The Forum > Article Comments > Why are diasporas important to Australia > Comments
Why are diasporas important to Australia : Comments
By Ordan Andreevski, published 24/8/2012What should be done to capture the value of diasporas to add capabilities and diplomatic impact.
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Posted by ozzie, Friday, 24 August 2012 6:43:12 PM
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Another typical puff piece about the wonders of mass immigration from the multicultural industry.
Ordan Andreevski claims that "generations of federal and state government and parliamentary leaders" helped create "innovative migration, workplace and citizenship policies and programs that welcomed people from across the world to contribute to the transformation, continuous upgrading and innovation of Australian society." Anybody familiar with the history of Australian immigration politics will know that mass Third World immigration and multiculturalism were imposed by stealth and without the consent of the Australian people. As ethnologist Frank Salter has pointed out, it was a "top-down revolution" imposed on Australia without any concern for the interests of the existing Australian population. Salter: "The democratic process has been prevented from correcting our maladaptive immigration policies due to bipartisanship – a long-term deal between the major political parties to keep immigration issues off the table at election time. The collusion began responsibly enough as a measure to facilitate assimilation during the massive post-WWII immigration program from Europe. By the 1970s bipartisanship served to shield both parties from majority objections while they profited from multicultural politics, garnering votes from immigrant communities in exchange for immigration favours." Like most multiculturalists, Andreevski appears to hold the view that 'old' Anglo-Celtic Australia was in dire need of "transformation, continuous upgrading and innovation." This view ignores the fact that Australia was a prosperous, stable, advanced society with a high standard of living long before the advent of mass Third World immigration and state-sanctioned multiculturalism. Far from "upgrading" Australia, I would argue that mass diverse immigration has degraded our society by introducing a host of intractable social problems and divisions that did not previously exist in this country. Posted by drab, Friday, 24 August 2012 8:19:04 PM
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[Continued from above..]
Moreover, the "crimson thread of kinship" that once united Australians into a single people bound by a shared identity has been lost due to the massive, unrelenting influx of so many disparate peoples and cultures. Australia has become a country with little underlying coherence in the sense of sustaining an overarching national identity aside from being seen by foreigners as a desirable place to settle. This is Australia viewed as a home away from home for a range of diasporic peoples whose identities are rooted not in Australia but in their countries and regions of origin. I would suggest Andreevski educate himself before publishing paragraphs like this: "The phasing out of the ‘White Australia’ policy in the 1960’s and the introduction of highly effective migration programs across Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, ASEAN and North East Asia and most recently the Horn of Africa, has meant that Australia like the USA, Canada and Germany was well placed to attract young, hardworking, well qualified and entrepreneurial workers and their families in support of the ongoing nation building project. Firstly, the Australian nation-building project was completed in 1901 with the advent of federation. Australia is no longer a colonial frontier and should not be treated as such. Secondly, the end of 'White Australia' meant the end of large-scale immigration from Europe. The Macedonian community benefited from the 'White Australia' policy as Australia actively sought immigrants from Europe while keeping the rest of the world out. Since the end of the 'White Australia policy', immigration from Europe has been essentially choked off. A prospective Macedonian immigrant today has to compete with the rest of the world for entry into Australia. Thirdly, Germany does not actively seek immigrants. No European country does. In fact, Australia, Canada and the United States are basically alone in opening their doors to immigrants. The vast majority of the world's countries keep their doors firmly shut to foreigners. Posted by drab, Friday, 24 August 2012 8:39:25 PM
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Well done on the success of the report. Australian Federal politicians have all taken a keen interest in the report which is an obvious indicator of the reports success. I particularly liked the fact that the Macedonian Government contributed to this study (Did the others?) and it is now time Australia used its mass Macedonian population to tap in to Macedonia and extract some revenue for Australia.
If the Germans, Italians, Americans, Indians, Chinese etc are making big dollars out of Macedonia (with such small Macedonian populations in their respective countries) Australia may have the ability to really make a sound return on areas in which we are well regarded (eg mining) Well done again, and great work from Australia, Italy, Macedonia, Tonga and Vietnam on this study! Posted by ROB p, Saturday, 25 August 2012 12:26:09 PM
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Australia is a desert Island.
Its carrying capcity is essentially fixed at 20 million people if environmental sustainability is respected. Immigrant lobbies have NO RESPECT for these values and the best way to remove their biased opinion pieces is to create a NET ZERO POPULATION growth policy ASAP. This is not post WWII Australia where desperate & appreciative migrants actually contributed to Australia's prosperity. Immigrant skills today are nothing but foreign opportunism & push&shove theft disguised as patriotism. Skilled mnigrants today cause nothing but trouble, and offshoring of REAL JOBS forcing Australians into an underclass while Governments tell us how good we've got it. Its all to do with the CARRYING CAPACITY of the nation. If that were properly accounted for we would have net zero immigration. The growth economics of immigration are faked to make the RAPE of Australia appear to be some kind of God Damn multicultural democratic paradise. The lies and schizophrenia in Governmet are appalling and are purely based on self interest and greed. Multiculturalism has failed in an ASIAN domain where multiculturalism was eliminated centuries ago. Hell even the kebabs are sub-standard and hospital emergency wards are choked with Hookah smokers with respitory complaints. What else are migrants good for but taking up increasingly scarce space, services and opportunities that rightly belong to the sovereign people of this nation. Posted by KAEP, Saturday, 25 August 2012 1:37:22 PM
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…In all honesty, “diasporas” have become a transpositional name for “ghetto”…City suburbs are unrecognisable as the once vibrant Australian communities they were, knitted together with by a common thread of “Australianism” : That (now dead) ethic of “mateship” epitomised by the words to a revealing GMH jingle of times-past… Football, meat pies, Kangaroos and Holden cars…is ashes…!
...And replaced with?...Asian crime gangs, drug runners and opportunistic rorters of a gullible nation: Generalised wreckers of a once stable and proud Australianised society. Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 26 August 2012 11:24:09 AM
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And after reading all the soft mushy feel good propaganda with no supporting hard evidence we find the real reason for this article..
"These include immediate recognition of Macedonia’s legitimate constitutional name, the opening of an Australian embassy in Macedonia, the provision of funding for a Macedonian Community Needs Assessment project, the allocation of funding for high impact research which will enable Australia to see Macedonia with new eyes, the provision of 20 postgraduate scholarships for talented and needy students, regular visits by Ministers and MPs from both countries, regular funding for high priority economic, social and environmental projects."
And I wonder which country will be providing the funding for the Community Project? the funding for the high imapct research? the funding for the 20 postgraduate scholarships? and the funding for the high priority economic, social and environmental projects?
Not doubt this foreign author thinks a good relationship between Australia and Macedonia is for Australia to provide all the funding and Macedonia to get all the rewards.
This is exactly the reason why Australia should cease nearly all migrants from coming to our country. People who have destroyed their own countries should GO HOME and fix it themselves. They are NO BENEFIT to Australia