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Liberalism’s old world order : Comments
By John Pilger, published 12/9/2012'Improve' your form, the west tells the peoples of the world, or we’ll kill you.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 7:56:05 AM
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Succinct, to the point and well-structured essay which highlights all the known issues, but does not really bring anything new to the table.
What continues to astound me is the continued belief by the West that our system is one to which the entire world must aspire; that it is one of personal freedom where the rights and sensibilities of others are respected, where political dissention is permitted and everyone is equal. How can such whimsical views of modern democracy still exist? How can we admit on one hand, “The system is not perfect and certainly there is room for improvement” and on the other insist that this imperfect system is the only solution for a peaceful world? It beggars belief. What gives us the right to assume that every nation would be better under a ‘democratic’ system when, historically, most of those nations have never had such systems and, indeed, have survived precisely because they have not had such systems? What gives us the right to interfere with another nation’s internal affairs, particularly when our own countries are in such a mess? How long can the West, economically and morally, assert their self-delusion of superiority? Islamism vs Liberalism is a chicken/egg analogy: which came first, radical Islamism or radical Liberalism? Dating back to the crusades, if the West hadn’t interfered with and invaded the East, would the avowed hatred that we see today between the two extremes exist? The only good thing to come out of the invasion of Iraq was the exposure of the WMD fraud. Escalating tensions between the US and Israel might be construed as a lesson learned - the US is clearly reluctant to make the same mistake twice and, without proof of Iran’s alleged intentions, will not be drawn into starting another Middle East war. It is of concern that very little of what is happening in that arena is being reported in Australia. We are so insular and myopic and ‘superior’ we cannot be bothered to lift our eyes and see beyond our shores. Scary. Posted by scribbler, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 9:13:04 AM
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"What continues to astound me is the continued belief by the West that our system is one to which the entire world must aspire; that it is one of personal freedom where the rights and sensibilities of others are respected, where political dissention is permitted and everyone is equal. How can such whimsical views of modern democracy still exist? How can we admit on one hand, “The system is not perfect and certainly there is room for improvement” and on the other insist that this imperfect system is the only solution for a peaceful world? It beggars belief."
Just to confirm, you are taking the piss, aren't you Posted by cohenite, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 9:56:21 AM
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Does anyone actually read this blokes garbage. That goes double for those who hand out awards. They must all be illiterate.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 10:03:25 AM
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<< Islamism vs Liberalism is a chicken/egg analogy: which came first, radical Islamism or radical Liberalism? Dating back to the crusades, if the West hadn’t interfered with and invaded the East, would the avowed hatred that we see today between the two extremes exist?>> So before the West “interfered” in the Middle East it was a fairy kingdom where everything was rosy and blissful. And there was no thought nor concept of Jihad. And words like kaffir and infidel are merely terms of endearment. Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 12:18:57 PM
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John Pilger is absolutely correct. May every dictatorship either of the extreme right or extreme left prosper? I truly look forward to the Australian Police State and suppression of individual liberty provided always that a John Pilger clone is in charge.
Posted by anti-green, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 4:00:59 PM
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"What gives us the right to assume that every nation would be better under a ‘democratic’ system when, historically, most of those nations have never had such systems and, indeed, have survived precisely because they have not had such systems? What gives us the right to interfere with another nation’s internal affairs, particularly when our own countries are in such a mess? How long can the West, economically and morally, assert their self-delusion of superiority?"
Scribbler. Very perspicacious. Davi Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 7:28:04 PM
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>>What is the world's most powerful and violent "ism"? >>
Remember the 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie for a book that "insulted Islam?" See: Remember new convert to Islam Cat Stevens calling for the murder of Rushdie? Remember the "Danish cartoon riots" and the threats against cartoonists? Here are some updated versions of how Muslims react to perceived insults against Islam: Channel 4 cancels screening of film questioning Islam's origins >>Broadcaster calls off event at its HQ citing security fears after documentary Islam: The Untold Story drew 1,000 complaints>> >>The channel said in a statement on Tuesday: "Having taken security advice we have reluctantly cancelled a planned screening of the programme, Islam: The Untold Story. We remain extremely proud of the film, which is still available to view on 4oD.">> And: Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya >>An armed man waves his rifle as buildings and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the U.S. Consulate compound in Benghazi, Libya, late on Tuesday, September 11. An armed mob protesting a film they said offended Islam attacked the consulate in Benghazi and set fire to the building, killing one American staff member,..>> And all this in the past week. Question: Why are so many Afghan Hazaras fleeing to Australia? Who are they fleeing from? Posted by stevenlmeyer, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 8:05:01 PM
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Its far more complex. Liberalism as you depict it was on its knees due to the cold war, Asian competition and other ECONOMIC stresses before Reagan invented PONZI scheme LIBERALISM. Take the PONZI (think QE=printing money to buy 3rd world valuavble goods for near nothing OR immigrating cheap votes and labour while making apathetic citizens pay MORE for YOUR pleasure) out of modern Liberalism and the whole vector solution bundle of current economic and political turbulences becomes much more well-behaved. But who is going to tell the US it is STEALING when it prints money and AFTER you do that who is going to tell the world's women that they are NOT allowed to have more than one child per lifetime because the WORLD cannot afford redundant kids in the cold hard economic light of a non-PONZI schemed world? This is a typical crisis situation. We always know two things about a crisis situation 1. Solutions WILL become well behaved. Economic and political turbulence along with infinite reproductive ambitions is unaffordable and wasteful of scarce resources. 2. WAR is the necessary condition to remove global turbulence Posted by KAEP, Wednesday, 12 September 2012 10:19:28 PM
Policy makers have tough decisions to make, and often get it wrong, but i dont think there are any easy soltuions, despite what lifelong critics like Pilger suggest through their own moral certainty.
Yep, Afghanistan is a mess, but i feel sorry for ordinary men, women and children once that country is left to it self. Just the other day, children were beheaded and a week earlier others were executed for attending a party.