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Fair fighting in the public square : Comments

By Lance Lawton, published 18/9/2012

24/7 news and social media require extra care in public discourse.

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Good call. Last nights Q&A was one of the best because there were controversial positions being discussed by people who knew something more than the chattering classes. The noisemakers who can often limit the boundaries of acceptable listening - paradoxically because they believe in the democracy of noise rights and the progress inherent in "mooving on". ,In other words, if we revisit the politically correct for a moment, we often find, as I think Q&A's audience ( as evidenced on Twitter) actually " learned something" ( not a bad result for a program which often only used to reinforce predjudice and has the grand title of Q&A)
While Twitter is taking us in a new direction, I welcome it because it helps us keep programs like Q&A more honest , less unrebutted and most importantly of all, able to find friends other than the ones on the screen/radio.
No comment on this matter would be complete without encouraging the ABC to create more listening opportunities . Over 8 years ago, when i stopped listening to him , I suggested that supreme control agent Jon Feine let us talk to the people he let join His conversation.if you still listen don't try to squeeze in on air. listen and respond on their tweet lines . Its not all about Jon and Tony and .....anymore
Posted by Hanrahan, Tuesday, 18 September 2012 8:34:04 AM
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im noting a distinct lack of discourse..
so lets throw some fire water on the fire

24/7 is in the main repeating a feed grabs as news happens
but what the broadsheets missed out,.is the cross promotion vehicle

broadsheet.fre to air tells the full story well
BUT SOMEHOW NEVER comentary or poll isnt news

ok so shut downbbroadsheet..but first use that format to clarify many confusing moments in histry,,not the spin..but in depth blow by blow

LINKED LIVE TO WEB/updates,,extra info
instead of sacking the writers each should have had the writing photo's contributions immortalised in ITS OWN BROADSHEET EDITION>.natuarlly linked to the writers web archive/web site etc

but so much many shut down the media
apply censure to we commentary..think small let fear guide you.who revealed..a lot of spin

general comment,..not specific
i saw a topic that needs diss-cuss/ion..dissed and cussed
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 18 September 2012 9:29:57 PM
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QUOTE>>""real listening nigh impossible when everyone's talking.<<

yep mate spot on..BUT its worse..
see as i type..the radio is on..and im moving my finger to type vthis response..we all LIKE TO THINK WE ARE ABLE, multitask..but in reality..if your not listening..ECLUSIVLY

its not going into your mind

our attention spams are shot to heck
people cant focus..or are so stimulated..they got hypnotised..or that feel good thing they were doing..when they LOKED like they were listening..

like thats as far as i got
i will see if i REMEMBER to finnish it

many only read the comments..and you nailed in in the first parragraph seems its about fighting fair

so i ask banned from posting at my other site
no detail..nuthin..just your band..ok for only a week

BUT when i get back..i want to fight it out..FAIR,,in the worldfreemans societies..FAIR FIGHTING PUBLIC SQUARE

with the keyt being PUBLIC COMMENT*..without any permissions

ie like in a public square

see ya soon..cant think why no ones talking

DISPUTE public
thats huge!
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 19 September 2012 3:11:45 PM
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some great word use..but lets go to

QUOTE>>...We could maintain the prevailing trend
of lazy headlines, character attacks and one-word labels,
to the thunderous applause of the gallery...That strategy, however, is long on adrenalin and short on trust.

Well, there's always listening.""

but thats the most busy sense..hearing is easy
recall how the blind..DEVELOP..their oTHER SENSES*

unease..builds..govt should be about oproviding INSTANT REMEDY*
simply by TAKING IT >.not to the streets..BUT the LOCAL..central TOWN SQUARE

there have it person
or online..

EVERYTIME you feel uneasy
post it on the village square..[you got the web site domain right?

it could be a great phone ap..instant resolution ,,
when we need logic to simplify a compounded choice..needing to be made on the spot,,,now*

sorry about hi jack..but it needs 3 more pages
or a much in instant AUTHORITIVE dispute resolution

instantly..for the now gen
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 19 September 2012 3:23:16 PM
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