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The Forum > Article Comments > Abortion, rights and the meaning of personhood > Comments

Abortion, rights and the meaning of personhood : Comments

By Jocelynne Scutt, published 29/8/2012

An apparent majority of Republicans in office, seeking office or in the GOP agree on one essential: unlimited protection must be extended to a human ovum fertilised by human sperm.

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The US is addicted to the Neo-Slavery of IMMIGRATION, as is Australia.

This raises the prospect of a US hispanic majority and power supremacy within 10 or twenty years. US secular powers of Northern European descent are accutely aware of this unfolding drama and see white supremacist breeding dictums as de jure for redressing the problem.

Thus anti abortion lobbies in Congress are more influential than at any time past.

Australia is the same but its politicians are more Schizophrenic than deliberate.

The Hypocrisy is palpable and renders the human foetus as a Political tool and NO real-entity at all.

With the world teetering on financial and civil collapse because of the ENERGY and solid, liquid &gaseous waste-disposal needs of 75million additional full-born foetuses and their overentitled mothers every year, its time for the US Congress to dictate one-child-per-family laws and enforce them with mandatory abortions.

In essence this is the solution to the US fiscal CLIFF problem. Its easy, its quick and it has an enviable precedence in the gargantuan growth of the one child policy of China.

Its well known that American men are sexually subserviant to their women. But in order for Romney et al to get their once a month nookie is it worth the price of marching America off the fiscal cliff to suck up to their women by outlawing abortion & NOT enacting one child per family laws?

As there is no other way for the US to avoid the fiscal cliff that has already dragged on too long, one child laws will replace anti abortion nonsense sooner than observers imagine.

The key to future growth for any nation is STABLE population platforms with knowable ENERGY inputs and Environmental waste disposal OUTPUTS. The "stacks on the mill" politics of economic growth worked fine post WWII when populations were depleted but this is sorely NOT the current case except in the minds of IMMATURE business executives stoked up on coke and meth. If the US can go to the Moon surely thay can figure this one out before an imminent 2.3 child per woman Femageddon.
Posted by KAEP, Thursday, 30 August 2012 12:47:39 AM
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For me, this sentence is the most pregnant with implication:

“Perhaps tellingly, the Bill does not define personhood. This may well be intentional, for once questions are raised as to the 'legal and constitutional attributes and privileges' of 'personhood', the issue of sex/gender differentiation and discrimination in law, society, culture, the economy and the polity comes into sharp relief”.

Indeed, it’s good to see Jocelynne Scutt alluding to the panoply of inequality that obtains in this most martial and sanctimonious of nations, though for me economic discrimination patently comes first and sex/gender last. The allusion is all we get though and Dr Scutt predictably pursues her hobby horse thereafter. The constitutional “outrage” she exposes, is an impressive concordance of legal/historical semantics.
If only Dr Scutt would address the real outrages she hints at, that underwrite, are the essence of, US and Western culture generally.
Posted by Squeers, Thursday, 30 August 2012 6:54:25 AM
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Oh back to the 60's when dishonest abortionist pretend its all out that poor girl who gets raped. Just so happens that over 95% or more of the millions of baby murders are for convenience. Using weasal arguements to distract attention from this holocaust shows how hard and sick the hearts of those are who support it.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 30 August 2012 9:45:41 AM
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Deary me runner, how hard and heartless is your heart, as you flush
those poor little sperms and eggs down the toilet each month. All
those lives denied, when the wife could have carried yet another one.

Your argument makes about as much sense.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 30 August 2012 10:49:10 AM
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Runner "Just so happens that over 95% or more of the millions of baby murders are for convenience. "

Really? I assume you mean abortions?
Where did you get that figure from Runner?

As long as abortion remains legal, I fail to see the point of these sorts of rants...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 30 August 2012 11:43:38 PM
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To call abortion murder simply shows how stupid some people can be. I suppose they'd rather see unwanted or unplanned children suffer from lack of parental & sibling love & care.
Yes they're really caring types those brainless hypocrites. I've yet to see anti abortionists put their money where their mouth is.
Why don't they wait outside the clinics for unwanted babies to adopt ? No, they'd rather take the moral high ground & cause senseless trouble.
Do anti abortionists abstain from sex ? Or do they use birth control ? How come they don't have dozens of children to look after ? How do they prevent having too many children ?
To stop a human being from developing in is no different if you prevent fertilisation via the Pill in the first place or have an abortion.
Posted by individual, Friday, 31 August 2012 2:31:47 PM
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