The Forum > Article Comments > Australia must set-up new migrants and refugees to succeed > Comments
Australia must set-up new migrants and refugees to succeed : Comments
By Teresa Gambaro, published 8/10/2012Regrettably though Labor's appalling border protection policy failures run the risk of polarising Australian society and unravelling these successes.
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I play evening indoor cricket and occasionally you get suspected fractures especially of the fingers. You need emergency room treatment for this as GPs are not available at these times.
It takes at least 6 hours to be seen on the 3 occasions this has happened to me.
In every case the emergency room was clogged with respiratory sufferers whose names call out like mustafa, wasim and meada. I have muslim friends and I know they smoke hubbly bubbly at home with children in adjacent rooms. This inevitably leads to long term respiratory problems and clogged emergency departments. But Governments are dead scared of tackling the problem head on for feqar of a;lienating a huge muslim Lock-Step one vote for all electroral rort.
You simply cannot expect to get seen in any capital city emergency ward because of this and you are wasting your time trying.
So yeah, lets all pay more of our taxes to migrantsso they can find even better ways to F us over.