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A global warming primer : Comments

By Cliff Ollier, published 10/9/2012

Time is showing that we don't need to lose too much sleep over CO2 emissions.

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Yet another OLO fray into anti-global warming.

One could think some geologists (retired or otherwise) protest too much.

On the other hand ... MSM, shock-jocks and op-eds like this are to be expected in the lead up to the IPCC's AR5
Posted by bonmot, Monday, 10 September 2012 2:29:01 PM
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Hi bonmot,

It's getting hot in here (must be the volcanic "skepticism")...think I'll sit this thread out.

: )
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 10 September 2012 2:42:17 PM
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Having dealt for many years with Creationist in-laws I have come to accept the fact that science often has such little impact against entrenched views one might be forgiven for wondering why we bother. Global warming deniers are really little different, the same style of arguing, the same ability to dismiss strong scientific evidence, the same determination not to give an inch.

The editor of the Australian Creationist magazine, which my father-in-law so thoughtfully renews my subscription for each year, worked as a geologist for the oil industry in his earlier life where the dating of rocks was a vital part of his job.

The fact that he was able to compartmentalise this from his entrench 'young earth' religious views can be a complete mystery to those who have never had to make that disconnect.

What Creationists and Global Warming Deniers (GWDs) have in common is the ability to disregard the science and its implications. It is not a coincidence that often the 'poster boys' of the denier cohort have deeply held creationist views.

It is a skill that is in some ways to be admired and we all have a measure of it. I am currently enjoying a podcast series on the History of Rome and Julius Caesar ability to disregard the odds when taking on 14 legions with a single one of his own during the civil war was pivotal. He often won the day because of daring, seemingly irrational actions, and the ability to constantly press forward to secure victory.

These qualities are fine even admirable in a General but there is a reason why modern, sophisticated, democratic nations have kept military rule away from the reins of power.

Posted by csteele, Monday, 10 September 2012 3:36:26 PM
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What the rational world see as scientific truths hurled at the wall of the denialst camp they treat as little more as annoying mosquitoes, giving them little attention or contemplation and swatting them down with contemptuous disdain. We see the giant holes left in their breeched defences and wonder how they can keep going, they see undamaged ramparts.

We see climbing temperature and sea level graphs and they see downward trends, we see scientific paper after paper confirming AGW and they see a giant conspiracy, we see Arctic ice coverage continuing to decline year after year and they see normal variation.

Whether it be denying climate change, or evolution, or a round earth, or a moon landing the form is strikingly similar and should be accepted as part of the broad span of human nature. However what makes the AGW denialist industry so markedly different is the huge power and wealth of the vested interests at play. We should not be surprised that it flourishes so strongly in places like Australia and the US who sit at the top of the per capita emitting heap.

About the only course of action for the ordinary rational citizen is of course to keep illustrating the absurdity of the denialist's position because it is important to do so. The chance of changing entrenched views is extremely slim but helping others from falling under their spell is a worthwhile pursuit. But I would also recommend having a little fun along the way. Enjoy the way they are forced into convoluted reasoning to skirt physical truths. Revel in the way they use the very science they deem irrevocably tainted to support their own positions. And laugh out loud when those so far out of the relevant field of climate science declare AGW to be a 'giant hoax'.

But perhaps also have a little sympathy, after all they are just being human.
Posted by csteele, Monday, 10 September 2012 3:39:05 PM
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It has been point out time and time again that the exaggerated tails of doom and gloom related by the global warming adherents are but the prediction of junk science. Now I do not doubt the integrity of many working in the field of climate science. However, there are some workers in the field that have switched from being scientist to becoming advocates for left wing causes.

Nobody can surely claim that organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, World wide Fund and so on are objective seekers after truth. Further I expect that most of the critics of Professor Ollier on this blog are not themselves scientists in any field.

The fact is that adherents of the global warming catastrophic theory have the characteristics of religious zealots. To deny their core beliefs is blasphemy and should be most severely punished.

Lastly; I draw attention to this statement in the Ollier paper: “the greenhouse effect is real but trivial.
Posted by anti-green, Monday, 10 September 2012 4:21:41 PM
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I would like to see the author publish his article on the web site
But then he would not, as this article would not stand up to serious scrutiny, it is so full of holes, myths and misuse of information.
Posted by PeterA, Monday, 10 September 2012 4:25:53 PM
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