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Government policy driving dole growth : Comments
By Andrew Baker, published 12/9/2012It would be natural to blame the global financial crisis or the European debt crisis for the increased number of long-term Newstart recipients, but the reality is that government policy has been driving this growth.
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B. Every meaningful job in this nation except being BOSS has been offshored because that is better for the bottom line. That is the fault of free market e-goonomics(FME). The only government culpability is in allowing FME to continue beyond its used by date. The whole Keating model of Deregulation will eventually have to be dismantled as population sizes grow beyond resource capacities wherein deathly COMPETITON for resources renders FME nothing but a straw man for global economic fraud and $Dollar printing THEFT of scarce, once in a lifetime, irreplaceable resources. All while PRETENDING they are to be found somewhere new in a free market nano-second.
To blame job seekers in the context of this problematic global meltdown is like blaming gremlins for your car overheating when YOU forgot to Top up the oil!
When the $hit hits the fan (and believe me thats SOON) Rich leeches' greatest asset will be the good-will of the silent majority of Job Seekers on the dole.
Remember the French Revolution
& cherchez les femmes sans enfants!