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A fictitious Federal Budget speech : Comments
By Gavin Putland, published 23/8/2012As politicians and industry lobbyists argue about how to reduce the rate of company tax, here's a proposal to abolish it.
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I was part of the 87% who disagreed with the GST, which rather than reform, was simply Granny killing revenue surety, merely masquerading as reform.
It simply transferred tax responsibly from those, who could afford it, onto the backs of those who couldn't; and, added yet another level of complexity!
[At some point complexity becomes fraud. Quote unquote.]
And entirely off topic!
Nor do I see or agree with, that there's any incongruity whatsoever, in advocating equal rights for those, who dare to be born different. Every Human Being extant on the planet, has an inherent right to pursue their dreams, love, genuine happiness and physical affection.
I know of no heterosexual, who has chosen to be straight or "normal"!
Nor do I know of any "normal" heterosexual, who could chose to be otherwise, or engage in homosexual practise, without a loaded gun held to the head. Even then, the skin would fairly crawl!
That being so, it's hard to reconcile a view amongst a diminishing minority, that there is any element whatsoever; of choice, in homosexuality.
In fact, if one knew of all that homosexuals have to go through or are subjected to, one would simply understand; that there's basically no element of choice on homosexuality, just naturally occurring aberrations.
We all of us start our existence in the womb, as female foetuses.
Hormones produced; or not, by the mother, determine whether we are born male or female.
Sometimes this process is incomplete? And or, produces the natural aberrations, we refer to as bisexual, gay or lesbian!
[Genetics seem to play no part, nor does the environment or family composition?]
I simply chose not to blame the victim of this process, whenever it's incomplete or overdone?
Nor do I believe anyone has an inherent or God given right, to discriminate, or deny other's the basic human rights, we simply take for granted!
My usual logic isn't limited to, essential overdue real tax reform or economic practise!