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Heed Bolt's warnings on terror : Comments

By Sasha Uzunov, published 10/10/2012

We should heed high school teacher Bolt's recent warnings about the rise of fundamentalist Islamic terrorism on Australian soil.

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...I do not wish to make facetious comment on a serious subject, but this article highlights the gross failings in Australian immigration policies, (multiculturalism). But to “hype up” the old terrorism bogey as this article does by casting aspersions on Muslim communities in Australia, is to me “just another slap” to the overall genuine nature of Muslims in our communities.

...It also highlights an inconsistency of this thread which condemns criticisms of Asians as a drug running cohort, but allows postulations equating Australian Muslims with terrorism. Thumbs down!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 10 October 2012 10:06:16 AM
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Diver Dan,

I read the story. You've got it completely wrong... The story clearly explains the infiltration of radical elements within moderate Islamic groups in the West and also warns about people using Islamophobia as a political vehicle... plus you've thrown in so many red herrings.

My question is, did you actually read the story?

Posted by Truther, Wednesday, 10 October 2012 10:44:06 AM
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Diver Dan, your comments are usually clear headed and thought through, but this one has missed the mark. Have another look at the article, and you will see that it is not anti-Muslim.

It does give another basis for regarding Nicola Roxon as incompetent, in case any one was in any doubt.

This is the Attorney General who proclaimed Peter Slipper innocent until proven guilty, showing a complete ignorance of the legislation passed by her own government, which makes him guilty until proven innocent.

The author points us to a reliable, responsible commentator in Andrew Bolt, and sets out a well resourced basis for his recommendation, giving yet another item for attention when we regain responsible, competent government, which is still probably more than a year away.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 10 October 2012 12:06:08 PM
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...Truther claims this article does noting towards unnecessarily fuelling the anti-Muslim fires?

...My point is, as a comparison to real and obvious damage done to and in our overall communities, the damage of a “multi-fold expansion” in terms of Asian drug runners imbedded in Australian societies, is a greater and more relevant cause for alarm.

...The author uses examples of the politics of revolutionaries and the contortion of loyalties necessary for survival under such conditions, as proof of his irrelevant hypothesis. Lets’ get focused on real issues!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 10 October 2012 12:44:00 PM
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Leo Lane:

...We all have our pet loves and hates which are vented here. I would much prefer the integrity of Middle Eastern Muslims to that of Asians. To some that opinion may seem warped, but is formed with good reason!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 10 October 2012 12:51:58 PM
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A strange, interesting, article.

>".. in facing the Islamic fundamentalist terror, .. considering there are some ex officers and informers living in Australia. What I fear is that these people could be bribed or bullied into helping Al Qaeda or any other terror franchise .. we should not allow those people who are Islamophobic a chance to use these fears as a vehicle for their own political agenda."<


If you have reasonable grounds for such fears, and have relevant knowledge, I would suggest that you should share this information with our Australian Intelligence Services. I am sure they won't bite you for it, and may well be extremely grateful for your input.

In the article you mentioned having accessed ASIO data. If you are somehow suggesting that ASIO or other Australian Intelligence Services (or even Nicola Roxon) have knowledge of some such potentially detrimental agents (persons) within Oz but are seemingly unaware of, or otherwise ignoring, the hazard such persons may represent to our security, then I don't know where you can turn, excepting perhaps our Federal Police Service.

I seek clarification on one point.

>"Concerns have been raised within Muslim Bosnian emigre communities in the West, who are predominately moderate, over the radicalisation of their youth by fanatical preachers."<

If well-founded, surely such concerns need to be brought to the attention of the intelligence services and/or Federal Police.

It is worth noting here that one of the problems (or uncertainties) many non-Muslim Aussies have with Islam in general is the notion that Muslim families and/or communities must have, or ought to have, knowledge of radical clerics propagating radical and un-Australian ideas, or of radical individuals or groups in their midst, and yet remain silent - including after an 'incident' has occurred. Such fear and uncertainty is not of course limited to the Aus populace but is largely common to non-Muslim populations world wide.

If there is to be a solution to radicalism of any kind, we must all be in it together, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Else, there is little hope, short of outright hostility and non-acceptance.
Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 11 October 2012 2:08:42 AM
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ASIO knows the names of the ex Yugoslav intelligence (UDBa) officers & informers. There is no need for me to be giving it the information which it already has. Ive named a few already on my blog. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. ASIO has blocked access to some more documents. This is ironic since Yugoslavia no longer exists.

If you make the all the names public you take away their "value" for future terrorists. As for targeting a particular religion or ethnicity, that was not the purpose of my article.. I've made that quite explicit. It's about combating extremism. If you've read my previous work you will understand that I warn about Muslim men being targeted unfairly by ASIO. See my online opinion story: Can we trust ASIO?

As for the Croatian Six case, ASIO really bungled this one back in 1979-80. Six innocent men were set up as terrorists by an agent provocateur from UDBa. Therefore It stands to reason that a terror franchise could utilise the skills of these ex Yugoslav spies by bribery or bulling. Developments in Bosnia 1994-95 have shown us this (see Dr John Schindler's work)

Sasha Uzunov
Posted by Team Uzunov, Thursday, 11 October 2012 8:44:02 AM
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I got your point about the damage hate speech, stereotyping, media beat-ups and ethnic 'targeting' can do; and that ASIO can be mislead or manipulated. However, it is necessary to appreciate the base cause of fear and uncertainty, and the stereotyping this can generate, and not simply focus on the 'symptoms'. Overseas reactions demonstrate genuine hatred by various Muslim groups towards the US and all of its allies, and it is the intensity and the foundations of such hatred that needs to be urgently addressed. This hatred also appears to extend to groups/people of different ethnicity or religious beliefs - orthodox, Sunni vs Shia, etc. It must stop - reasoning, diplomacy and compromise, or the sword? But, the sword will never resolve the underlying causation, but can only extend and exacerbate.

If you have one person or a small group propagating hatred, that is one thing, but when you have virtually a mass class of population doing the same, and apparently based on religious sensitivities, you are faced with an epidemic. Excision is not practical. The foundation of the 'cancer' has to be identified and either irradiated out of existence or rendered impotent by altering the faulty brain wiring which is perpetuating the disease - the disease of placing ideas, beliefs or delusions above plain and simple morality.

>"It's about combating extremism."<

Ignoring a problem of incompatibility will not make it go away, it has to be addressed head-on and resolved. All else is futility.
Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 11 October 2012 12:18:31 PM
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