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Iran bomb fever ratchets up in Israel : Comments

By Graham Cooke, published 15/8/2012

The only surprising thing about the nuclear situation in the Middle East is that a potential balancer to Israel has not appeared before.

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Graham Cooke,

Agreed. The Iranians could argue that they need nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Israel, the country is definitely aggressive. One fact is certain, whatever 'measures' Israel takes against Iran will be rubber-stamped by the Americans and we can be certain that Netanyahu will be on a very long leash. However, the Americans might find Iran a tougher nut to crack than Saddam's Iraq.

I've always assumed that Iran was the main target in the ME for both the US and Israel since the end of the Shah's rule, Saddam Hussein was just another pawn in the game.
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 10:35:37 AM
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What we know about Iran's plans and nuclear capability is pure speculation; except perhaps, it is perfectly okay to blatantly lie to, or mislead infidels?
However, there are historical lessons we need to remain cognisant of.
Had the world stood up to Hitler in 1938, we may well have prevented WW11 and or the massacre of six million Jews; and the deaths of millions more non-combatant innocent civilians.
The most important of those historical lessons is, you can never ever appease tyrants, who simply recognise it as weakness or carte blanche to proceed as they like?
We for our part need to read the writ large writing on the wall, and act with urgent alacrity, to deliver complete energy independence for ourselves.
If that means govt investment in the exploration and exploitation of the potentially massive reserves, we may well have own in our north-east economic zone, then that is what we must do! No ifs, buts or maybes!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 10:47:53 AM
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Rhostry appears to drawing a parallel between Iran and Nazi Germany. However it is Israel that is the aggressor in this case, not Iran. Iran has never invaded or even threatened to invade its neighbours. Israel has. Iran is not threatening to bomb Israel. Israel is threatening to bomb Iran. Iran does not have a nuclear arsenal. Israel does. It seems clear to me where the threat lies. And also clear who we need to be careful about appeasing.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 11:37:50 AM
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I actually think that the author is wrong.

I believe the next 12 weeks, prior to the US election, are going to be the most dangerous times the ME will face.

Netanyahu knows that Obama is weak, and his continued attempts to blame Iran for terrorist attacks (think the killing of five Israelis in Bulgaria in July that have yet to be explained) and further attempts to depict Iran as the satan that needs destroying and you have a sphere of geopolitics that is on the knife edge.

It is unlikely that Netanyahu will get a better opportunity to attack Iran than in the next few weeks. Romney's new running mate will probably swing the vote back to Obama, a second term President in the US is much less likely to support or commit troops to support Israel should it pre-empt any agreed strategy between Israel and the US, vis Netanyahu knows with his waning popularity he only has a small window in which to act.

All I can suggest is watch this space, never mind the possibility whereby Russia and China become involved in an all-out shoot em up in the ME rather than on their home soils involving the US.

Netanyahu is a sociopath and should be treated as one. His fantasy and reality may just be what is needed to pull the trigger on the "Iran factor"

Just my two cents worth
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 2:11:19 PM
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Thanks for your comments.
Geoff, I am aware of the contary view that Israel could strike before the US Presidential election for the reasons you outline. But I still feel there are good reasons why this will not happen.
First a weakened Netanyahu can't count on the solid support of his Cabinet any more. At the weekend the Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, went against him by insisting that attempts be made to re-start stalled negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. I am not suggesting the two are far apart on the Iran issue, but it does seem the PM's words are no longer law.
Secondly, a public opinion poll just released has 46 per cent of Israelis opposing a strike on Iran without Washington's support; 33 per cent in favour and 22 per cent undecided. This is a significant turnaround from previous polls on the issue.
Finally, the newly appointed Security Minister, Avraham Dichter, is on the record as saying Israel should not go it alone with a strike on Iran.
So Netanyahu now has to consider significant domestic opposition to a lone strike, possibly within his own Cabinet, and in the country at large.
Posted by Graham Cooke, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 5:45:00 PM
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In public utterances, Khamenei is quite clear:

“The Iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear weapons. There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

“They (Western countries) falsely accuse the Islamic republic’s establishment of producing nuclear weapons. We fundamentally reject nuclear weapons and prohibit the use and production of nuclear weapons. This is because of our ideology, not because of politics or fear of arrogant powers or an onslaught of international propaganda. We stand firm for our ideology.”

.... but of course broadcasting THAT on our media would be tantamount to treason, wouldn't it?

.... and it would get in the way of some really good Israeli propaganda.

Also, use of the old "push Israel into the sea" canard (a deliberate mis - translation... I watched the speech live on Iranian TV) seems a bit gullible to me.

Ah but, facts be damned! This is an opinion website after all.

Over to you Graham.....
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 7:53:53 PM
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Thank you Graham for responding, it is a sad situation whereby responses from authors on OLO is declining, nice to see you monitoring and resonding to posters.

I agree with some of your response comments, there is no doubt the general Israeli population is growing more and more frustrated by the day and the feeling appears to be moving toward other options.

I still feel the current leader of Israel has a prepared agenda and that he is ready, willing and when forced, able to fulfill 'his' mission as he see's it.

If you look at the historical record, his current aims and agenda would guarantee his immortality with the fervent fundemental Jewish minority and perhaps this is what drives his agenda, it is difficult to tell if we will ever know.

The recent collision of a US warship and a Japanese oil tanker within the Strait's of Hormuz is a classic example of the type of 'incident' he is looking for, one that would, in his eye's legitimise a pre-emptive strike on Iran, no matter whom is to blame, and more importantly the likely global consequences of such action.

US inertia and the general apathy in the international community is ripe for the picking for the likes of Netanyahu and his megolomaniac followers, I still have great reservations about any diplomatic solution, vis the liklihood of a pre-emptive strike by Israel, unfortunately to the detriment of the general ME and the rest of us on this small green planet.
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 8:33:42 PM
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I’m not really sure whether you are being sarcastic or just extremely naïve. It sounds to me like you are trying to apologise for what the Iranian clerics did or did not say.

We have Ahmadinejad threatening to erase Israel from the map, only to be explained by apologists that he was mis-translated: What he really meant was to erase Israel from the “pages of time”. This sounds so much better doesn’t it? Almost a message of love.

Then we have Ayatollah Khomeini himself with some brilliant quotes, such as:

“We do not worship Iran; we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.”

It really warms your heart doesn’t it? With such great regards for his own country, I’m sure he can be counted on to respect the security of the countries surrounding him.

But I have no doubt he was mis-quoted. What he really meant to do was to spread a message of peace and tranquillity.
Posted by Avw, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 9:43:36 PM
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Good post Awv....

A great spray from the late Khomeini. It's so good in fact, I would rate it as being positively Churchillian! The old bulldog would have given his eye-teeth for an oratory like that.

I think Ahmadinejad said, "Like Nazism and Communism before it, Zionism will disappear from the pages of time."

Scary stuff!

.... but hardly worth fighting over.
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Wednesday, 15 August 2012 10:45:12 PM
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Another ME nation is being demonized in preparation for an attack, sound familiar?

All those armchair strategists who are Israel's partisans are welcome to volunteer for the IDF.
Posted by mac, Thursday, 16 August 2012 8:09:05 AM
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Yeah, the world needs a nation of imperialist religious fanatics to start dropping nukes on Iran like a hole in the head.

Why don't the more intelligent world leaders (are there any?) state clearly that the creation of Israel was a gigantic mistake and create another Israel somewhere else on Earth where the deluded, anachronistic Children of God can't threaten mankind with the possibility of nuclear extinction? The Antarctic sounds good.

If a mistake has been made, and it has, then reverse the wrong decision!

Is that too simple?
Posted by David G, Thursday, 16 August 2012 9:59:37 AM
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The is no such thing as a balencer in the Middle East. Nothing can counter balance a true Democracy that is Israel with a murderous, medieval Theocracy. This is stupidity of the top level, Democracy is a balence system, anything other is just a machine to consume people as object lessons. Ongoing repression in Iran to crush demonstrators, just the people to play with Nukes.
Posted by McCackie, Friday, 17 August 2012 8:16:58 AM
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I am astounded at the nonchalance with which this subject is being discussed!

We are dealing with a potentially very grave situation that could result in the total extinction of the human race, should the maniacs who are prepared to utilize nuclear weapons to achieve their own selfish aims (of world domination) be allowed to continue their historical reign of terror.

I question totally the envisaged right of any nation to equip themselves with Nuclear weapons capable of destroying the planet, whilst at the same time insisting that other nations who do NOT play in the same ball-park, are prevented under threat of duress from arming themselves accordingly.

I remember way back in the early 1980`s, when US Advisor Edward Teller made the mind-boggling statement that "The US is now in a position to survive a limited nuclear exchange!"...a statement that illustrates the total insanity that pervades some nations who are prepared to risk all to attain totalitarian control of the whole world.

I am afraid to say that the US, Israel and member nations of the UN are NOT helping to maintain world peace whilst continually rattling the sabre and threatening (calling the bluff) smaller nations with
dire consequences should they wish to arm themselves protectively!

Sanity MUST prevail and commonsense rule to end this stand-off!
Posted by Crackcup, Friday, 17 August 2012 9:26:30 AM
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Israel is a "true democracy", so what? Another "true democracy", the US has recently invaded Iraq, Afghanistan and devastated those nations, and since WW2, killed millions of innocent people. Israel's status as a democracy is no guarantee that it's not a menace to its neighbours or that it has the moral high ground.
Posted by mac, Friday, 17 August 2012 9:46:15 AM
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Please, will one nation in the world give Iran a nuke! This would stop the madness of the Israelis once and for all and end any chance of WW3 beginning.

Israel has had free rein for far too long. Like the U.S., it is not a nation that can be trusted to have power or to use it wisely.

Kiss your children each night!
Posted by David G, Friday, 17 August 2012 3:16:48 PM
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This does not make the West and US immoral, it empowers them. The long Fascist onslaught, really a Hundred Year War that started with Hitler / Stalin, continued with Brezhnev / Mao and continues with Al Qaeda has been stopped with blood and must continue to be so.
There was a lot of blood during the Cold War and its current echoes in the Middle East but the difference can be seen between the doctrines of the then opposing forces of the West and the Intelligentsias’ blood brothers in the Soviet / Maoist enlightenment. Western forces had decision making and training to the Grunt level, if the Boss was dead you became the Boss. All could read maps, tactics included sideways and reverse movement and briefings were extensive. Soviets had no decision latitude, a rigid and non adapting hierarchy and Political officers who could and did shoot commanders for trying to manoeuvre (move not just forward). (An old joke was Warsaw trained troops went in threes, one could read, the other had the map and the last one watched the dangerous radicals.)
Iran is a divided nation ruled by Fascists hence people are merely to be expended. Israel is not an existential threat to it while Iran is to Israel; Iran has no right to the Bomb.
Posted by McCackie, Monday, 20 August 2012 8:44:55 AM
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This article, given that Israel is giving strong indications that it is going to nuke Iran, should be receiving thousands of comments. We are talking here about the possible extinction of the human race in a nuclear holocaust.

Is that what you want? Perhaps you don't care? Perhaps gay marriage is more important?

As prior to WW2, most of the world is brain-dead. Keep in mind that Hitler didn't have nukes!

Israel has lots of them!
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 10:12:28 AM
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You are expressing the same sentiment as myself. I have often
lost interest in continuing posts to different topics when the replies and comments have reached the apathetic stage eg: when posters who cannot spell, compose or formulate sensible and legible comments, appear to enjoy seeing their very own gibberish, which is usually critical of the views and opinions of other posters, plastered across the pages of this forum!

With reference to this article, it would seem that most readers are,
a) Completely dissinterested in the subject.
b) Too frightened to even contemplate the possible implications.
c) Too ignorant and/or stupid to understand the seriousness of the situation.....(Ostrich Syndrome!)

The gullible masses seem to think that "even if something does happen, then the good `ole boys will look after us!"....God help us all!
Posted by Crackcup, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 11:17:11 AM
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Crackup, thanks for your comment. I am living in a constant state of stress and I get scared every-time I turn on the television news.

Why am I virtually the only person on OLO (along with you) to be concerned and alarmed by the prospect of world's end.

Of course, it's not mentioned on the news or in the print media so I suppose for most Australians there is no problem.

And when the nukes start falling, Australians will run around saying, "Why didn't someone tell us!"

I'm worn out from trying to ring the alarm bells!
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 1:58:46 PM
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