The Forum > Article Comments > Governments are 'socialising' tax revenue gains and 'capitalising' tax revenue losses > Comments
Governments are 'socialising' tax revenue gains and 'capitalising' tax revenue losses : Comments
By Geoff Carmody, published 21/11/2012Income and company taxes are volatile and discriminate against saving.
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Follow failed wall street perhaps and socialize the losses and privatize the profits?
What do you think created the GFC?
That said, and without any real reform, the govt, can if it so chooses, fix the structural defect, it inherited from the Howard regime, by continuing to roll back completely counter-productive middle class welfare!
The very worst and most counter-productive example, I believe, being negative gearing.
This highly flawed example has not made rents or housing more affordable, just the opposite. Nor has it led to the long longed for decentralisation, just the opposite, along with increasing un-affordability.
This one single example of welfare for the very rich, costs the budget bottom line 5 billion plus per annum.
Repealing this entirely unaffordable govt largesse, would create a reasonable surplus.
As might means testing the fuel rebate, so it actually benefits real farmers and miners, rather than cigar smoking, conyac swilling, bloated, Collins St multi-millionaires; and or, debt laden, tax avoiding foreign speculators/carpet baggers?
After that, what we really need, is a govt with enough testicular fortitude, to repeal all current tax measures and replace all that current convoluted mind-numbing complexity, inclusive of the GST and fuel excise, with a virtually single, stand alone, entirely unavoidable expenditure tax.
Set at around a patently painless 4.8%, an expenditure tax would raise around 25% more NET revenue.
Which given the end of reconciliation or any need for the same, would become immediately available to consolidated revenue!
Thereby enabling the govt to end its need to borrow significant sums, simply to fund inherently unavoidable recurrants, or essential, bared to the bone, departmental activities!
A federal govt, with significantly more revenue, could replace the foregone GST, by simply assuming all funding responsibility for public health and education; and given a direct funding model, actually draw down actual costs, quite massively!