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All take and no give : Comments

By K.C. Boey, published 2/11/2012

Why should Asia give to Australia when Australia's intent seems to be only to take from Asia?

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What a load of jingoistic, polysyllabic, left wing flatulence interlaced with some academic philosophical ramblings to lend credence. What does Asia actually 'give' us except masses of extra people of highly questionable value to our social fabric while we literally 'give' Asia our non renewable resources. There is also every possibility that the so called 'Asian Century' will simply descend into armed conflict as those strongly nationalistic and racist nations demand 'living space' from each other - and Australia.
Posted by Cody, Friday, 2 November 2012 11:56:26 AM
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This article is confusing. The author does not established what it is we 'take' and what it is we don't 'give'. In purely economic terms, trade is by nature 'give and take'. One side gives money, the other takes goods or services. This can happen in a reciprocal manner, making both sides richer than before.

Here's an educational example of what Australia may 'give' Asia: how many Australians are currently studying in Asia? How many Asian students are currently studying in Australia? Is Australia 'taking' these students? Or are they 'giving' them an an education?

Anyway, the whole things is long on words, short on clarity, and the summary conclusion doesn't seem to match the article.
Posted by Bugsy, Friday, 2 November 2012 12:15:38 PM
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All take and no give?
It's simply mendacious mischief making?
And yet another cultural cringe in the making?
We have a lot more to offer and already given more than is immediately seen by the casual observer, or indeed, the recalcitrant political activist?
The only differences between us and Asians are cultural, learned at the mother's knee, rather than real?
We Australians are amongst the friendliest, most welcoming and generous people in the world!
We have been involved and have given blood to many wars and conflicts in the name of freedom, other people's!
And as exampled in places like Archie, we have been in there boots and all, when there was disaster!
That's who we really are!
We were once the third most prosperous nation on the planet.
Just prior to the GFC, we'd slipped to number thirty, and groaning under the weight of debt!
Too much give and not enough take!
Yes, we have made mistakes and got a few things wrong!
So has everybody else!
Even so, those mistakes are manifestly in our past and or caused by others, largely no longer living.
It's said that time heals all things!
True, just ask any veteran who has journeyed back to post war Vietnam about the catharsis that created for them?
Let me conclude with these remarks.
Half my family are Asian and the other half are half Asian.
And if you should be tempted to ask which half is the Asian half, a sibling would simply draw an imaginary line down the centre of their body and say, that half!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 2 November 2012 12:31:17 PM
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I agree, the article is confused as well as confusing, there's not much point in citing Fukuyama, Huntington and Garnaut without the relevant quotes.

Do I detect some Asian triumphalism in the author's words and why is Australia necessarily "peripheral" to the region?
Posted by mac, Friday, 2 November 2012 2:23:26 PM
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Australia "All take and no give", unfortunately.

I agree with the thread of your article K.C. Boey and understand much about the perspective of the authors you are quoting however.... perhaps to contain the argument by arguing your own premise might help us connect more critically and help us argue the authors from there. We need to discuss this White Paper, seriously.

"Engagement with today’s Asia need be perceived on a more mutual give-and-take footing than the legacies bequeathed to Australia and Asia."

There are so many issues inside this "Asian White Paper" that require critical argument, it is a muddle to know where to start.

For myself I looked at the way buzz words were used such as the one on "sustainability". i.e.: see 'Building sustainable security in the region' (Chapter 8), page 23 of the ALP's Asian White Paper. When on considers the many countries making up Asia alone, their diversity, their demographics, their GDP and economic 'insecurity' at regional and village levels.... and then the human 'insecurities', such as trafficking be it people, sex, drugs.... and the other forms of victimisation and the causal elements of experienced, through crime. One wonders what the heck are "we" as Australian talking about. Which reality are we on about. Hence the title of this article Australia, "All take and no give", unfortunately.

As others have said "Asian Century White Paper is big on rhetoric, small on ideas".

Mostly it is naive, one-sided and deeply disappointing.
Posted by miacat, Friday, 2 November 2012 11:57:14 PM
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Come on Cody. Stop beating about the bush. You should come straight out T tell us what you think about the piece.

That would allow us to agree with you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 3 November 2012 12:36:42 AM
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Cody>> What a load of jingoistic, polysyllabic, left wing flatulence interlaced with some academic philosophical ramblings to lend credence<<

Cody old bean, the only response to the "Asian Century" from the Labor party is to teach all our kids Asian languages so they can take orders more readily.

We have about half of the university intake involved with subjects that need higher math than we did 40 years ago. The left have dumbed down our kids by the stealthy hijacking of our education system. So the solution is to make them better servants by teaching them the command tongue.
Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 3 November 2012 9:19:33 AM
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