The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine - don’t repeat the Syrian fiasco > Comments
Palestine - don’t repeat the Syrian fiasco : Comments
By David Singer, published 15/8/2012If western countries can't solve the Syrian problem, what chance have they with the more intractable Palestine one?
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Posted by Geoff of Perth, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 10:35:30 PM
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I would echo the comment of Geoff from Perth.
Love him or hate him or pity him, the Singer is a perfect example of how religion distorts the human mind, destroys its conscience capacity, enables it to carry out all kind of brutality and horror while it thinks it is noble and righteous. Cigarettes, war and religion should be banned completely. Posted by David G, Thursday, 16 August 2012 8:29:32 AM
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#To Geoff of Perth:
I don't know what sent you into such a lather of hate and vitriol - other than you are clearly a Jew-hater - which is your entitlement. But it is also my entitlement to tell you what I think of you and your opinions - which is loathing and contempt. I suggested one way to get Israel back to the negotiating table - or did you fail to read this because your eyes and your mind were closed? I also suggested that Australia and the EU no longer pour money into illegal Arab building activity in Area C of the West Bank but that money for humanitarian aid be continued if the Palestinian Authority returned to the negotiating table. Are you as an Australian taxpayer (assuming you pay tax) happy to see your tax dollars spent on buildings that run the risk of being demolished because no consent has been obtained to erect them? I suggest you take a cold shower and cool down. #To David G Cigarettes,war and religion will never be banned - but you could possibly be - if I complained to OLO about your hateful and continuing spiteful ad hominem attacks - without any effort by you to discuss any disagreement with one word I have written. Even Geoff of Perth at least tried to do so - and he was answered. Banning you would deny me the pleasure of reading your irrational rants and stop you making an utter fool of yourself. Keep raving. It is good to know you religiously follow my articles, intent on going to war with me personally each time whilst totally ignoring the subject matter of my articles, and smoking with pious outrage like a cigarette that will never go out. Keep huffing and puffing and blowing your own house down as you continue to be the little Sir Echo to Geoff of Perth. Ironically you seem to consider yourself more Catholic than the Pope. You will receive no further response from me unless you specifically detail your objections to any statements appearing in my articles. Posted by david singer, Thursday, 16 August 2012 3:16:15 PM
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David,have a close look at this site. In their 2009 conference in Sydney we had some Jews there who were very angry and embarrassed about where your humanity is taking us.
Also see Zionism is like Nazism and it will destroy Israel and possibly all our humanity. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 16 August 2012 10:04:56 PM
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To #Arjay
Another one of your usual Jew-hating comments posted under an anonymous name and having nothing to do with discussing the subject matter of my article. At least you appear to have made a ground breaking discovery all on your own - that Jews have different opinions about Zionism and that Zionists (including both Jews and non-Jews)have different opinions about how the legal right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in former Palestine should be pursued and safeguarded. Shucks - Jews and Zionists are just like other groups who have diverse opinions. Isn't that amazing? So how can you trumpet that: "Zionism is like Nazism and it will destroy Israel and possibly all our humanity." What Zionism are you railing against - "good" like that espoused by many Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists who don't share my views or "bad" like those who in fact support my views? How do you sort out the good from the bad - or do they all have to get exterminated to "save our humanity"? I think you need to slither back under your rock and wait to pour out your venom when my next article appears. That is the only constructive thing I can suggest for people like you. Don't bother to reply - because I won't respond. Posted by david singer, Friday, 17 August 2012 10:31:14 AM
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Singer, what will you say in a few weeks or months when Israel nukes Iran and starts WW3?
I guess, like a parrot, you will still continue with your mischievous, duplicitous propaganda (which it seems most people see through). I don't debate with parrots! Sorry. Posted by David G, Friday, 17 August 2012 11:13:07 AM
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So Mr Singer is after a “measure to try and get Israel and the Palestinian Authority back to the negotiating table”.
Damn easy, a tried and proven measure is for Israel to stop building its illegal settlements on the West Bank. It worked in the past. Another would be for Israel to recognise the weight of International Law and UN Resolutions that say those settlements are indeed illegal. A third would be for Israel to recognise that the their presence in the West Bank is an occupation. A fourth would be for Israel to recognise that the Geneva Convention applied in those occupied territories. Let look at Mr Singer's proposed measures to see if we can find even one that is not about prolonging the process so that more Palestinian Land can be illegally appropriated and further illegal Israeli settlements can continue to be built. Jonathan Pollard is complete and utter smoke and mirrors from the Israeli Government and our disingenuous Mr Singer. He was a bumbling, lying, grasping clown who chased the money selling information not only to Israel but to South Africa and Russia. He actually sought asylum at the Israeli Embassy when he knew the game was up and was turfed out by the Israelis themselves. He is up for parole in less than 3 years anyway. The only reason to hype him a cause celebre is to obfuscate on a peace deal. Most of his other measures are about cutting funding and support to the Palestinian people who are suffering under the oppressive yoke of the Israeli occupation. Most reasonable people recognise that to do this would leave the Palestinians with very little hope for the future as they watched their lands being subsumed by the occupiers. Without hope there is little left but violence, which one gets the distinct impression our Mr Singer would welcome with open arms as it would give him an warped sense of justification for his distasteful agenda. We should be doing everything in our power to stop he and his ilk from fulfilling it. Cont... Posted by csteele, Friday, 17 August 2012 5:40:01 PM
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Syria is indeed a salutary warning and countries like Australia do not react early and strongly enough to condemn oppression then bloodbaths may well be inevitable. Who besides Mr Singer wants to see the West Bank as another Allepo? Just a reflection if I may on the earlier posts. I personally find the use of the terms 'Jew hater' and 'Nazi' pretty inappropriate and depressing. I have admonished David G for comments about Jews in the media on another thread and Mr Singer for slinging the term anti-Semitic around whenever Israel's actions are criticised. I am generally quick to react to language like this when having conversations in the real world. The thought that there may be Holocaust survivors who might read these comments is offensive. That being said in a conversation about Israel's actions in the West Bank with a German acquaintance last month she said it was 'Lebensraum' all over again. I will admit that although rejecting the notion with her at the time it was a powerful point. Herein lies the real tragedy of Israel's actions. While we might rail as we should against them in the moment, at some point we have to admit the uncomfortable truth; the fact that comparisons such as these should have any resonance at all has to be a serious indictment on the actions of the Israeli government. One hopes one day Israel can rescue itself from the clutches of people like Mr Singer and we can welcome her back into the fold of those nations whose actions we can respect. Posted by csteele, Friday, 17 August 2012 5:42:09 PM
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"...I have admonished David G for comments about Jews in the media on another thread..."
You sound like a retired headmaster, Mr Steele. I remain unadmonished and unapologetic. Fence sitting is not my style! Posted by David G, Saturday, 18 August 2012 5:30:17 PM
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"#To Geoff of Perth: I don't know what sent you into such a lather of hate and vitriol ....I suggested one way to get Israel back to the negotiating table...?
David, I do not hate the Jewish people, if anything I feel sorry for their misguided, myopic, zealous and completely false view of history and everything that makes the nation of 'Israel' real in the "minds". Israel as a nation was created through a falsehood, a lie, and the manipulation of an ignorant, and possibly uneducated population of arabs who have resided in a geographic location well beyond what could be called 'the owners/custodians of the lands that they reside within'. Israel, through its brutality, bullying and pathological ignorance to global justice, international law, the Geneva convention and too many other treaties and legal statutues to mention, has created a "Nation" unwilling to recognise the legal and rightful owners of the lands withn the Middle East, the Palestinians. The most recent Zionist response to the second Palestinian intifada amd the extra-judicial killing of more than 700 people, including, 220 civilians including 70 children should cause you to stop and reflect on your vitriolic attack against the rightful landowners of this geographic location. Lets not mention the current warmongering as outlined by Mr Mark Glenn, "if Iran had no nuclear program, these countries (read Israel) would make the claim that Iran is financing international terrorism through the export and sale of Pistachio nuts . What is at issue here is that Iran refuses to be a slave to the 2-headed beast of Israeli, western financial and political interests." It long overdue "Israel" is recognised for what it really is: a criminal state, unaccountable and supposedly above international law Israel must be subject to sanctions and forced to enforce agreements and the rule of law, both domestic and international, if you are really a lawyer of any substance, you must recognise this basic human right Posted by Geoff of Perth, Saturday, 18 August 2012 10:57:23 PM
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#To David G
If you won't debate with parrots - stop squawking. #To Geoff of Perth Another Jew hating rant. #To csteele Still writing lengthy tomes - but unable to find the time to answer the following questions: 1. "Do you know the term "Palestinians" does not include Jews,non-Arab Christians and any other secular non- Arab citizens? 2. If you do - how can you object to my use of the term "Palestinian Arabs" to clarify and identify who the "Palestinians" are?" 3. Do you consider the following article 20 of the PLO Charter to be racist? "The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being a religion, is not an independent nationality. Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with an identity of its own; they are citizens of the states to which they belong." 4. What is the area that is controlled by the PLO or Hamas or the Palestinian Authority that "harbours" 500000 Jews and what rights have been conferred on those 500000 Jews by the Palestinian Arabs? 5. What is the area of the State of Palestine? 6. Who is the current Prime Minister of Palestine? 7. What is the capitol of Palestine? 8. If there is a state of Palestine - why are the Palestinian Arabs still claiming to be stateless and homeless?" When you deign to answer these questions - I will respond to your posts if they deal with specific matters raised in my articles. Until then go whistle. Posted by david singer, Sunday, 19 August 2012 11:21:45 PM
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Dear Mr Singer,
My apologies. It seems you may have been under the erroneous impression that my last post was addressed to you. It was not. I will endeavour to be more careful in the future and ensure they are headed 'Dear reader'. The reason I no longer address you directly is that you trot out your tried and tested method of avoiding criticism; copying and pasting your growing list of inane questions. It does admittedly give me a wee sense of pride whenever I see them. Dear reader, Mr Singer has stated in this thread that; “You will receive no further response from me unless you specifically detail your objections to any statements appearing in my articles.”, plus, “intent on going to war with me personally each time whilst totally ignoring the subject matter of my articles” and “You will receive no further response from me unless you specifically detail your objections to any statements appearing in my articles.”. Yet when one attempts to directly address the points made in his article he suddenly turns tail and will not answer a single one. Kind of like an octopus disappearing in a cloud of ink. Hypocrisy, sadly not appreciated by some. Anybody want to join me whistling Dixie? Posted by csteele, Sunday, 19 August 2012 11:52:19 PM
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#To csteele
Whistle "Dixie" with you csteele? Certainly - with these few variants to the lyrics: "Singer challenged "steele-de-weaber," csteele was a gay deceaber; Look away! Look away! Look away! fictionland" You will do everything to avoid answering those eight outstanding questions relating to your claimed fictionland. Six require one word answers. Why the continuing refusal to justify your claims? Here are the eight questions again for you to answer - as you whistle "Dixie": 1. "Do you know the term "Palestinians" does not include Jews,non-Arab Christians and any other secular non- Arab citizens? 2. If you do - how can you object to my use of the term "Palestinian Arabs" to clarify and identify who the "Palestinians" are?" 3. Do you consider the following article 20 of the PLO Charter to be racist? "The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being a religion, is not an independent nationality. Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with an identity of its own; they are citizens of the states to which they belong." 4. What is the area that is controlled by the PLO or Hamas or the Palestinian Authority that "harbours" 500000 Jews and what rights have been conferred on those 500000 Jews by the Palestinian Arabs? 5. What is the area of the State of Palestine? 6. Who is the current Prime Minister of Palestine? 7. What is the capitol of Palestine? 8. If there is a state of Palestine - why are the Palestinian Arabs still claiming to be stateless and homeless?" Posted by david singer, Monday, 20 August 2012 8:29:00 AM
Let me get this straight, it's the Arabs that are the problem, gosh how myopic and Xenophobic can one get.
You clearly state "The problem is that Israel is ready to resume such negotiations without preconditions".
You then go on to state "2. Australia and the European Union Member States could withhold any further funding to Israeli based non-government organisations financially assisting the 5% of the Palestinian Arabs who presently live in Area C - some 60% of the West Bank.
Much of this money has gone to fund illegal Arab building activity in Area C. Israel is acting through the Courts to end such illegal building and there is growing confrontation between the civil administration and the Arab residents,
Keeping the money flowing at least for humanitarian - if not building - purposes could be an incentive to the Palestinian Authority to return to the negotiating table."
Falling short of calling you a Nazi, I find your ethos in terms of a rational, unbiased solution to this issue as extremely distastful to say the least.
Maybe you can really espouse your true views and out-do those responsible for the genocide that afflicted the Jews during WW2.
I view the current Israeli position as actions of a nation satisfied that human rights, genocide and ethnics cleansing are all par for the cause of determining an unjust, unethical and biblically diabolical act against humanity.
I will be pillored for my comments but you really need to grab a sense of reality to the inhumane face of zionistic oppression that is destabilising the Middle East to the detriment of any normal man, woman or child deserved of the rights to freedom from oppression, religion and the basic necessities of life.