under your fingers.

Don't use tissues to clean it off... they disintegrate and leave dust. Wet wipes work best and the baby ones leave a nice smell of aloe vera.
Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 12 February 2013 10:27:21 AM
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Given it seems a consumer test sort of choice, I'd settle on the last option, the one proposed by Dr Helen Fisher.
Unlike others I don't take the essay as feminist crap, quite the opposite. It's been an attempt to be scrupulously fair. It does operate as options on an axis between poles, we tentatively describe as nurture and nature and whatever permutations extend from this base, but the thing has to be described in comprehensible language.
The different positions, and there are cultural implications in each of them, are set out. But it's actually straight anthropology, no advocacy occurs, we are left to think it through and it can be both disarming and complex doing so.
Fisher's case seems to allow a bit more for nuance and possibility is less conclusively deterministic within the scheme, if you take this choice. Wiggle room seems authentic enough to me, either we'll find out eventually, or not.
Posted by paul walter, Saturday, 16 February 2013 10:29:21 PM
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