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The Forum > Article Comments > Argo: from Hollywoodism to Iranophobia > Comments

Argo: from Hollywoodism to Iranophobia : Comments

By Ismail Salami, published 9/11/2012

The movie attempts to describe Iranians as overemotional, irrational, insane, and diabolical while at the same, the CIA agents are represented as heroically patriotic.

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halduell, I deplore the day we let the do gooders push us into dropping the old "gun boat" diplomacy. The west, & the rest of the world was a safer & better place, for most peoples, when the mere threat kept the crazies in line.

You're not too sure why we feel threatened by Iran. Probably because we would be mad not to. As long as there are fights in school yards, there are going to be armed struggles between countries & ideologies.

Why should we attack amy country looking like a threat? Probably because it will be too late to do much, when a bomb goes off.

Not much use deciding we should have, just before you & yours are burned to a crisp, now is it? It will be ironic to hear those like you shouting, "why did they listen to me" as your last words.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 9 November 2012 1:09:10 PM
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My position is to oppose all those who see the world in black and white. My position is to challenge people to use what brains they have, to encourage them to question, to seek out the truth rather than to spout the insidious, divisive indoctrination of the West or the East.

My position is to oppose war and those who profit from it, who use it to bully other nations, to take resources from other nations and steal their land, or to impose their will upon the world as the U.S. clearly is trying to do.

I want to live in a peaceful world, cohenite, one where there is equality and harmony and freedom from the derangement that comes with religion.

You obviously don't!
Posted by David G, Friday, 9 November 2012 1:28:55 PM
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Oh dear. Hasbeen by name - Hasbeen by nature.
Would you really prefer that we ramp it up and ramp it up and ramp it up until it finally blows up in our faces?
Then my last words could be, "Why didn't they listen to me?"
Gunboat diplomacy, or rule by bullies. Nice.
Keeping crazies in line. Even nicer.
Posted by halduell, Friday, 9 November 2012 2:54:10 PM
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Hasbeen, you may not have noticed that the reason to invade Afghanistan was manufactured, and the invasion of Iraq was illegal.

The reason we have "wars" is because of countries interfering in other countries business, commonly to gain that countries resources.
Western countries historically imposed their colonial will on Iraq and Iran, and it is still going on.

When we mind our own business, then peace will prevail
Posted by Kipp, Friday, 9 November 2012 4:56:57 PM
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"When we mind our own business, then peace will prevail"

What a stupid statement; do you seriously believe islam has no expansionist ambitions?
Posted by cohenite, Friday, 9 November 2012 6:07:35 PM
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Notice how few mention Israel in the nuke stakes.Mordechai Vanunu blew the whistle on Israel Nukes and paid a harsh price of 18 yrs gaol and is still being victimised.

It is hypocracy on the grandest scale that Israel has at least 200 serious nukes and Iran has has yet to develop one.Israel and the USA have attacked and invaded far more countries than Iran.The last war Iran had was to reject an invader called Iraq.It was true self defence.

Western War criminality is pushing this planet to WW3.Malcom Fraser and Paul Keating have echoed these warnings.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 9 November 2012 6:08:40 PM
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