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The Forum > Article Comments > Why I'm still a Catholic > Comments

Why I'm still a Catholic : Comments

By Geraldine Doogue, published 10/8/2012

I've come to believe that the world beyond the institutional church is kinder, gentler, full of more conscientious ethics, values and care for others, than the institutional Church.

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...Good honest loyal genuine and dedicated folk, the Parishioners of the RC Church, are the losers who have a need to be made “Big”. The Parishioners of the RC Church are now the “Democratic Underground” in a corrupt institution; what a farce!

...Geraldine Doogue is one very important “face” of this underground movement of Parishioners, who are crying-out for justice and systemic change: But does it get any better for trying; apparently not; the binding glue of credibility strains further, pressured by news of the unravelling scandal of money laundering at the Vatican Bank, what is the answer?

...Parishioners are obviously exhausted, bewildered and frustrated dealing with the embarrassing fallout from entrenched corruption and immorality. The current condition of the RC Church has become indefensible on too many grounds!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 21 August 2012 10:04:51 AM
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