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The Forum > Article Comments > Revised ABS numbers should not change our concern about homelessness > Comments

Revised ABS numbers should not change our concern about homelessness : Comments

By Tom Baker, published 21/9/2012

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the recent schools funding announcement have demonstrated, federally-led initiatives requiring state buy-in are fraught to say the least.

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In the last 1 month over 2,000 so called asylum seekers arrive add that to what was already here and that would be quite a large number, yet not 1 of them is homeless.
They are given preferential treatment with regard to housing in the community and community housing, they are taking up places that could have gone to Australians who had payed taxes and supported the economy.
Cap't Emad arrived a few years ago and he was given a house in Canberra so was his wife and sons (at least 3 houses in total) There have been Australians waiting for public housing way longer than 3 years, yet they got the houses.
I blame the Government for the whole mess. Look after your own people before you give others the golden handshake.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 21 September 2012 2:56:58 PM
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Philip S,
It must have been the boat people who coined the phrase the lucky Country.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 22 September 2012 6:19:26 AM
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Thank you Tom.

Changing the counting methodology is a mixed blessing. At one level it gives an ABS agreed approach to counting that is replicable. That's a good thing because the ABS can use the same methodology to analyse other surveys they do. Having one count every 5 years with a further lag on data release is not ideal by any means.

However, those who just look at the headline numbers and see a reduction could be fooled into thinking we've actually addressed the problem of homelessness. We haven't!
Posted by Eleri Morgan-Thomas, Monday, 24 September 2012 11:35:46 AM
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