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Economic development a powerful aid : Comments
By Julie Bishop, published 11/10/2012This problem has been exacerbated by the Government’s campaign for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.
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Just as important as raising the living standards of impoverished peoples (and even more important, ethically), is lowering the standard of living of the rich. Since no Western governments have the metal to tax the rich appropriately (least of all your own party), I'd suggest Australia's winning a UN seat could serve a double agenda. Perhaps the Gillard government could lobby for a steep wealth-tax being imposed on all member nations, levied perhaps against the wealthiest five or ten percent. Some of the money raised could then be committed to foreign aid (the same could be done to address global warming). To any thinking, disinterested person it should be scandalous that our paltry foreign aid is taken from consolidated revenue, while the privileged classes and the super rich continue to enjoy tax havens and a raft of perks designed only for them.
Such a UN scheme would take humanitarianism, and indeed democracy, out of domestic political arenas.
We don't only have to address the gross imbalance in wealth, globally, but domestically as well. And I'm not talking about wealth redistribution, I'm talking about taxing obscene individual wealth heavily
Of course we can't look to the Liberals for democratic capitalism, can we?
Though we can't look to Labor either!
It's a measure of the effectiveness of ideology that people by and large still don't question the gross elitism in this and other so-called democratic countries when they PAYE their tax!
Hit those who can afford it first, nationally and internationally.
It shouldn't be a matter of AID, but a matter of BALANCE.