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The butterfly effect : Comments
By Sian Pryce, published 11/12/2012Two young Aussies flapping their jaws in Sydney can cause a tidal wave of pain and humiliation in London.
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Was all the furore caused by the jaw flapping of a couple of arrested development juveniles, possibly augmented, by stalled frontal lobe maturation?
Who probably forgot to engage brain before putting mouth into gear?
Or the instinctive snapping turtle effect, from London, where they went belligerent, bellicose ballistic, over a harmless prank!
[The dead Nurse's husband seems to be extremely critical of the hospital's response?]
Simply because right royal blood was the target of this asinine obtuse attempt at humour?
Had the target been Smith or Jones, would the over the top reaction, been the same?
Or would Mrs Smith, Smythes-dale or Jones, be expected to, grin and bear it, laugh it off; or, simply ignore it with the very obvious contempt, such infantile jaw flapping deserves?
Perhaps a blood test might have revealed quite high levels of disinhibiting substances, or substance abuse?
In any event, can any sane person claim with any degree of surety or certainty, what was the thing that drove this poor woman, to this remedy?
The prank?
Or, the how dare you, such impertinence, right royal reaction to it; particularly, on the part of the hospital; and or, those who may have repeatedly "counselled" the lass, after she was already thoroughly humiliated, by her own innocent, naive, trusting lack of sophistication/judgement; and complicity, long after the deed and any harm ensuing from it, was already done?