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The sound and silence of the 'C' word: why such hatred for women? : Comments

By Jocelynne Scutt, published 20/7/2012

One word is apparently less mentionable than just about any other...

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Why not simply get rid of a football player who talks or acts like a hoodlum until the game is cleared of such individuals? If there are not enough players left after such actions, R. I. P. football.
Posted by david f, Friday, 20 July 2012 10:10:55 AM
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The feminisation of the world continues, with the usual attendant hypocrisies. Ms Scutt should go out to any night spot and immerse herself in the conversations of the young women; if she can go the evening without being called a 'c..t' with any adjective preceding it I'll walk to Burke backwards.

Expletitives can lose their force; remember 'bloody'. The famous court incident is also instructive.

Digger had returned from the war and was before the bench for bashing his wife and neighbour after finding them in flagrante delicto.

Beak; why did you bash your wife?

Digger; your worship, I've been off fighting for King and country and what do I find when I get home; me missus and mate engaged in illicit cohabitation.
Posted by cohenite, Friday, 20 July 2012 10:25:16 AM
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I think the 'F' word is used much more often that the 'C' word.

Of course the 'F' word describes in vulgar terms the sexual union between a man and a woman (when the 'C' word meets the 'P' word in a frenzy of mutual pushing and shoving) and it has no gender-specific connotations that I'm aware of. Yet the 'F' words appears frequently in Australian conversation regardless of class or breeding.

What is interesting is that the act of swearing involves so many words lewdly associated with the genitalia. What we need are new words for our genitals. If we called a 'C' a Y256F and a 'P' a 76WZZ, then perhaps insults and tensions might be lessened during social intercourse.

The excellent little joke above is pertinent to my point!
Posted by David G, Friday, 20 July 2012 10:51:36 AM
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actually where I live men, women and children being called a fn white c is an everyday occurance. Often it is said by other than white women. Another inconvenient truth. I was actually trying to help a man by buying him some food and drink recently only to be continually called a white c from his woman. Charming! I am certain ly not a woman so you could hardly call her remarks hatred towards woman. Most hatred these days is towards white males especially by feminist blinded by their own hatred.
Posted by runner, Friday, 20 July 2012 10:53:35 AM
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Firstly a word of congratulations to OLO for its forthrightness in printing an unexpurgated article and a simultaneous expression of disappointment the posting 'filter' doesn't allow the same in comments.

I largely agree with Dr Scutt's article. Negotiating the minefield of social interaction created by words of opprobrium can be a real prick.

Despite the contested etymology of the word cuunt and it's anatomical denotation, its use as a swear word when used by males these days seems largely devoid of this connotation.

The sidebar issue of Rep.(D) Lisa Brown's treatment for saying vagina in the Michigan State House really only speaks to the stupidity of politicians in the USA. Though it did make me wonder what the reaction would have been if she had said, 'And finally, Mr Speaker, I'm flattered that you also interested in my cuunt, but no means no.'

Double standards do seem to apply. For example, in the Terry case I doubt the British papers would have asterisked the word prick had it been claimed to have been used instead.

Spend any length of time in school courtyards, public transport or shopping malls and the statement "…the fight back against the hatred of women too often expressed in the word that can not be spoken out loud – except amongst men and, then, in derision" is easily disproven by the language – not merely spoken but frequently ejaculated – of younger women.

Despite this, Caitlin Moran seems to be on to something – reclaim, rejoice and recast the use of the word.

We know the vagina is strong and powerful and that males have been in its grip throughout history. That can be turned to a woman's advantage and maybe in the near future been called a cuunt will be nothing more than the highest compliment.
Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 20 July 2012 11:04:01 AM
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God isn't it something when so many people have so little of importance in their lives that they have to indulge in this cr4p.

The word in question becomes a swear word because it was frowned on in polite society. Along with words like "bastard, now often a term of endearment as in "old bastard", "sh1t", & we all do that & "prick". A lot of us have & do not hate them, by the way.

Please folk find something important to worry about, & for gods sake get the clapped out old hasbeens who run our sports out of the way, & let those who actually play the games set the standards.

If you don't like it, don't watch
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 20 July 2012 12:25:13 PM
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Talk about a stretch Jocelynne has taken a subject exclusively relating to men's language of the playing field and translated that to women hatred and misogyny. Has it occurred to you that this has nothing to do with women or the hatred of women. Have you considered the use of the word "pxxxx" the equivalent male anatomy of the women's "cxxx" and used quite openly by both men and women in a derogatory sense at men? One isn't subject to a diatribe of hysteria and an affirmation of the hatred of men by women because of its use.

I suggest that you concentrate your mind on the real substantial issues facing women today in attaining true equality and equal pay and opportunities with man. Your article belittles the very serious discrepancies that still exist between man and woman both on the social level (single woman parentage) and in the business world lack of opportunity and leave mental masturbation to those who have nothing better to do with their time.
Posted by Ulis, Friday, 20 July 2012 12:56:47 PM
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I'm an agnostic freethinker. As such I completely disagree with the notion of banning words. Swearing is commonplace and all the precious little children being protected from these conjugations of sound bytes will grow up to become swearers anyway. Its like the taboo against nakedness. We have long forgotten why it was ever banned in the first place. Swearing should be allowed everywhere including shopping centres and law courts. It would then quickly lose it value as an emphatic shocking insult and become a normal part of everyday language. It practically already is. Its just that the law is as archaic as the senile judges and magistrates administering it.
Posted by Parallel Universes, Friday, 20 July 2012 1:14:47 PM
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I'm confused, is Ms Scutt trying to say that calling someone "Black" is an insult ?
In this context "Black" is a class of person just like "Woman" or "Blind".
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 20 July 2012 2:26:16 PM
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Ahhhhhh. That was riveting.

I'm more concerned about the spider hatred spewed forth when humans use the term Rock Spider.

One of the best lines in any movie is Shaun of the Dead,

'Which one of you cuuunts wants a beer'.

'its use as a swear word when used by males these days seems largely devoid of this connotation.'


Me, Trev, 'Shoulder to Shoulder'!

It's an interesting social phenomena in itself this world the acedemic feminist lives in full of nails and hammers. I really wonder why the plainly obvious fallacy, the outdated-ness of all these social theories and conventional acedemic feminist thought seems immune from revision or any sort of sanity check.

I mean Jocelynne don't you ever sit back an go, "wow, that's a nice theory, love it, it would support my world view wonderfully, but, objectively, does it even ring true at all?"
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 20 July 2012 2:29:09 PM
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"Me, Trev, 'Shoulder to Shoulder'!"

Amen (funny) indeed. Our concern is not paternalism, it's just good manners… Houellebecq manning the barricades, me barricading the men.

Society has got to reduce the consequences of 'stereotype threat' and if that means standing up against outdated concepts of the vagina and what it represents in order to help protect it from allcomers then count us in.

"Stereotype threat describes the experience of “being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype of one’s group” (Steel & Aronson, 1995). This social-psychological phenomenon has been shown to significantly decrease the performance of persons who belong to negatively stereotyped groups.

Stereotype threat is most vividly observed in individuals who identify strongly with the negatively stereotyped social group, who identify with the intellectual domain in which they are being tested and who expect discrimination – perhaps due to past experiences in their personal lives (Steele, Spencer & Aronson, 2002)."

Remember STDs – Stereotype Threat Damages.
Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 20 July 2012 3:34:01 PM
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I love the word "cuunt" (and I'm not indifferent to what it signifies, at least viscerally) and though it's a common idiom among dirty-mouthed little boys and bloke-speak, that doesn't signify and I hope it otherwise remains a taboo-word. The great thing about cuunt, not as an expletive, is it has such power; I've heard it used (by women) to great effect in poetry, for instance, and when used appropriately in polite conversation the effect is arresting! The challenge is coming up with a context in which to couch the word in its full artistic glory. Metaphor would seem to be the easiest device, while metonym only seems applicable to the ladies? In fact I've never heard a woman called a cuunt. Though I, and many men I suspect, have commonly been called "c0ck"--though never by a woman.
I have on many occasions been urgently informed "Ooh, I want your c0ck inside me", on a few occasions with, "inside my cuunt"! I was shocked, and delighted.
Should I object to being metonymically called "c0ck", or to the word being used insensitively during sex? Is that misandry? And what about "c0ckhead" and "d1ckhead"? In my experience invariably applied to men and boys and never girls--though I've often heard girls use the epithet. Is that sexism, misandry?

I agree racial taunts have no place on the sporting field, but to me it was the word black that was offensive and not the word cuunt. I'm only disgusted that the word is used so lightly. It should only be used on rare and special occasions, so I'll now go back to saying "the C word".

P.S goodness me, even "d1ckhead" is deemed a profanity, a good old Aussie idiom.
Posted by Squeers, Friday, 20 July 2012 4:13:37 PM
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I have to admit that it's not a word I use...but I believe I was somewhat traumatised when, at ten years-old, I employed it in retort to a friend during an argument - in front of her mother.
I honestly had no idea at the time that it registered 10 on the NO-NO-ometer. I was verbally flayed alive by her mama's ensuing castigation.

I'm frequently taken aback when women use it on Twitter - perhaps I've got an authentic "hang-up".
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 20 July 2012 5:14:26 PM
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While I sort of get Ms Scutt’s argument that the sportsman was only held accountable for one half of the insult, ‘black c*t’, it hardly stands up as a feminist argument. After all, women routinely use the term ‘pr*k’ as an ultimate insult towards a man.

As for the Michigan House kerfuffle, well, waddya expect from a Republican?

Far from being unmentionable, if anything, the V-word is in danger of being overused. We’ve had the ‘Vagina Monologues’ and Naomi Wolf has now penned ‘Vagina: A New Biography’ (I kid you not). I’m also told there’s a new condition called ‘vagina panic’, about women feeling their ‘down there’ place does not measure up to the waxed-out, airbrushed version of their porn sisters. And the V-word is popping up a lot in all those gen-Y chic-comedies.
Posted by Killarney, Friday, 20 July 2012 5:26:19 PM
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You're such a misogynist Killarney, 93% of users 'Liked' this article. I feel so intimidated I just cant give my opinion, but rest assured I'm part of a silent minority that is being silenced by the likes of you.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 20 July 2012 5:50:27 PM
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An interesting discussion. I certainly hope the prudish old grandmother who moderates this forum is taking note: nobody has yet complained that they find the language in the article or the subsequent posts 'profane'. A lot of them have used 'profanity' themselves.

Apparently the only person in the entire universe who thinks such language 'profane' is the old bag herself. I think it's about time she was put out to pasture and replaced with somebody more in touch with the modern world and its inhabitants.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Friday, 20 July 2012 6:43:12 PM
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Jocelynne was embarrassed about a personal problem and went to her GP.

GP: What's the matter Jocelynne?

Jocelynne: I'm so embarrassed Doctor, everytime I bend over a whistling sound comes from my quim

GP: Well Jocelynne, take off your clothes and bend over.

Jocelynne takes off her clothes and everytime she bends over a whistling noise comes from her pussy.

GP: Jocelynne, I'm stumped; I'll ring a specialist mate.

GP to specialist: have a listen to this and tell me what you think it is.

Specialist, after listening to Jocelynne bend over and whistle from her twat: sounds to me like some cuunt whistling.
Posted by cohenite, Friday, 20 July 2012 7:59:48 PM
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in the context of the article that's hilarious : )
I think it hi-lights the fact that these days men use the term in a similar fashion as "bastard"; generally affectionately. I think Jocelynne has to accept that men are irredeemably vulgar rather than misogynists. According to the OED the word's rather pedestrian, its first known use being a street name (I wouldn't mind living on that street). And then of course it's canonical and very liberally used by Chaucer, though Shakespeare abstained. James Joyce uses it metaphorically as "The grey sunken cuunt of the world", and maybe Jocelynne takes exception to that, but let's face it, aesthetically it's less than a masterpiece and lends itself to such squalid imagery. It's also often been likened to a trap men fall into--not just a woman's clutches, but the very demon of sexuality that makes one "cuunt-struck" (first used 1876). Of course in our 'enlightened' times anything goes and we are assured it's de riguer to 'explore one's sexuality' to the full and pursue the ultimate orgasm--as if there ever could be an ultimate orgasm, or it's worth pursuing. The orgasm is indeed symbolic of the endless pursuit of that which we desire generally. Jouissance lies behind the marvellous success of consumerism. "I sicken with desire, pine for unseen, unknown cuunts" (Henry Miller). Now this perhaps looks like misogyny? But another uncomfortable truth for Jocelynne is men do indeed lust over cuunts, and not necessarily the women they're attached to; just as women are enamoured of chocolate without considering the slave labour that goes into its production. Admittedly this is rather insensitive of men, but again it's not misogyny.
Posted by Squeers, Friday, 20 July 2012 10:00:02 PM
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I was thoroughly disappointed by the article. In fact, having spent the past few weeks marking argumentative essay after argumentative essay, I'd give this one something in the vicinity of a flat C.

The problem is that Ms Scutt spends considerable time giving us a history of recent uses of the 'C' word and almost no time at all supporting her thesis: that it is somehow sexist. I think there are grounds for the 'sexism' argument where the history of usage is concerned, but that is largely irrelevant. Is there a misogynistic intent when a speaker uses the word? Does it reveal any undercurrent of misogyny in the speaker's mindset? I doubt it. I doubt very much that many users of the word intend to do any more than pack a verbal punch when they use it.

I have to say, too, that Squeers hits the nail on the head here. The benefit of social taboos lies in the power of breaking them. Using the 'C' word - especially in polite, poetry-reading company - packs a punch, draws attention and gets the speaker's point across very quickly. To remove such taboos weakens our ability to express ourselves effectively in certain situations.
Posted by Otokonoko, Friday, 20 July 2012 11:08:08 PM
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C.unt is truly a venerable word that goes way back in the Indo-European family, and is probably cognate with many other words alike of a feminine and generative connotation, e.g.
- gen, as, your generate, generation etc, eugene etc.
- kin
- queen
- gyneca - Greek word for woman
- Chaucer's queynte - female sexual organ
- kunica - the first woman in Hindu mythology

It probably has echoes spread throughout the modern languages of the entire family from Western Europe to Myanmar and Lombok in the east.

A pity that the shallow-brained sniveling of Jocelynne Scutt should project her own sex-hating bigotry onto everyone else.
Posted by Peter Hume, Saturday, 21 July 2012 1:31:56 AM
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Great post, Otokonoko,

I don't find it an attractive word at all - and maybe it's the association that irks me, who knows - but it appears to me a brutish word totally devoid of elegance.
There's no doubt it possesses power, and describing it as a "verbal punch" is apt. I wonder how I'd feel if I came across it in a poetic instance? Its carnality seems almost too potent to accord with the words around it.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 21 July 2012 1:46:53 AM
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"What's wrong with misogyny?" After all it's not the C word so much as the misogyny it represents, for Jocelynne, she objects to. Violence is abhorrent and misogyny in males can lead to violence, but that aside; what's wrong with misogyny, intellectually--as critique? Are women above criticism? And why is "misogynist" spat by feminists like an expletive at men, while misandry is practiced by women like the merest banality? Are we not "mere males", constantly found wanting for not possessing the "social skills", or practicing the social "arts" as dexterously as women (who gossip endlessly and maliciously behind backs, mainly about women).
Back to my main critique. There are few things more confounding than a beautiful young woman utterly given over to a vacuous infatuation with the social universe opening up to her, and her place within it. A universe she submits to entirely and uncritically, declaring her mode of easy-interaction with it a verity in itself, and men, ergo, deficient and/or dysfunctional by the same terms. Lost on these refined women is the reality that the whole social dance is a charade (underwritten by Man's marshal propensities and his having secured it). Women then criticise men for not throwing themselves body and soul into the domestic "role" the way they do.
There's a long history in literature of men despising this aspect of women; that having procured security in a dangerous world, they then set about redecorating and indulging every pretence in denying it--denying that which in fact is merely held at bay. I dislike the fluffy fatuousness of women; their retail therapy and airs and graces and sundry illusions (piety, patriotism) they disproportionately wrap themselves up in, when in reality they're as irredeemably bestial as men. I think that's why I've always preferred down to Earth, lusty women to namby-pamby nitwits. I lost my virginity to a senior prostitute because much as I adored the female form I couldn't fathom the "depths" of the idiotic conversation one had to endure to win favour with her. Give me a mature woman any day, unshaven. But there aren't many left.
Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 21 July 2012 6:21:09 AM
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I have always found the use of cuunt by men to be misogynisitc - if they really want to insult another man they think it is best done by likening their target to a piece of female anatomy. An Ex of mine used to express his rage towards his own stuff-ups in terms like 'fuuking shytting cuunt'. In the heat of the moment was the worst think he could think of.
Posted by Candide, Saturday, 21 July 2012 7:52:43 AM
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Great post squeers; don't know about the hair; Brazilians are smooth. You may be interested in "Look Back in Anger" where among many other diatribes Jimmy says:

"Why, why, why, why do we let these women bleed us to death?"

Some would argue that the whole play is one long misogynistic cri de cœur.


"Sticks and stones may break my bones / But cuunts will never hurt me"
Posted by cohenite, Saturday, 21 July 2012 8:49:09 AM
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The difference between misogyny and misandry in a patriarchal culture is that misogyny is seen as normal behaviour among both men and women, whereas misandry is viewed as pathological and subversive.

Also, your grotesque diatribe against women as little more than holes for men’s pleasure on the one hand, and petty ball and chains of domesticity on the other, is nothing new in cultural expression, and is very common in the revered literature of Henry Miller, John Updike, Phillip Roth and many others.

So far, the feminist movement has lifted the centuries old taboo against any form of misandric discussion in the culture, but it still has to struggle to be properly heard in a society that still views men and masculinity as sacred.
Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 21 July 2012 8:58:26 AM
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Cuunt. It registers 10 on the NO-NO-ometer!

It does indeed Poirot. No word is worse in our Australian lingo, and in America and Britain and presumably throughout the English-speaking world.

Yet it is in such common usage, especially among the rougher sectors…. and in our schools and generally amongst the under-aged cohort.

The thing that concerns me most about the use of words like this is our totally confused attitude: Common and totally acceptable in some circumstances and absolute taboo in others.

And no, it’s use is not misogynistic, it is generally used as a strong expletive to indicate frustration, anger or insult, in a manner that is not at all derogatory to women.

It is well and truly time that we freed up and just allowed all of these taboo words to be used across the board.

What we need is safeguards against defamation and abjectly unfounded insults. Where swear words can be used in ways other than these, then they should be allowed…everywhere.

That would eliminate one (of our many) totally unnecessary hangup.

And of course, when these words come into mainstreamly acceptable use, they will lose their punch…. as has happened with bastard, bugger, bloody, etc, etc.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 21 July 2012 9:14:05 AM
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This thread is spawning some interesting comments. Good one, Squeers.

Vacuousness in either gender is a turn off, in my opinion.
I've always thought a "contrast" was arousing. When I was young I once went out with an overtly sexy "experienced" man who turned out to be a wet blanket. Conversely, at another stage of my life, I had a fling with a quiet well-mannered accountant (who actually owned books on etiquette!). I'd only seen him cloaked in suit and tie and he turned out to be a gentle Adonis underneath - an extremely erotic experience.

I do agree that it's all a social dance and charade. Our libidos are never far from the surface. We're all a bit precious, in fact.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 21 July 2012 9:17:56 AM
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Killarney; you did not understand Squeers post; he said that women expect men to be men but similtaneously spend their life emasculating men. Poor buggars, how is that fair?

Anyway, time for another cuunt story.

Old codger was in the public bar when a young spiv came in.

Spiv to barmaid: Tickle me arse with a feather.

Barmaid angrily: What did you say?!

Spiv: Typically nasty weather.

Old codger thinks this is great and goes into the Ladies Lounge.

Old codger to barmaid: Tickle me arse with a feather.

Barmaid angrily: What did you say?!

Old codger: Cuunt of a day.
Posted by cohenite, Saturday, 21 July 2012 9:22:44 AM
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that's nonsense, indeed back to front. The pc police are trying to censor anything remotely, or by inference, derogatory of women while they remain at liberty to be as scathing as they like of men--witness Jocelynne's last few articles, utterly partisan and unreflective in their victim feminism.
"your grotesque diatribe against women as little more than holes for men’s pleasure on the one hand..."; I lament the fact, m'dear, that our ideals are thus offended, but such is our overarching biological imperative, as is woman's for the c0ck, the rest is window dressing. "...and petty ball and chains of domesticity on the other". Well men don't drag women off to wage war or build pyramids, why must we be slave to their inanities? The fact that we endure the white picket fence mentality is concession enough; I will not willingly submit to more credulousness than that.
"So far, the feminist movement has lifted the centuries old taboo against any form of misandric discussion in the culture, but it still has to struggle to be properly heard in a society that still views men and masculinity as sacred".
Good grief what tripe! Men sacred? Reformist feminists are an affront to genuine feminism, indeed they are patriarchal! looking merely to reform the patriarchal structure according politically correct dictums, to feminise and infiltrate hierarchy along gender lines yet maintain the inequity that remains in terms of class and exploitation. Such feminists are merely men with c--ts, possessed of the same ruthless will to power.
War is rape and pillage, whatever the pretext, and women are perennially as guilty as men in their support of the war effort, and in their will-full denial of what really goes on.
The gender distinction's a crock and our institutional lies are maintained 50/50.
Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 21 July 2012 9:49:26 AM
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Claims of males thinking of "…women as little more than holes for men’s pleasure on the one hand..." are easily countered with jokes like, "What's the useless bit of skin on the end of a penis?"

"A man."

And what is it with prepositions? People are either coming across or going down or getting one in – it's so confusing I don't know which way to turn. Why is it always a cock up? What's wrong with a cock down?

That's why genuine feminists – like myself – are automatically misanthropes. We dislike all people equally and so are equally fair to everyone.

(Though I dislike them less if they're someone really good-looking and who 'puts it out a bit' in my direction)
Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 21 July 2012 10:35:26 AM
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Just on your pertinent point about "window dressing". Perhaps the whole of life really is just preparation for and enactment of one long drawn out mating dance. While I believe you are spot-on that women go to extraordinary lengths to enhance themselves to attract and keep a mate. It's also true that men go to the same lengths to provide and decorate their contribution to the dance - the security and prestige they offer a mate in the form of shelter. There's little difference between Max Factor and places like Bunnings in the scheme of things in the Western world.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 22 July 2012 11:10:56 AM
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Have you noticed that any attempt to intellectualize sex always ends up in a dead end or a dry gulch?

Let's face it, humans are little more than over-sexed, violent, greedy apes who wear clothes in a vain attempt to hide their primitive, primate foundations.

If humans adopted universal nakedness, much would be revealed! There would be far more grunting and far less pseudo-intellectual waffle.
Posted by David G, Sunday, 22 July 2012 11:38:20 AM
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I wouldn't have picked you for a misanthrope, but a feminist certainly, as am I. Unlike Jocelynne and co(-opted), I'm a radical feminist.

I'll have to get back to you on that soon as I can.
Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 22 July 2012 9:06:50 PM
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Actuuallly, Squeers, I'm thinking that men are often cajoled by their women to "attend" to the upkeep or renovate, etc. But I'm wondering if their compliance is more to them than merely a way to ward off nagging. Men are adept at creating and building. Does it satisfy some innate vanity or is it the best way to keep a mate?

Is it any different to a woman refurbishing herself and her wardrobe, for example? If a woman becomes slovenly in appearance or doesn't attend to the aesthetics of the house, her mate is likely to look elsewhere. If a man decides not to play the game - fails to provide security, upkeep or renovation, then he might risk his mate looking to greener pastures.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 22 July 2012 9:36:27 PM
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You may not have picked it because of my amateur status since I just don't think I'm very good at it so far, but as a means of treating males and females equally, Squeers, misanthropy is a good start.

Though I do find it helpful that, in their commentary on OLO, some posters are making my attempts at disliking people very much easier.
Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 22 July 2012 10:55:50 PM
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I knew there was a reason I liked you. I'm a part-time misanthropist myself. People are rather trying sometimes.

I remember after reading "Ring of Bright Water", I fancied moving to Scotland and living amongst the alders and heather with no-one around for miles. That scenario sat quite happily at the back of my mind for yonks. (but I am a bit of a day-dreamer : )


"...I'm a radical feminist."

Okay, what's your platform?
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 22 July 2012 11:32:49 PM
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Squeers I think you just elucidated why I hate those Dusk candle shops and Tarot. It's probably more a symptom of my innate hatred of women but I reckon I just cant stand flakes. I used to abort any advance on a girl no matter how beautiful if she ever mentioned Star signs or drank cocktails. Or had an American accent. Personal rules. If she drank beer or played pool without giggling and pretending to be worse than she was, had opinions and could disarm my charm and resist my cheeky grin I was in love.

'War is rape and pillage, whatever the pretext, and women are perennially as guilty as men in their support of the war effort, and in their will-full denial of what really goes on.'

Everyone knows if women had been running things since the year dot there would never have been any war. It's one of the central tenets of feminism.

If you take a woman and a man, neither wielders of political or corporate power, both shite kickers in the general scheme of things, the woman is an innocent and the man, via his gender, holds all sorts of responsibility for the state of the world.

Poirot make that three I hate people. I like some individuals but people in general I cant stand. I used to envy obi wan roaming around the desert on his own, free from the chattering small talking hordes.

'Does it satisfy some innate vanity or is it the best way to keep a mate?'

I think it's a convenient excuse for solitude for most. Beats shopping for candles and throw cushions.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 23 July 2012 8:53:52 AM
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What is it about scatter cushions....they're everywhere? I even gave way myself recently. although I've had ordinary cushions on the couch always, but I saw this graphically understated, over-sized cushion with a print in Latin about some obscure Italian opera - and I put it on lay-by! (which made me feel better because I knew it was such a frivolous purchase)...I mean, I just "had" to have it.

I'm an Aquarius, by the way - but as mitigation, I like a beer : )
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 23 July 2012 9:19:56 AM
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It's all because we've got two brain hemispheres…

Have you noticed that just about everything to do with people can be explained dichotomously?

Despite being a communal species, the only way of guaranteeing happiness is when we take delight in the comfort of our own company – doing whatever we wish to that gives us pleasure and whenever we wish it.

Tensions occur both domestically and societally when other people get in the way.

When having a guaranteed route to happiness requires other people – and they cooperate – all is well and good.

When they don't. It isn't.

And when it isn't something has to cushion the blow - be it scattered or thrown.

That's why domestically one partner might require the solitude of the garden shed and the other the distraction of the shopping mall – or vice versa.

"...It's one of the central tenets of feminism." No. I don't think so, since real feminists of both genders are too busy just getting on with life – such as being mothers to their children – and making life as successful an experience as possible.

It is though one of the central tenets of professional feminism.
Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 23 July 2012 10:05:02 AM
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Right, so Ms Poirot is a misanthrope and wants to wonder the heather; Houellebecq hates everyone especially women and channels Obi Wan. Trevor would be happy just to get away from it all in his garden shed.

What a bunch of misery guts; compulsory reading, Jude the Obscure and then tattoo on your silly foreheads: "Done because we are too menny".
Posted by cohenite, Monday, 23 July 2012 12:00:36 PM
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But, Anthony, I'd only go to live in Scotland if I knew Houellie and WmTrevor were safely ensconced over the hill in a neighbouring valley because I'd need the security of knowing intelligent men weren't too far away (and I might need the odd light-bulb changed) I would, of course, take a transcript of your OLO mutterings to remind me why I left in the first place.

Miss Ann Thrope
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 23 July 2012 12:53:50 PM
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Why always such a downer; did you not get enough of the tit as a baby, or may it be an innate paranoia that leads you to distrust and disregard all possibility outside your narrow frame of reference, and which gives you such an unerring ability to determine all issues with complete confidence in the blink of an eye, and on the least consideration of potential evidence to the contrary?

It must be lonely in that concrete cocoon of ultimate certainty.

(Liked your jokes though - but I think the line in the second was 'particular nasty weather'. Heard the one about the two pickled onions, or acute angina? Oldies but goodies.)

On topic: It's a pity the true spirit of the 60's has been so distorted by sexual and personal liberation run rampant in our truly overly-decadent society. "You got to love one another right now" is now a mere figment of its former self, and almost totally unrecognizable in current practice.

There was a time when men could curse one another in the spirit of the moment, on or off the footie field, with impunity - 'sticks and stones' - as a valid alternative to coming to blows over minor disagreements. It seems we are now too precious, or too in touch with our feminine side perhaps, and certainly too influenced by the PC police.

Women in the front lines, in harms way, has finally emasculated true masculinity, and men have become mere vassals, no longer gods of destiny or captains of industry or kings of grass castles and protectors of the weak. The new view of equality has torn the heart out of what it means to be man and woman, and we are now straight or gay, bi, lesbian, or outright confused in our play-acting role reversal ridiculousness. 'Real women' never used to get pissed and have punch-ups, did they!

Men may be 'C's (or not), but this does not have to reduce women's femininity - does it? Vale la difference.
Posted by Saltpetre, Monday, 23 July 2012 1:35:54 PM
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"Why always such a downer; did you not get enough of the tit as a baby" etc, etc.

This is what I mean; a bloke can't go on a blog and call a spade a spade and bulls..t bulls..t without having his emotional and psychological orientation and health questioned. It's all Ophra and chat show pop garbage.

Anyway, I'm fine thank you.
Posted by cohenite, Monday, 23 July 2012 1:46:49 PM
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it's gonna look a bit lame if I now claim to be a misanthrope too, but yep, count me in. And yet I think misanthropy is a perk, a luxury and a conceit that's just not available in poor countries where community is still the first line of defence against danger, the elements, and want. Misanthropy is also, logically, self-loathing and I doubt our we're quite as jaundiced in that regard. So I'm a misanthrope only in general terms--of the predictable and despicable behaviour of humanity en masse. I have no trouble despising some individuals, and yet it's as individuals we're most defensible, ironically because as individuals we're most self-deluded--persuaded by our own self-validating rationalisations.
I'm a radical feminist, Poirot (or whatever mode of identity-politics you like) in that I'm not looking to be appeased, or to improve my lot within the current dispensation. I don't want to be patronised with nonsense about a level playing-field, or indifferent cultural reforms designed to mollify--like gay law-reform, which capitalist government couldn't give a stuff about, yet draws kudos from in its "agonising", only serves to validate "the law". The same law that's predicated on fundamental inequities, exploitation, alienation and social/cultural degradation. So the same old tune I'm afraid. I won't be co-opted.
As is implicit in your comments, there's no meaningful gender-difference, all is subsumed under commodification. Humanity en masse.
I came up with the white picket fence mentality for my first wife and I think that was the source of all our conflict; I just couldn't bare it and rebelled, and she reacted.
Well I avoided the C-word this time, though the word capitalism offends me far more than c--t.
Posted by Squeers, Monday, 23 July 2012 6:48:48 PM
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Who when kicking their toe hasn’t uttered some pretty profane words in the heat and pain of the moment. This kind of letting off steam comment should be ignored in a rough highly charged emotional game like football, indeed it should be expected.

I’m sure the boys black and white would all have a beer together as friendly as can be when the game is over.

Please people lighten up
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 23 July 2012 8:41:53 PM
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My main complaint about women is that in their foolishness they have stolen from me a way I could pay them a compliment.

As a young bloke in the late 50s, in the navy, every second word on board was a swear word. When ashore in more genteel society, this could not be tempered, it had to be turned off completely, or allowed to continue full blooded.

I was shocked when the rather up market sister of a girlfriend calmly suggested, "sh1t, we need to get some organisation around here", when preparing for a bar b que. Back then we would never consider using such a word in the presence of a lady.

As cussing became more popular with sophisticated ladies we were in a difficult position. We started to look like prudes, with our careful language when in mixed company. That would never do, so we let rip along with the ladies.

In fact it was not long before we listened to the admirals daughter, rather than a seaman, when we wished to increase our cussing vocabular**

A pity really. It was a nice way of offering our respect. So ladies you could still be getting that respect, if you weren't such dumb cuunts.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 23 July 2012 9:45:36 PM
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