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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia must set-up new migrants and refugees to succeed > Comments

Australia must set-up new migrants and refugees to succeed : Comments

By Teresa Gambaro, published 8/10/2012

Regrettably though Labor's appalling border protection policy failures run the risk of polarising Australian society and unravelling these successes.

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And another thing!

I play evening indoor cricket and occasionally you get suspected fractures especially of the fingers. You need emergency room treatment for this as GPs are not available at these times.

It takes at least 6 hours to be seen on the 3 occasions this has happened to me.

In every case the emergency room was clogged with respiratory sufferers whose names call out like mustafa, wasim and meada. I have muslim friends and I know they smoke hubbly bubbly at home with children in adjacent rooms. This inevitably leads to long term respiratory problems and clogged emergency departments. But Governments are dead scared of tackling the problem head on for feqar of a;lienating a huge muslim Lock-Step one vote for all electroral rort.

You simply cannot expect to get seen in any capital city emergency ward because of this and you are wasting your time trying.

So yeah, lets all pay more of our taxes to migrantsso they can find even better ways to F us over.
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 8 October 2012 2:06:55 PM
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"it is a legal right for anyone to seek asylum here and it is perfectly legal to catch a boat to do so."

Marilyn, what planet are you from?

The only legality comes from the UN. A body who helps refugees by by keeping count of their dead bodies. An organisation whose dictates of migration levels are ignored by EVERY COUNTRY in the world except Australia which has found immigration & bonus manipulation of female reproductivity essential in converting a free democracy into a Dictatorship. A dictatorship underpinned by vicious corporate monopolies like all those who no longer advertise on Alan Jones talkback! A dictatorship underpinned by migrants who treat politicians like Gods and treat Taxpayers like idiots for putting up with such stupidity.

The corruption is RANK! There is a silent majority in this country who are growing uncomfortable at the injustices that continue to accrue from CORRUPT Australian Governments using TAXPAYER funds in gerrymandering electorates with costly migration and baby bonuses.

Your bleeding heart say in this may soon be like a sneeze in a hurricane!
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 8 October 2012 3:22:54 PM
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Oh for god's sake, yes the authority comes from the UN body but we are a founding member of the particular UN body and have been on the executive committee since 1954.

If we can't be bothered upholding laws we helped to write then why have any laws.

REally and truly your argument is ludicrous.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Monday, 8 October 2012 3:55:16 PM
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We are a nation of immigrants! Sure and some of those came here as unwilling emigrants, bound in iron chains, others followed as virtual slaves,[bonded servants,] forced out of their homelands by things like the potato famine or the highland clearances etc.
Others followed the second world war, as displaced persons, where your identification papers were your most valuable asset. Then we had the ten pound poms, which invited people like the PM's parents to relocate and settle here!
Then there was the post war Vietnamese exodus, and the REGIONAL SOLUTION, that saw around one hundred thousand resettled here?
But we've never ever had, nor can we cope with an open door policy!
All of these people joined an orderly queue and waited their turn, sometimes after decades spent in interment camps!
Yes, Asylum seekers have a absolute lawful right to seek asylum!
But having found said sanctuary, no longer have a legal right to simply transit across many nations, to arrive here in leaky boats as irregular or illegal arrivals, at the behest of various criminal cartels, specialising in people smuggling!
Which to date has cruelly cost more than a thousand lost lives!
And that is just the ones we know about!
I don't know that we must do anything, for either illegal migrants or economic refugees, or war criminals, hiding behind a false or assumed identity, they are unable to actually confirm or prove, given they have quite deliberately destroyed to actually hidden their real identity or purpose?
In fact, in most of these latter cases, all we owe them is a one way return ticket!
Sure, where possible, let's do more for the genuine asylum seeker, who has waited full term in some less than desirable interment camp; but, who has the good sense to retain those documents that prove who they are and their legal claims!
And having satisfied minimal legal requirements, health checks etc, let's do all we can to make them feel both very welcome and safe from any further persecution or harm!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 8 October 2012 4:01:36 PM
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The nation of immigrants argument for continued multicultural immigration doesn't wash in a world where emerging successful nations are all proudly mono-cultural and will never change!

Also, before WWII we needed immigrants and Australia's mono culture which they accepted, rewarded them with a higher quality life than their homeland. All that could be asked of a host nation.

After WWII we again needed immigrants to make up for war losses.

But by 1985 PEAKOIL bit & the world began piling on billions of people instead of 10's of millions like post-1945. So THEN & NOW the NEED IS NO longer there.

However by 1985 an anti government 'Kingswood Country' apathy was making governance tedious and difficult. Canberra may as well have been on the Moon in terms of relevance. From Hawke onwards, political revenge for this attitude WAS and still is the order of the day!

The only reason for immigration and baby bonuses today is to enforce that revenge. Immigration in a world of 7 billion people is insanity least of all because people cause global warming and thus more people exacerbate it. \

The real rational for Australian Government is to gerrymander political electorates so that incumbent governments can convert Democracy into Dictatorship by USING over-entitled politician-butt-kissing migrants & freaking, bonused to the hilt baby-machine feminists.

Democracy is where citizens all have a say. It is NOT where people who haven't arrived yet or aren't born yet have a BIGGER say in government policy that the individuals who pay those government their wages!

People on threads like this who continually "whatever" this truth are paid off quislings who inevitably will be the worse off as the consequences of this tragedy reign down. I have no sympathy for their fate!
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 8 October 2012 4:36:50 PM
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why have any laws.
Marilyn Shepard,
where would that leave the likes of you if ignorance was against the Law ?
I'm a migrant & I say stop this insanity of letting us be overrun by people who do not share our values & only come here to change our values eventually by sheer numbers.
I have lived through that scenario years ago & I have no desire to go that road again. If you feel you should then go & live in Europe's migrant enclaves for some time.
Many of our values have already been severely undermined. Enough is enough. If you don't like it leave. We need Australians here not traitors who sell us out at a whim. I'm lucky to still remember what a real Australian & Australia was. Just because you haven't the slightest idea doesn't mean everyone should forfeit everything as well.
Posted by individual, Monday, 8 October 2012 8:34:38 PM
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